Nature conservation

Threatened species

Cocoparra Pomaderris - Cobar Peneplain: Distribution and vegetation associations

Scientific name: Pomaderris cocoparrana
Conservation status in NSW: Endangered
Commonwealth status: Endangered
Last updated: 12 Jun 2024

Distribution of the species within this region

The Cocoparra Pomaderris is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the Cobar Peneplain Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

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IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Lachlan Plains Known None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the Cocoparra Pomaderris - Cobar Peneplain is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Dry sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
    • Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 341 Blakely's Red Gum - Red Box - Black Cypress Pine grass/shrub woodland on hills in the Upper Slopes sub-region of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and western South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 343 Mugga Ironbark - Red Box - Red Stringybark - Western Grey Box grass/shrub woodland on metamorphic substrates in the Tarcutta - Gundagai region, NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 110 Western Grey Box - Cypress Pine shrubby woodland on stony footslopes in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and Riverina Bioregion
      • 346 White Box - Blakely's Red Gum - White Cypress Pine shrubby woodland on metamorphic hills in the Wagga Wagga - Cootamundra region of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
  • Semi-arid woodlands (shrubby sub-formation)
    • Inland Rocky Hill Woodlands
      • 318 Mugga Ironbark -Tumbledown Red Gum - Red Box - Black Cypress Pine open forest on shallow stony soils on hills in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 328 Red Ironbark - Black Cypress Pine shrubby woodland of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 329 Red Ironbark - Red Stringybark - Tumbledown Gum heath low woodland on ridges, central NSW South Western Slopes
      • 239 Red Stringybark - Dwyer's Red Gum - Black Cypress Pine woodland on siliceous ranges in the Lockhart to Griffith regions NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and Cobar Peneplain Bioregion
      • 334 Tick Bush - Drooping She Oak tall shrubland on granite hills of the NSW central western slopes
      • 332 Tumbledown Red Gum - Black Cypress Pine - Red Stringybark woodland on rocky hills in the NSW central western slopes
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