Scientific Name
| Common Name | NSW Status |
Commonweath Status
Acacia ausfeldii | Ausfeld's Wattle | Vulnerable | |
Acacia flocktoniae | Flockton Wattle | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Acacia meiantha | Acacia meiantha | Endangered | Endangered |
Ammobium craspedioides | Yass Daisy | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Anthochaera phrygia | Regent Honeyeater | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Aphelocephala leucopsis | Southern Whiteface | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Aprasia parapulchella | Pink-tailed Legless Lizard | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Ardeotis australis | Australian Bustard | Endangered | |
Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus | Dusky Woodswallow | Vulnerable | |
Asterolasia buxifolia | Asterolasia buxifolia | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Baloskion longipes | Dense Cord-rush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Bossiaea fragrans | Bossiaea fragrans | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Botaurus poiciloptilus | Australasian Bittern | Endangered | Endangered |
Burhinus grallarius | Bush Stone-curlew | Endangered | |
Caladenia attenuata | Duramana Fingers | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Caladenia montana | Caladenia montana | Vulnerable | |
Caladenia tessellata | Thick Lip Spider Orchid | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Callocephalon fimbriatum | Gang-gang Cockatoo | Endangered | Endangered |
Calotis glandulosa | Mauve Burr-daisy | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami | South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Cercartetus nanus | Eastern Pygmy-possum | Vulnerable | |
Chalinolobus dwyeri | Large-eared Pied Bat | Endangered | Endangered |
Chalinolobus picatus | Little Pied Bat | Vulnerable | |
Chthonicola sagittata | Speckled Warbler | Vulnerable | |
Circus assimilis | Spotted Harrier | Vulnerable | |
Climacteris picumnus victoriae | Brown Treecreeper (eastern subspecies) | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Daphoenositta chrysoptera | Varied Sittella | Vulnerable | |
Dasyurus maculatus | Spotted-tailed Quoll | Vulnerable | Endangered |
Delma impar | Striped Legless Lizard | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Dillwynia glaucula | Michelago Parrot-pea | Endangered | |
Diuris aequalis | Buttercup Doubletail | Endangered | Endangered |
Diuris tricolor | Pine Donkey Orchid | Vulnerable | |
Dodonaea procumbens | Creeping Hop-bush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Dromaius novaehollandiae - endangered population | Emu population in the New South Wales North Coast Bioregion and Port Stephens local government area | Endangered Population | |
Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus | Black-necked Stork | Endangered | |
Eucalyptus aggregata | Black Gum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. alligatrix | Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. alligatrix | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus cannonii | Capertee Stringybark | Vulnerable | |
Eucalyptus canobolensis | Silver-Leaf Candlebark | Endangered | Endangered |
Eucalyptus macarthurii | Paddys River Box, Camden Woollybutt | Endangered | Endangered |
Eucalyptus pulverulenta | Silver-leafed Gum | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus robertsonii subsp. hemisphaerica | Robertson's Peppermint | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Eucalyptus saxatilis | Suggan Buggan Mallee | Endangered | |
Falco subniger | Black Falcon | Vulnerable | |
Falsistrellus tasmaniensis | Eastern False Pipistrelle | Vulnerable | |
Glossopsitta porphyrocephala | Purple-crowned Lorikeet | Vulnerable | |
Glossopsitta pusilla | Little Lorikeet | Vulnerable | |
Goodenia macbarronii | Narrow Goodenia | | |
Grantiella picta | Painted Honeyeater | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Grevillea iaspicula | Wee Jasper Grevillea | Critically Endangered | Endangered |
Haliaeetus leucogaster | White-bellied Sea-Eagle | Vulnerable | |
Heleioporus australiacus | Giant Burrowing Frog | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Hieraaetus morphnoides | Little Eagle | Vulnerable | |
Hirundapus caudacutus | White-throated Needletail | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Hoplocephalus bungaroides | Broad-headed Snake | Endangered | Endangered |
Keyacris scurra | Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper | Endangered | Endangered |
Lathamus discolor | Swift Parrot | Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Lepidium hyssopifolium | Aromatic Peppercress | Endangered | Endangered |
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor | Hoary Sunray | Endangered | Endangered |
Litoria aurea | Green and Golden Bell Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Litoria booroolongensis | Booroolong Frog | Endangered | Endangered |
Litoria castanea | Yellow-spotted Tree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Litoria raniformis | Southern Bell Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Litoria spenceri | Spotted Tree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Lophoictinia isura | Square-tailed Kite | Vulnerable | |
Melanodryas cucullata cucullata | South-eastern Hooded Robin | Endangered | Endangered |
