Last updated:
01 Dec 2017
Distribution of the species within this region
The Australian Painted Snipe is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the
NSW South Western Slopes Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.
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Vegetation formations, classes and types
In this region the Australian Painted Snipe - NSW South Western Slopes is known to
be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information
about it.
- Semi-arid woodlands (grassy sub-formation)
- Inland Floodplain Woodlands
- 13 Black Box - Lignum woodland wetland of the inner floodplains in the semi-arid (warm) climate zone (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
- North-west Floodplain Woodlands
- 37 Black Box woodland wetland on NSW central and northern floodplains including the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion.
- 39 Coolabah - River Coobah - Lignum woodland wetland of frequently flooded floodplains mainly in the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
- 40 Coolabah open woodland wetland with chenopod/grassy ground cover on grey and brown clay floodplains