Scientific Name
| Common Name | NSW Status |
Commonweath Status
Acacia bakeri | Marblewood | Vulnerable | |
Acacia bynoeana | Bynoe's Wattle | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Acacia chrysotricha | Newry Golden Wattle | Endangered | |
Acacia clunies-rossiae | Kanangra Wattle | Vulnerable | |
Acacia courtii | North Brother Wattle | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Acacia dangarensis | Acacia dangarensis | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Acacia flocktoniae | Flockton Wattle | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Acacia georgensis | Bega Wattle | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Acacia macnuttiana | MacNutt's Wattle | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Acacia prominens - endangered population | Gosford Wattle, Hurstville and Kogarah Local Government Areas | Endangered Population | |
Acacia pubescens | Downy Wattle | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Acacia ruppii | Rupp's Wattle | Endangered | Endangered |
Acacia terminalis subsp. Eastern Sydney | Sunshine wattle | Endangered | Endangered |
Acalypha eremorum | Acalypha | Endangered | |
Acronychia littoralis | Scented Acronychia | Endangered | Endangered |
Acrophyllum australe | Acrophyllum australe | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Adelotus brevis - endangered population | Tusked Frog population in the Nandewar and New England Tableland Bioregions | Endangered Population | |
Aepyprymnus rufescens | Rufous Bettong | Vulnerable | |
Amaurornis moluccana | Pale-vented Bush-hen | Vulnerable | |
Ammobium craspedioides | Yass Daisy | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Ancistrachne maidenii | Ancistrachne maidenii | | |
Angophora inopina | Charmhaven Apple | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Angophora robur | Sandstone Rough-barked Apple | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Antechinus arktos | Black-tailed Antechinus | Endangered | Endangered |
Anthochaera phrygia | Regent Honeyeater | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Aphelocephala leucopsis | Southern Whiteface | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Ardeotis australis | Australian Bustard | Endangered | |
Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus | Dusky Woodswallow | Vulnerable | |
Arthraxon hispidus | Hairy Jointgrass | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Asperula asthenes | Trailing Woodruff | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Assa darlingtoni | Pouched Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Asterolasia beckersii | Dungowan Starbush | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Asterolasia elegans | Asterolasia elegans | Endangered | Endangered |
Astrotricha cordata | Heart-leaved Star Hair | Endangered | |
Astrotricha crassifolia | Thick-leaf Star-hair | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Atrichornis rufescens | Rufous Scrub-bird | Vulnerable | Endangered |
Baloskion longipes | Dense Cord-rush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Banksia conferta | Banksia conferta | Critically Endangered | |
Belvisia mucronata | Needle-leaf Fern | Endangered | |
Bertya sp. (Chambigne NR, M. Fatemi 24) | Chambigne Bertya | Endangered | |
Bertya sp. (Clouds Creek, M. Fatemi 4) | Bertya sp. (Clouds Creek, M. Fatemi 4) | Endangered | |
Blue Mountains Shale Cap Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Blue Mountains Shale Cap Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Boronia hapalophylla | Shannon Creek Boronia | | |
Boronia umbellata | Orara Boronia | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Bosistoa transversa | Yellow Satinheart | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Bossiaea bombayensis | Bombay Bossiaea | Critically Endangered | |
Bothriochloa biloba | Lobed Bluegrass | | |
Burhinus grallarius | Bush Stone-curlew | Endangered | |
Cacophis harriettae | White-crowned Snake | Vulnerable | |
Caesia parviflora var. minor | Small Pale Grass-lily | Endangered | |
Caladenia concolor | Crimson Spider Orchid | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Caladenia montana | Caladenia montana | Vulnerable | |
Caladenia porphyrea | Caladenia porphyrea | | |
Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Callistemon linearifolius | Netted Bottle Brush | Vulnerable | |
Callistemon pungens | Callistemon pungens | | Vulnerable |
Callitris baileyi | Bailey's Cypress Pine | Endangered | |
Callitris oblonga subsp. parva | Callitris oblonga subsp. parva | Critically Endangered | |
Callocephalon fimbriatum | Gang-gang Cockatoo | Endangered | Endangered |
Calotis glandulosa | Mauve Burr-daisy | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Calyptorhynchus banksii banksii | Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (coastal subspecies) | Critically Endangered | |
Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami | South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Cassia marksiana | Cassia marksiana | Endangered | |
Cassinia heleniae | Cassinia heleniae | Endangered | Endangered |
Cercartetus nanus | Eastern Pygmy-possum | Vulnerable | |
Chalinolobus dwyeri | Large-eared Pied Bat | Endangered | Endangered |
Chalinolobus nigrogriseus | Hoary Wattled Bat | Vulnerable | |
Chiloglottis anaticeps | Bird Orchid | Endangered | Endangered |
Chiloglottis platyptera | Barrington Tops Ant Orchid | | |
Chthonicola sagittata | Speckled Warbler | Vulnerable | |
Circus assimilis | Spotted Harrier | Vulnerable | |
Climacteris picumnus victoriae | Brown Treecreeper (eastern subspecies) | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Coeranoscincus reticulatus | Three-toed Snake-tooth Skink | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Commersonia procumbens | Commersonia procumbens | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Commersonia prostrata | Dwarf Kerrawang | Endangered | Endangered |
Coracina lineata | Barred Cuckoo-shrike | Vulnerable | |
Corchorus cunninghamii | Native Jute | Endangered | Endangered |
Corokia whiteana | Corokia | Endangered | Endangered |
Correa baeuerlenii | Chef's Cap Correa | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Correa lawrenceana var. genoensis | Genoa River Correa | Endangered | Endangered |
Corybas dowlingii | Red Helmet Orchid | Endangered | |
Crinia sloanei | Sloane's Froglet | Endangered | Endangered |
Crinia tinnula | Wallum Froglet | Vulnerable | |
Cryptostylis hunteriana | Leafless Tongue Orchid | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni | Coxen's Fig-Parrot | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Cymbidium canaliculatum - endangered population | Cymbidium canaliculatum population in the Hunter Catchment | Endangered Population | |
Cynanchum elegans | White-flowered Wax Plant | Endangered | Endangered |
Cyperus aquatilis | Water Nutgrass | Endangered | |
Cyperus semifertilis | Missionary Nutgrass | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Daphnandra johnsonii | Illawarra Socketwood | Endangered | Endangered |
Daphoenositta chrysoptera | Varied Sittella | Vulnerable | |
Darwinia glaucophylla | Darwinia glaucophylla | Vulnerable | |
Darwinia peduncularis | Darwinia peduncularis | Vulnerable | |
Dasyornis brachypterus | Eastern Bristlebird | Endangered | Endangered |
Dasyurus maculatus | Spotted-tailed Quoll | Vulnerable | Endangered |
Davidsonia jerseyana | Davidson's Plum | Endangered | Endangered |
Davidsonia johnsonii | Smooth Davidson's Plum | Endangered | Endangered |
Dendrobium melaleucaphilum | Spider orchid | Endangered | |
Dendrocnide moroides | Gympie Stinger | Endangered | |
Dillwynia glaucula | Michelago Parrot-pea | Endangered | |
Discaria nitida | Leafy Anchor Plant | Vulnerable | |
Diuris aequalis | Buttercup Doubletail | Endangered | Endangered |
Diuris arenaria | Sand Doubletail | Endangered | |
Diuris disposita | Willawarrin Doubletail | Endangered | |
Diuris eborensis | Diuris eborensis | Endangered | Endangered |
Diuris flavescens | Pale Yellow Doubletail | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Diuris pedunculata | Small Snake Orchid | Endangered | Endangered |
Diuris praecox | Rough Doubletail | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Diuris venosa | Veined Doubletail | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Doryanthes palmeri | Giant Spear Lily | Vulnerable | |
Dracophyllum macranthum | Dracophyllum macranthum | | |
Dromaius novaehollandiae - endangered population | Emu population in the New South Wales North Coast Bioregion and Port Stephens local government area | Endangered Population | |
Drynaria rigidula | Basket Fern | Endangered | |
Duffys Forest Ecological Community in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Duffys Forest Ecological Community in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Endiandra hayesii | Rusty Rose Walnut | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Endiandra muelleri subsp. bracteata | Green-leaved Rose Walnut | Endangered | |
Epacris gnidioides | Budawangs Cliff-heath | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Epacris purpurascens var. purpurascens | Epacris purpurascens var. purpurascens | Vulnerable | |
Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus | Black-necked Stork | Endangered | |
Epthianura albifrons | White-fronted Chat | Vulnerable | |
Erythrotriorchis radiatus | Red Goshawk | Endangered | Endangered |
Esacus magnirostris | Beach Stone-curlew | Critically Endangered | |