Melithreptus gularis gularis | Black-chinned Honeyeater (eastern subspecies) | Vulnerable | |
Micronomus norfolkensis | Eastern Coastal Free-tailed Bat | Vulnerable | |
Miniopterus orianae oceanensis | Large Bent-winged Bat | Vulnerable | |
Mixophyes balbus | Stuttering Frog | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Mt Canobolas Xanthoparmelia Lichen Community | Mt Canobolas Xanthoparmelia Lichen Community | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Myotis macropus | Southern Myotis | Vulnerable | |
Neophema pulchella | Turquoise Parrot | Vulnerable | |
Ninox connivens | Barking Owl | Vulnerable | |
Ninox strenua | Powerful Owl | Vulnerable | |
Pachycephala olivacea | Olive Whistler | Vulnerable | |
Paralucia spinifera | Purple Copper Butterfly, Bathurst Copper Butterfly | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Persoonia glaucescens | Mittagong Geebung | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Persoonia marginata | Clandulla Geebung | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Persoonia mollis subsp. revoluta | Persoonia mollis subsp. revoluta | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Petauroides volans | Southern Greater Glider | Endangered | Endangered |
Petaurus australis | Yellow-bellied Glider | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Petaurus australis - endangered population | Yellow-bellied Glider population on the Bago Plateau | Endangered Population | |
Petaurus norfolcensis | Squirrel Glider | Vulnerable | |
Petaurus norfolcensis - endangered population | Squirrel Glider in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area | Endangered Population | |
Petrogale penicillata | Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby | Endangered | Vulnerable |
Petroica boodang | Scarlet Robin | Vulnerable | |
Petroica phoenicea | Flame Robin | Vulnerable | |
Phascogale tapoatafa | Brush-tailed Phascogale | Vulnerable | |
Phascolarctos cinereus | Koala | Endangered | Endangered |
Philotheca ericifolia | Philotheca ericifolia | | |
Pimelea bracteata | Pimelea bracteata | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora | Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Polytelis swainsonii | Superb Parrot | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pomaderris pallida | Pale Pomaderris | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis | Grey-crowned Babbler (eastern subspecies) | Vulnerable | |
Prasophyllum petilum | Tarengo Leek Orchid | Endangered | Endangered |
Prasophyllum sp. Wybong | Prasophyllum sp. Wybong | | Critically Endangered |
Prostanthera cryptandroides subsp. cryptandroides | Wollemi Mint-bush | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Prostanthera gilesii | Prostanthera gilesii | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pseudophryne pengilleyi | Northern Corroboree Frog | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Pteropus poliocephalus | Grey-headed Flying-fox | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Pterostylis alpina | Alpine Greenhood | Vulnerable | |
Pterostylis foliata | Slender Greenhood | Vulnerable | |
Pultenaea pedunculata | Matted Bush-pea | Endangered | |
Pycnoptilus floccosus | Pilotbird | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides | Button Wrinklewort | Endangered | Endangered |
Saccolaimus flaviventris | Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat | Vulnerable | |
Scoteanax rueppellii | Greater Broad-nosed Bat | Vulnerable | |
Senecio garlandii | Woolly Ragwort | Vulnerable | |
Senecio macrocarpus | Senecio macrocarpus | | Vulnerable |
Solanum armourense | Solanum armourense | Endangered | |
Stagonopleura guttata | Diamond Firetail | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Suta flagellum | Little Whip Snake | Vulnerable | |
Swainsona recta | Small Purple-pea | Endangered | Endangered |
Swainsona sericea | Silky Swainson-pea | Vulnerable | |
Synemon plana | Golden Sun Moth | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions | Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions | Endangered Ecological Community | |
Thesium australe | Austral Toadflax | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Trachymene scapigera | Mountain Trachymene | Endangered | Endangered |
Tympanocryptis lineata | Canberra Grassland Earless Dragon | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Tympanocryptis mccartneyi | Bathurst Grassland Earless Dragon | Critically Endangered | Critically Endangered |
Tyto novaehollandiae | Masked Owl | Vulnerable | |
Varanus rosenbergi | Rosenberg's Goanna | Vulnerable | |
Veronica blakelyi | Veronica blakelyi | Endangered | |
White Box - Yellow Box - Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland in the NSW North Coast, New England Tableland, Nandewar, Brigalow Belt South, Sydney Basin, South Eastern Highlands, NSW South Western Slopes, South East Corner and Riverina Bioregions | White Box - Yellow Box - Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland in the NSW North Coast, New England Tableland, Nandewar, Brigalow Belt South, Sydney Basin, South Eastern Highlands, NSW South Western Slopes, South East Corner and Riverina Bioregions | Critically Endangered Ecological Community | |
White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland | White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland | | Critically Endangered |