Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
click here to see geographic restrictions).
The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Acacia terminalis subsp. Eastern Sydney
Gazetted date:
06 Mar 1998
Profile last updated:
17 Mar 2021
An erect or spreading shrub, 1-5 metres tall, with pale yellow flowers and seed pods 3-11 cm long. The small branches (branchlets) are angled and have longitudinal ridges. The leaves including stalks (petioles) are 0.5-2.1 cm long, and contain between 2 and 5 pairs of pinnae (=leaflets). Differs from more widespread subspecies by being hairier, possessing thicker flower stalk and wider seed pods.
Very limited distribution, mainly in near-coastal areas from the northern shores of Sydney Harbour south to Botany Bay, with most records from the Port Jackson area and the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Recorded from North Head, Middle Head, Dover Heights, Parsely Bay, Nielsen Park, Cooper Park, Chifley, Watsons Bays, Wollstonecraft and Waverley.
Habitat and ecology
- Coastal scrub and dry sclerophyll woodland on sandy soils .
- Habitat is generally sparse and scattered.
- Most areas of habitat or potential habitat are small and isolated.
- Most sites are highly modified or disturbed due to surrounding urban development.
- Flowers in autumn but may be through to early winter.
- Small birds and bees are natural pollinators.
- Seeds mature in November and are dispersed by ants.
- Seed viability is high and recruitment occurs mainly after fire.
- A fire temperature of 60 degrees is required for optimum germination. Although plants are killed by fire, they have been recorded sprouting from the base.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- Greatest threat is habitat loss due to urban development.
- Weed invasion by various species, including horehound (Marrubium vulgare), bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata), lantana (Lantana camara), blackberry (Rubus spp.) and kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum).
- Inappropriate fire regimes may also threaten persistence at some locations.
- Clearing, land development and habitat degradation by rubbish dumping and access by people.
- As some plants occur on the edge of walking tracks and roads, there is potential for impacts from park management activities or recreational usage.
- Herbivory of vegetation and seedlings.
- Lack of recruitment at some remnants.
- Acacia terminalis is available from nurseries in the Sydney area and the source stock is questionable. There is potential for the subspecies to hybridise with horticultural cultivars.
- Indirect impact of Phytophthora due to death of surrounding trees, particularly Eucalyptus and Angophora species (i.e. facilitates weeds). The species itself is less prone to the disease.
Recovery strategies
A targeted strategy for managing this species has been developed under the Saving Our Species program; click
here for details. For more information on the Saving Our Species program click
Activities to assist this species
- Ensure personnel involved in track and road maintenance are able to identify the sub-species and are aware of their locations.
- Ensure habitats are burnt at least once every 20 years. Where possible, implement an ecological burning regime of once every 6-12 years.
- Undertake appropriate weed control activities when necessary.
- Protect known sites from clearing and degradation.
- Establish an appropriate monitoring program for known sites.
- Undertake research into the biology and ecology of the subspecies, in particular its response to fire.
- Undertake replanting when natural regeneration can not be triggered. Use appropriate genetic stock.
- Undertake awareness raising of the species with the local community.
Information sources
- Auld, T.D. (1996) Ecology of the Fabaceae in the Sydney region: fire, ants and the soil seedbank. Cunninghamia 4(4): 531-552
- Auld, T.D. and O'Connell, M.A. (1991) Predicting patterns of post-fire germination in 35 eastern Australian Fabaceae. Australian Journal of Ecology 16(1): 53-70
- Benson, D. (2011) Native plants of Sydney Harbour National Park: historical records and species lists, and their value for conservation monitoring. Cunninghamia 12(1): 61–84
- Benson, D. and Eldershaw, G. (2007) Backdrop to encounter: the 1770 landscape of Botany Bay, the plants collected by Banks and Solander and rehabilitation of natural vegetation at Kurnell. Cunninghamia 10(1): 113–137
- Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW) (2010) Recovery Plan for Acacia terminalis subsp. terminalis (Sunshine Wattle). (DECCW NSW, Sydney)
- Kodela, P.G. and Harden, G.J. (2002) Acacia. Pp 381-476 in Harden, G.J. (ed.) Flora of New South Wales. Volume 2. Revised Edition (New South Wales University Press, Sydney)
- NSW Scientific Committee (1998) Acacia terminalis subsp. terminalis (a shrub) - Endangered species determination - final.
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
Geographic restrictions region