Eucalyptus aggregata | Black Gum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus aggregata - endangered population | Eucalyptus aggregata population in the Wingecaribee local government area | Endangered Population | |
Eucalyptus aquatica | Broad-leaved Sally | Vulnerable | Critically Endangered |
Eucalyptus camfieldii | Camfield's Stringybark | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus cannonii | Capertee Stringybark | Vulnerable | |
Eucalyptus canobolensis | Silver-Leaf Candlebark | Endangered | Endangered |
Eucalyptus glaucina | Slaty Red Gum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus imlayensis | Imlay Mallee | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Eucalyptus kartzoffiana | Araluen Gum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus langleyi | Albatross Mallee | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus langleyi - endangered population | Eucalyptus langleyi population north of the Shoalhaven River in the Shoalhaven local government area | Endangered Population | |
Eucalyptus largeana | Craven Grey Box | Endangered | Endangered |
Eucalyptus macarthurii | Paddys River Box, Camden Woollybutt | Endangered | Endangered |
Eucalyptus magnificata | Northern Blue Box | Endangered | |
Eucalyptus nicholii | Narrow-leaved Black Peppermint | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus oblonga - endangered population | Eucalyptus oblonga population at Bateau Bay, Forresters Beach and Tumbi Umbi in the Wyong local government area | Endangered Population | |
Eucalyptus oresbia | Small-fruited Mountain Gum | Vulnerable | |
Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens | Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus parvula | Small-leaved Gum | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus pulverulenta | Silver-leafed Gum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus pumila | Pokolbin Mallee | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus robertsonii subsp. hemisphaerica | Robertson's Peppermint | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus rubida subsp. barbigerorum | Blackbutt Candlebark | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus saxicola | Mt Canobolas Box | | |
Eucalyptus seeana - endangered population | Eucalyptus seeana population in the Greater Taree local government area | Endangered Population | |
Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek | Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek | | |
Eucalyptus tetrapleura | Square-fruited Ironbark | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Euphrasia arguta | Euphrasia arguta | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Euphrasia ciliolata | Polblue Eyebright | Vulnerable | |
Falsistrellus tasmaniensis | Eastern False Pipistrelle | Vulnerable | |
Galium australe | Tangled Bedstraw | Endangered | |
Gaultheria viridicarpa | Green Waxberry | Endangered | Endangered |
Genoplesium baueri | Bauer's Midge Orchid | Endangered | Endangered |
Genoplesium vernale | East Lynne Midge Orchid | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Gentiana wingecarribiensis | Wingecarribee Gentian | Critically Endangered | Endangered |
Geodorum densiflorum | Pink Nodding Orchid | Endangered | |
Gingidia rupicola | Gingidia rupicola | Endangered | Endangered |
Glossopsitta porphyrocephala | Purple-crowned Lorikeet | Vulnerable | |
Glossopsitta pusilla | Little Lorikeet | Vulnerable | |
Goodenia macbarronii | Narrow Goodenia | | |
Grammitis stenophylla | Narrow-leaf Finger Fern | Endangered | |
Grantiella picta | Painted Honeyeater | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea banyabba | Banyabba Grevillea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea beadleana | Beadle's Grevillea | Endangered | Endangered |
Grevillea caleyi | Caley's Grevillea | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Grevillea evansiana | Evans Grevillea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea guthrieana | Guthrie's Grevillea | Endangered | Endangered |
Grevillea mollis | Soft Grevillea | Endangered | Endangered |
Grevillea parviflora subsp. parviflora | Small-flower Grevillea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea quadricauda | Four-tailed Grevillea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea raybrownii | Grevillea raybrownii | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea renwickiana | Nerriga Grevillea | Endangered | |
Grevillea shiressii | Grevillea shiressii | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grey box-grey gum wet forest of subtropical eastern Australia | Grey box-grey gum wet forest of subtropical eastern Australia | | Endangered |
Grey Box-Grey Gum Wet Sclerophyll Forest in the NSW North Coast Bioregion | Grey Box-Grey Gum Wet Sclerophyll Forest in the NSW North Coast Bioregion | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Gyrostemon thesioides | Gyrostemon thesioides | Endangered | |
Hakea archaeoides | Big Nellie Hakea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Haliaeetus leucogaster | White-bellied Sea-Eagle | Vulnerable | |
Haloragis exalata subsp. exalata | Square Raspwort | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina | Tall Velvet Sea-berry | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Haloragodendron lucasii | Haloragodendron lucasii | Endangered | Endangered |
Hamirostra melanosternon | Black-breasted Buzzard | Vulnerable | |
Harnieria hygrophiloides | Native Justicia | Endangered | |
Heleioporus australiacus | Giant Burrowing Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Hibbertia circinata | Connie's Guinea Flower | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Hibbertia hexandra | Tree Guinea Flower | Endangered | |
Hibbertia marginata | Bordered Guinea Flower | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Hibbertia puberula | Hibbertia puberula | Endangered | |
Hibbertia spanantha | Julian's Hibbertia | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Hibbertia stricta subsp. furcatula | Hibbertia stricta subsp. furcatula | Endangered | |
Hibbertia superans | Hibbertia superans | Endangered | |
Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia | Red Boppel Nut | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Hieraaetus morphnoides | Little Eagle | Vulnerable | |
Hirundapus caudacutus | White-throated Needletail | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Hoplocephalus bitorquatus | Pale-headed Snake | Vulnerable | |
Hoplocephalus bungaroides | Broad-headed Snake | Endangered | Endangered |
Hoplocephalus stephensii | Stephens' Banded Snake | Vulnerable | |
Irenepharsus magicus | Elusive Cress | Endangered | |
Irenepharsus trypherus | Illawarra Irene | Endangered | Endangered |
Isoglossa eranthemoides | Isoglossa | Endangered | Endangered |
Isoodon obesulus obesulus | Southern Brown Bandicoot (eastern) | Endangered | Endangered |
Ixobrychus flavicollis | Black Bittern | Vulnerable | |
Kardomia prominens | Kardomia prominens | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Kardomia silvestris | Woodland Babingtonia | Endangered | |
Kennedia retrorsa | Kennedia retrorsa | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Keyacris scurra | Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper | Endangered | Endangered |
Lasiopetalum joyceae | Lasiopetalum joyceae | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Lasiopetalum longistamineum | Lasiopetalum longistamineum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Lathamus discolor | Swift Parrot | Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. fractum | Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. fractum | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Lepiderema pulchella | Fine-leaved Tuckeroo | Vulnerable | |
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor | Hoary Sunray | Endangered | Endangered |
Leucopogon exolasius | Woronora Beard-heath | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. fletcheri | Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. fletcheri | Endangered | |
Lichenostomus fasciogularis | Mangrove Honeyeater | Vulnerable | |
Limicola falcinellus | Broad-billed Sandpiper | Vulnerable | |
Lindernia alsinoides | Noah's False Chickweed | Endangered | |
Lindsaea fraseri | Fraser's Screw Fern | Endangered | |
Lindsaea incisa | Slender Screw Fern | Endangered | |
Litoria aurea | Green and Golden Bell Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Litoria booroolongensis | Booroolong Frog | Endangered | Endangered |
Litoria brevipalmata | Green-thighed Frog | Vulnerable | |
Litoria castanea | Yellow-spotted Tree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Litoria daviesae | Davies' Tree Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Litoria littlejohni | Littlejohn's Tree Frog | Endangered | Endangered |
Litoria piperata | Peppered Tree Frog | Critically Endangered | Vulnerable |
Litoria raniformis | Southern Bell Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Litoria spenceri | Spotted Tree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Litoria subglandulosa | Glandular Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Litoria verreauxii alpina | Alpine Tree Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Litoria watsoni | Watson's Tree Frog | Endangered | Endangered |
Lophoictinia isura | Square-tailed Kite | Vulnerable | |
Macadamia tetraphylla | Rough-shelled Bush Nut | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Macropus dorsalis | Black-striped Wallaby | Endangered | |
Macrozamia johnsonii | Johnson's Cycad | Endangered | Endangered |
Marsdenia longiloba | Slender Marsdenia | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Marsdenia viridiflora subsp. viridiflora - endangered population | Marsdenia viridiflora R. Br. subsp. viridiflora population in the Bankstown, Blacktown, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Holroyd, Liverpool and Penrith local government areas | Endangered Population | |
Mastacomys fuscus mordicus | Broad-toothed Rat | Endangered | Endangered |
Melaleuca biconvexa | Biconvex Paperbark | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Melaleuca groveana | Grove's Paperbark | Vulnerable | |
Melanodryas cucullata cucullata | South-eastern Hooded Robin | Endangered | Endangered |
Melichrus gibberagee | Narrow-leaf Melichrus | Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Melichrus hirsutus | Hairy Melichrus | Endangered | Endangered |
Melithreptus gularis gularis | Black-chinned Honeyeater (eastern subspecies) | Vulnerable | |
Menura alberti | Albert's Lyrebird | Vulnerable | |
Meridolum corneovirens | Cumberland Plain Land Snail | Endangered | |
Micromyrtus blakelyi | Micromyrtus blakelyi | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Micronomus norfolkensis | Eastern Coastal Free-tailed Bat | Vulnerable | |
Microtis angusii | Angus's Onion Orchid | Endangered | Endangered |
Miniopterus australis | Little Bent-winged Bat | Vulnerable | |
Miniopterus orianae oceanensis | Large Bent-winged Bat | Vulnerable | |
Mitrasacme pygmaea | Pygmy Bishop's Hat | Endangered | |
Mixophyes balbus | Stuttering Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Mixophyes fleayi | Fleay's Barred Frog | Endangered | Endangered |
Mixophyes iteratus | Giant Barred Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Monaro Tableland Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion | Monaro Tableland Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion | Critically Endangered Ecological Community | |
Monotoca rotundifolia | Trailing Monotoca | Endangered | Endangered |
Mount Kaputar high elevation and dry rainforest land snail and slug community in the Nandewar and Brigalow Belt South Bioregions | Mount Kaputar high elevation and dry rainforest land snail and slug community in the Nandewar and Brigalow Belt South Bioregions | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Mount Kaputar land snail and slug community | Mount Kaputar land snail and slug community | | Endangered |
Mt Canobolas Xanthoparmelia Lichen Community | Mt Canobolas Xanthoparmelia Lichen Community | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Muehlenbeckia sp. Mt Norman | Scrambling Lignum | Vulnerable | |
Myotis macropus | Southern Myotis | Vulnerable | |
Myrsine richmondensis | Ripple-leaf Muttonwood | Endangered | Endangered |
Myuchelys georgesi | Bellinger River Snapping Turtle | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Nematolepis rhytidophylla | Nalbaugh Nematolepis | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Neoastelia spectabilis | Silver Sword Lily | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Neophema pulchella | Turquoise Parrot | Vulnerable | |
Nettapus coromandelianus | Cotton Pygmy-Goose | Endangered | |
New England Peppermint (Eucalyptus nova-anglica) Woodland on Basalts and Sediments in the New England Tableland Bioregion | New England Peppermint (Eucalyptus nova-anglica) Woodland on Basalts and Sediments in the New England Tableland Bioregion | Critically Endangered Ecological Community | |
Niemeyera whitei | Rusty Plum, Plum Boxwood | Vulnerable | |
Ninox connivens | Barking Owl | Vulnerable | |
Ninox strenua | Powerful Owl | Vulnerable | |
Notamacropus parma | Parma Wallaby | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Nurus atlas | Atlas Rainforest Ground-beetle | Critically Endangered | |
Nurus brevis | Shorter Rainforest Ground-beetle | Vulnerable | |
Nyctimene robinsoni | Eastern Tube-nosed Bat | Vulnerable | |
Nyctophilus bifax | Eastern Long-eared Bat | Vulnerable | |
Nyctophilus corbeni | Corben's Long-eared Bat | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
O’Hares Creek Shale Forest | O’Hares Creek Shale Forest | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Oberonia titania | Red-flowered King of the Fairies | Vulnerable | |
Ochrosia moorei | Southern Ochrosia | Endangered | Endangered |
Ocybadistes knightorum | Black Grass-dart Butterfly | Endangered | |
Olearia cordata | Olearia cordata | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Olearia flocktoniae | Dorrigo Daisy Bush | Endangered | Endangered |
Owenia cepiodora | Onion Cedar | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Ozimops lumsdenae | Northern Free-tailed Bat | Vulnerable | |
Ozothamnus vagans | Wollumbin Dogwood | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Pachycephala olivacea | Olive Whistler | Vulnerable | |
Pandion cristatus | Eastern Osprey | Vulnerable | |
Paralucia spinifera | Purple Copper Butterfly, Bathurst Copper Butterfly | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Parsonsia dorrigoensis | Milky Silkpod | Vulnerable | Endangered |
Paspalidium grandispiculatum | Paspalidium grandispiculatum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Perameles nasuta - endangered population | Long-nosed Bandicoot population in inner western Sydney | Endangered Population | |
Persoonia acerosa | Needle Geebung | Vulnerable | Endangered |
Persoonia glaucescens | Mittagong Geebung | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Persoonia hindii | Persoonia hindii | Endangered | Endangered |
Persoonia hirsuta | Hairy Geebung | Endangered | Endangered |
Persoonia marginata | Clandulla Geebung | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Petalura litorea | Coastal Petaltail | Endangered | |
Petauroides volans | Southern Greater Glider | Endangered | Endangered |
Petaurus australis | Yellow-bellied Glider | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Petaurus australis - endangered population | Yellow-bellied Glider population on the Bago Plateau | Endangered Population | |
Petaurus norfolcensis | Squirrel Glider | Vulnerable | |
Petaurus norfolcensis - endangered population | Squirrel Glider in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area | Endangered Population | |
Petaurus norfolcensis - endangered population | Squirrel Glider on Barrenjoey Peninsula, north of Bushrangers Hill | Endangered Population | |
Petrogale penicillata | Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Petroica boodang | Scarlet Robin | Vulnerable | |
Petroica phoenicea | Flame Robin | Vulnerable | |
Petroica rodinogaster | Pink Robin | Vulnerable | |
Phascogale tapoatafa | Brush-tailed Phascogale | Vulnerable | |
Phascolarctos cinereus | Koala | Endangered | Endangered |
Philoria kundagungan | Mountain Frog | Endangered | Endangered |
Philoria loveridgei | Loveridge's Frog | Endangered | |
Philoria pughi | Philoria pughi | Endangered | |
Philoria richmondensis | Philoria richmondensis | Endangered | Endangered |
Philoria sphagnicolus | Sphagnum Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Philotheca obovatifolia | Philotheca obovatifolia | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Phoniscus papuensis | Golden-tipped Bat | Vulnerable | |
Phyllanthus microcladus | Brush Sauropus | Endangered | |
Phyllodes imperialis southern subspecies | Southern Pink Underwing Moth | Endangered | Endangered |
Phyllota humifusa | Dwarf Phyllota | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Picris evae | Hawkweed | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pimelea cremnophila | Gorge Rice-flower | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora | Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pittwater and Wagstaffe Spotted Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Pittwater and Wagstaffe Spotted Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Planigale maculata | Common Planigale | Vulnerable | |
Plectranthus alloplectus | Narrow-leaved Plectranthus | Endangered | |
Plectranthus nitidus | Nightcap Plectranthus | Endangered | Endangered |
Podargus ocellatus | Marbled Frogmouth | Vulnerable | |
Polygala linariifolia | Native Milkwort | Endangered | |
Polytelis swainsonii | Superb Parrot | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pomaderris bodalla | Bodalla Pomaderris | Vulnerable | |
Pomaderris brunnea | Brown Pomaderris | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Pomaderris cotoneaster | Cotoneaster Pomaderris | Endangered | Endangered |
Pomaderris elachophylla | Lacy Pomaderris | Endangered | |
Pomaderris notata | McPherson Range Pomaderris | Vulnerable | |
Pomaderris pallida | Pale Pomaderris | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pomaderris parrisiae | Parris' Pomaderris | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pomaderris prunifolia - endangered population | P. prunifolia in the Parramatta, Auburn, Strathfield and Bankstown Local Government Areas | Endangered Population | |
Pomaderris queenslandica | Scant Pomaderris | Endangered | |
Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis | Grey-crowned Babbler (eastern subspecies) | Vulnerable | |
Pommerhelix duralensis | Dural Land Snail | Endangered | Endangered |
Potorous tridactylus tridactylus | Northern long-nosed potoroo | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Prasophyllum affine | Jervis Bay Leek Orchid | Endangered | Endangered |
Prasophyllum bagoense | Prasophyllum bagoense | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Prasophyllum canaliculatum | Summer Leek Orchid | Critically Endangered | |
Prasophyllum keltonii | Kelton's Leek Orchid | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Prostanthera askania | Tranquility Mintbush | Endangered | Endangered |
Prostanthera cineolifera | Singleton Mint Bush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Prostanthera densa | Villous Mint-bush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Prostanthera gilesii | Prostanthera gilesii | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Prostanthera junonis | Somersby Mintbush | Endangered | Endangered |
Prostanthera marifolia | Seaforth Mintbush | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pseudomys fumeus | Smoky Mouse | Critically Endangered | Endangered |
Pseudomys gracilicaudatus | Eastern Chestnut Mouse | Vulnerable | |
Pseudomys novaehollandiae | New Holland Mouse | | Vulnerable |
Pseudomys oralis | Hastings River Mouse | Endangered | Endangered |
Pseudophryne australis | Red-crowned Toadlet | Vulnerable | |
Pseudophryne corroboree | Southern Corroboree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pseudophryne pengilleyi | Northern Corroboree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pteropus poliocephalus | Grey-headed Flying-fox | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pterostylis alpina | Alpine Greenhood | Vulnerable | |
Pterostylis chaetophora | Pterostylis chaetophora | Vulnerable | |
Pterostylis elegans | Elegant Greenhood | Vulnerable | |
Pterostylis foliata | Slender Greenhood | Vulnerable | |
Pterostylis metcalfei | Metcalfe's Greenhood | Endangered | |
Pterostylis oreophila | Blue-tongued Greenhood | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pterostylis pulchella | Waterfall Greenhood | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pterostylis riparia | Pterostylis riparia | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pterostylis saxicola | Sydney Plains Greenhood | Endangered | Endangered |
Pterostylis ventricosa | Pterostylis ventricosa | Critically Endangered | |
Pterostylis vernalis | Pterostylis vernalis | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Ptilinopus magnificus | Wompoo Fruit-Dove | Vulnerable | |
Ptilinopus regina | Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove | Vulnerable | |
Ptilinopus superbus | Superb Fruit-Dove | Vulnerable | |
Pultenaea aristata | Prickly Bush-pea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pultenaea baeuerlenii | Budawangs Bush-pea | Endangered | Endangered |
Pultenaea glabra | Smooth Bush-Pea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pultenaea parrisiae | Parris' Bush-pea | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pultenaea pedunculata | Matted Bush-pea | Endangered | |
Pultenaea sp. Olinda | Pultenaea sp. Olinda | Endangered | |
Pultenaea villifera - endangered population | Pultenaea villifera Sieber ex DC. population in the Blue Mountains local government area | Endangered Population | |
Pycnoptilus floccosus | Pilotbird | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Quassia sp. Moonee Creek | Moonee Quassia | Endangered | Endangered |
Randia moorei | Spiny Gardenia | Endangered | Endangered |
Rhizanthella slateri | Eastern Australian Underground Orchid | Vulnerable | Endangered |
Rhizanthella slateri - endangered population | Rhizanthella slateri (Rupp) M.A. Clem. & Cribb in the Great Lakes local government area | Endangered Population | |
Rhodamnia rubescens | Scrub Turpentine | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Rhodomyrtus psidioides | Native Guava | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Rhynchosia acuminatissima | Pointed Trefoil | Vulnerable | |
Ribbon Gum-Mountain Gum-Snow Gum Grassy Forest/Woodland of the New England Tableland Bioregion | Ribbon Gum-Mountain Gum-Snow Gum Grassy Forest/Woodland of the New England Tableland Bioregion | Endangered Ecological Community | |
River-flat eucalypt forest on coastal floodplains of southern New South Wales and eastern Victoria | River-flat eucalypt forest on coastal floodplains of southern New South Wales and eastern Victoria | | Critically Endangered |
River-Flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions | River-Flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Rutidosis heterogama | Heath Wrinklewort | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Saccolaimus flaviventris | Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat | Vulnerable | |
Sarcochilus dilatatus | Brown Butterfly Orchid | Endangered | |
Sarcochilus hartmannii | Hartman's Sarcochilus | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Scoteanax rueppellii | Greater Broad-nosed Bat | Vulnerable | |
Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis | Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis | Endangered | |
Senecio spathulatus | Coast Groundsel | Endangered | |
Senna acclinis | Rainforest Cassia | Endangered | |
Seringia denticulata - endangered population | Seringia denticulata in the Hawkesbury local government area | Endangered Population | |
Sminthopsis leucopus | White-footed Dunnart | Vulnerable | |
Solanum celatum | Solanum celatum | Endangered | |
Solanum limitare | Border Ranges Nightshade | Endangered | |
Solanum sulphureum | Manning Yellow Solanum | Endangered | Endangered |
Sophora fraseri | Brush Sophora | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Southern Highlands Shale Forest and Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Southern Highlands Shale Forest and Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | | Critically Endangered |
Southern Highlands Shale Woodlands in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Southern Highlands Shale Woodlands in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Stagonopleura guttata | Diamond Firetail | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Styphelia perileuca | Montane Green Five-corners | Endangered | Endangered |
Sun Valley Cabbage Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Sun Valley Cabbage Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Critically Endangered Ecological Community | |
Swainsona sericea | Silky Swainson-pea | Vulnerable | |
Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions | Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Syconycteris australis | Common Blossom-bat | Vulnerable | |
Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Critically Endangered Ecological Community | |
Symplocos baeuerlenii | Small-leaved Hazelwood | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Syzygium hodgkinsoniae | Red Lilly Pilly | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Syzygium moorei | Durobby | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Syzygium paniculatum | Magenta Lilly Pilly | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions | Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Tasmannia glaucifolia | Fragrant Pepperbush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Tasmannia purpurascens | Broad-leaved Pepperbush | Vulnerable | |
Tephrosia filipes | Tephrosia filipes | Vulnerable | |
Tetratheca juncea | Black-eyed Susan | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Thelymitra adorata | Wyong Sun Orchid | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Thersites mitchellae | Mitchell's Rainforest Snail | Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Thesium australe | Austral Toadflax | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Thylogale stigmatica | Red-legged Pademelon | Vulnerable | |
Tinospora smilacina | Tinospora Vine | Endangered | |
Tinospora tinosporoides | Arrow-head Vine | Vulnerable | |
Todiramphus chloris | Collared Kingfisher | Vulnerable | |
Trachymene scapigera | Mountain Trachymene | Endangered | Endangered |
Triplarina imbricata | Creek Triplarina | Endangered | Endangered |
Triplarina nowraensis | Nowra Heath Myrtle | Endangered | Endangered |
Turnix maculosus | Red-backed Button-quail | Vulnerable | |
Turnix melanogaster | Black-breasted Button-quail | Critically Endangered | Vulnerable |
Turpentine-Ironbark Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Turpentine-Ironbark Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion | | Critically Endangered |
Tylophora woollsii | Cryptic Forest Twiner | Endangered | Endangered |
Typhonium sp. aff. brownii | Stinky Lily | Endangered | |
Tyto longimembris | Eastern Grass Owl | Vulnerable | |
Tyto novaehollandiae | Masked Owl | Vulnerable | |
Tyto tenebricosa | Sooty Owl | Vulnerable | |
Uperoleia mahonyi | Mahony's Toadlet | Endangered | Endangered |
Upland Basalt Eucalypt Forests of the Sydney Basin Bioregion | Upland Basalt Eucalypt Forests of the Sydney Basin Bioregion | | Endangered |
Uromyrtus australis | Peach Myrtle | Endangered | Endangered |
Varanus rosenbergi | Rosenberg's Goanna | Vulnerable | |
Velleia perfoliata | Velleia perfoliata | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Veronica blakelyi | Veronica blakelyi | Endangered | |
Vespadelus troughtoni | Eastern Cave Bat | Vulnerable | |
Wahlenbergia multicaulis - endangered population | Tadgell's Bluebell in the local government areas of Auburn, Bankstown, Baulkham Hills, Canterbury, Hornsby, Parramatta and Strathfield | Endangered Population | |
Werriwa Tablelands Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland in the South Eastern Highlands and South East Corner Bioregions | Werriwa Tablelands Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland in the South Eastern Highlands and South East Corner Bioregions | Critically Endangered Ecological Community | |
Zieria involucrata | Zieria involucrata | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Zieria murphyi | Velvet Zieria | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Zieria tuberculata | Warty Zieria | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |