Nature conservation

Threatened species

Little Bent-winged Bat - South Eastern Highlands: Distribution and vegetation associations

Scientific name: Miniopterus australis
Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Last updated: 24 Mar 2020

Distribution of the species within this region

The Little Bent-winged Bat is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the South Eastern Highlands Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

Click on column headers to sort
IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Bungonia Known None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the Little Bent-winged Bat - South Eastern Highlands is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Dry sclerophyll forests (shrub/grass sub-formation)
    • Central Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3490 Hunter Valley Footslopes Slaty Gum Forest
    • Clarence Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3420 Clarence Lowland Ironbark-Spotted Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3421 Clarence Sandstone Pink Bloodwood Grassy Forest
      • 3422 Clarence Sandstone Rises Spotted Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3424 Drake Hills Spotted Gum Forest
      • 3425 Far North Hinterland Swamp Turpentine-Apple Forest
      • 3427 Northern Hinterland Hills Bloodwood-Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3428 Northern Lowland Red Gum-Swamp Turpentine Grassy Forest
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    • Cumberland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3448 Castlereagh Ironbark Forest
    • Hunter-Macleay Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3431 Central Hunter Ironbark Grassy Woodland
      • 3432 Hunter Coast Foothills Apple-Ironbark Grassy Forest
      • 3433 Hunter Coast Foothills Spotted Gum-Ironbark Grassy Forest
      • 3435 Hunter Coast Lowland Flats Damp Forest
      • 3437 Hunter Coast Lowland Spotted Gum Dry Forest
      • 3436 Hunter Coast Sandy Creekflat Low Paperbark Scrub
      • 3434 Hunter Coast White Mahogany Low Forest
      • 3438 Hunter Escarpment Footslopes Ironbark Forest
      • 4157 Hunter Escarpment Footslopes Singleton Mallee
      • 3439 Hunter Escarpment Grey Gum Sheltered Forest
      • 4158 Hunter Escarpment Pokolbin Ironbark Woodland
      • 3442 Lower Hunter Lowland Ironbark-Paperbark Forest
      • 3443 Lower Hunter Spotted Gum Scrubby Transition Forest
      • 3444 Lower Hunter Spotted Gum-Ironbark Forest
      • 3445 Lower North Coastal Hills Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3446 Lower North Foothills Ironbark-Box-Gum Grassy Forest
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    • New England Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3501 Eastern New England Ranges Blackbutt Forest
      • 3502 Maryland Moist Grassy Forest
    • Northern Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3454 Chandlers Creek Dry Grassy Forest
      • 4120 Macleay Gorges Red Gum-Box Sheltered Forest
      • 983 New England Blackbutt - stringybark grassy forest the eastern New England Tableland Bioregion and NSW North Coast Bioregion
      • 3465 Northern Gorges Red Gum Grassy Forest
    • North-west Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Woodlands
      • 394 Narrow-leaved Ironbark - White Cypress pine woodland on slopes and flats in the Coonabarabran - Pilliga Scrub regions
  • Dry sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
    • Coastal Dune Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3544 Coastal Sands Apple-Blackbutt Forest
      • 3545 Coastal Sands Bloodwood Low Forest
      • 3546 Coastal Sands Littoral Scrub-Forest
      • 3550 Far North Coastal Cypress Grassy Forest
      • 3547 Far North Sands Coastal Cypress Dry Shrub Forest
      • 3548 Far North Sands Scribbly Gum Heathy Forest
      • 3549 Lower North Sandplain Heathy Forest
      • 3551 Northern Sands Blackbutt-Red Mahogany Forest
      • 3552 Northern Sands Blackbutt-Stringybark Forest
      • 3553 Northern Sands Bloodwood-Swamp Turpentine Forest
      • 3556 Umina Coastal Sand Woodland
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    • North Coast Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3561 Clarence Lowland Smudgy Apple-Paperbark Forest
      • 3563 Clarence Sandstone Blackbutt-Bloodwood Forest
      • 3564 Clarence Sandstone Bloodwood-Stringybark Forest
      • 3568 Clarence Sandstone Stringybark Heathy Woodland
      • 3569 Clarence Sandstone Stringybark-Blackbutt Forest
      • 3570 Coorabakh Conglomerate Banksia Forest
      • 3572 Koonyum Range Rhyolite Outcrop Shrub Woodland
      • 4160 Mid North Conglomerate Blackbutt Shrub Forest
      • 4161 Mid North Stringybark-Turpentine Shrub Forest
      • 3571 Mount Warning Caldera Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 3574 Northern Lowland Sandstones Dry Open Forest
      • 3573 Northern Lowland Scribbly Gum-Bloodwood Forest
      • 3577 Yuraygir Range Bloodwood-Stringybark Forest
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    • South East Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3664 Southeast Foothills Woollybutt Dry Shrub Forest
    • Southern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3731 Capertee Conglomerate Grey Gum-Stringybark Forest
    • Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3581 Hunter Coast Foothills Apple Forest
      • 3582 Hunter Coast Lowland Apple-Bloodwood Forest
      • 3583 Hunter Coast Lowland Scribbly Gum Forest
      • 3586 Northern Sydney Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 3587 Pearl Beach Sand Forest
      • 3590 Southern Sydney Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 3591 Southern Sydney Sheltered Forest
      • 3592 Sydney Coastal Enriched Sandstone Forest
      • 3593 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Bloodwood Shrub Forest
      • 3594 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Foreshores Forest
      • 3595 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Gully Forest
      • 3596 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Riparian Forest
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    • Sydney Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3610 Lower Hunter Yellow Bloodwood Forest
      • 3611 Nattai Plateau Bloodwood-Peppermint Forest
      • 3619 Sydney Hinterland Enriched Sandstone Bloodwood Forest
      • 3616 Sydney Hinterland Grey Gum Transition Forest
      • 3617 Sydney Hinterland Peppermint-Apple Forest
      • 3620 Sydney Hinterland Turpentine Sheltered Forest
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    • Sydney Sand Flats Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3629 Castlereagh Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 4122 Cockle Creek Sandflat Scribbly Gum Forest
      • 4162 Elderslie Banksia Scrub
      • 3630 Kurri Sand Heathy Woodland
      • 3631 Kurri Sand-Clay Woodland
      • 3634 Quorrobolong Sand Flats Forest
      • 3636 Warkworth Sands Woodland
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    • Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 1176 Slaty Box - Grey Gum shrubby woodland on footslopes of the upper Hunter Valley, Sydney Basin Bioregion
      • 3768 Upper Hunter Ranges Enriched Ironbark Forest
  • Forested wetlands
    • Coastal Floodplain Wetlands
      • 4019 Coastal Alluvial Bangalay Forest
      • 4020 Coastal Creekflat Layered Grass-Sedge Swamp Forest
      • 4021 Coastal Creekline Dry Shrubby Swamp Forest
      • 4023 Coastal Valleys Riparian Forest
      • 4024 Cumberland Blue Box Riverflat Forest
      • 4025 Cumberland Red Gum Riverflat Forest
      • 4026 Estuarine Sea Rush Swamp Oak Forest
      • 4028 Estuarine Swamp Oak Twig-rush Forest
      • 4027 Estuarine Swamp Oak-Mangrove Forest
      • 4030 Far North Estuarine Swamp Oak Forest
      • 4034 Far North Swamp Oak-Tuckeroo Swamp Fringe Forest
      • 4036 Hunter Coast Lake Flats Apple Forest
      • 4038 Hunter Estuarine Melaleuca nodosa Scrub
      • 4039 Hunter Range Creekflat Apple-Red Gum Forest
      • 4042 Lower North Riverflat Eucalypt-Paperbark Forest
      • 4044 Northern Creekflat Eucalypt-Paperbark Mesic Swamp Forest
      • 4045 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine-Paperbark Forest
      • 4046 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine-Red Gum Forest
      • 4047 Northern Swamp Mahogany-Bottlebrush Swamp Forest
      • 4048 Northern Swamp Oak-Paperbark Forest
      • 4056 Southern Estuarine Swamp Paperbark Creekflat Scrub
      • 4059 Sydney Hinterland Sandy Creekflat Shrub Forest
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    • Coastal Swamp Forests
      • 3983 Central Coast Flats Mesic Swamp Forest
      • 3984 Clarence Lowland Paperbark Sedge Swamp Woodland
      • 3985 Coastal Floodplain Swamp Paperbark Scrub
      • 3996 Coastal Sand Swamp Mahogany Dry Forest
      • 3986 Coastal Sands Swamp Mahogany Rush Forest
      • 3987 Far North Floodplain Paperbark-Swamp Oak Forest
      • 3988 Far North Mesophyll Paperbark Swamp Forest
      • 3989 Far North Paperbark Fern Swamp Forest
      • 3990 Far North Paperbark Gahnia Swamp Forest
      • 3991 Far North Sands Swamp Turpentine-Paperbark Forest
      • 3993 Far North Swamp Oak-Paperbark Tidal Forest
      • 3995 Hunter Coast Paperbark-Swamp Mahogany Forest
      • 3998 Lower North Creekflat Mahogany Swamp Forest
      • 4156 Maroota Sands Swamp Forest
      • 4000 Northern Estuarine Paperbark Sedge Forest
      • 4001 Northern Floodplain Paperbark Fern Swamp Forest
      • 4002 Northern Lowland Orange Gum Dry Swamp Forest
      • 4003 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine-Mahogany Forest
      • 4004 Northern Melaleuca quinquenervia Swamp Forest
      • 4005 Northern Paperbark Banksia Littoral Forest
      • 4006 Northern Paperbark-Swamp Mahogany Saw-sedge Forest
      • 4007 Northern Sands Paperbark Sedge Low Forest
      • 4008 Northern Sands Swamp Mahogany Shrubby Rush Forest
      • 4009 Shoalhaven Lowland Flats Wet Swamp Forest
      • 4012 Tomago Drooping Red Gum Swamp Woodland
      • 4013 Wyong Paperbark-Woollybutt Swamp Forest
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    • Eastern Riverine Forests
      • 4066 Clarence Valley River Oak Wet Forest
      • 4078 Northern Gorges River Oak Forest
      • 42 River Red Gum / River Oak riparian woodland wetland in the Hunter Valley
      • 1127 Sandstone cliff-face soak
  • Freshwater wetlands
    • Coastal Freshwater Lagoons
      • 3959 Coast Sands Jointed Twig-rush Sedgeland
      • 3961 Coast Sands Lepironia Sedgeland
      • 3962 Coastal Floodplain Phragmites Reedland
      • 3963 Estuarine Reedland
      • 3967 Northern Lower Floodplain Eleocharis Wetland
      • 3968 Northern Sands Baloskion-Machaerina Wetland
      • 3969 Northern Sands Machaerina-Eleocharis Sedgeland
      • 3975 Southern Lower Floodplain Freshwater Wetland
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    • Coastal Heath Swamps
      • 3898 Clarence Lowland Smudgy Apple Banksia Forest
      • 3904 Hunter Coast Grasstree Graminoid Swamp Scrub
      • 3907 Lower North Sands Swamp Scrub
      • 3906 Northern Lowland Clay Wet Heath
      • 3912 Northern Sand Swale Paperbark Sedge Shrubland
      • 3900 Northern Sandplain Saw-sedge-Fern Swamp Heath
      • 3913 Northern Sandplain Wet Heath
      • 3915 Northern Sands Prickly Tea-tree Wet Shrubland
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  • Grasslands
    • Temperate Montane Grasslands
      • 896 Kangaroo Grass - Wallaby Grass - Snow Grass moist tussock grassland in the Monaro and the Southern Tablelands regions of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 1289 Wallaby Grass - Red-grass - Tall Speargrass - Kangaroo Grass dry tussock grassland of the North-western and Eastern Southern Tablelands in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
  • Grassy woodlands
    • Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands
      • 3315 Central Hunter Ironbark-Spotted Gum Forest
      • 3314 Central Hunter Slopes Grey Box Forest
      • 3319 Cumberland Shale Hills Woodland
      • 3320 Cumberland Shale Plains Woodland
      • 3321 Cumberland Shale-Sandstone Ironbark Forest
      • 3323 Far North Lowland Basalt Grassy Forest
      • 3322 Far North Ranges Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3327 Illawarra Lowland Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 1604 Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Grey Box - Spotted Gum shrub - grass woodland of the central and lower Hunter
      • 3329 Northern Hinterland Valleys Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3269 Shoalhaven Lowland Spotted Gum-Paperbark Forest
      • 3330 South Coast Lowland Woollybutt Grassy Forest
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    • Subalpine Woodlands
      • 3379 Barrington-Point Lookout Montane Grassy Forest
    • Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands
      • 851 Grey Box - grass tree - spinifex woodland on limestone hills of the western Hunter and Capertee Valleys, Sydney Basin Bioregion
  • Rainforests
    • Cool Temperate Rainforests
      • 3048 Border Ranges Antarctic Beech Rainforest
      • 3052 Northern Escarpment Antarctic Beech Rainforest
    • Dry Rainforests
      • 2079 Blakes Wattle - Wilga - Wild Quince - Kurrajong thickets, NSW North Coast Bioregion and New England Tablelands Bioregion
      • 3065 Far North Basalt Gully Dry Rainforest
      • 3066 Far North Floodplain Dry Rainforest
      • 3070 Far North Hinterland Kamala-Coogera Dry Rainforest
      • 3064 Far North Hoop Pine Dry Rainforest
      • 3110 Greater Sydney Enriched Grey Myrtle Dry Rainforest
      • 1540 Grey Myrtle - Grey Gum gully dry rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
      • 1539 Grey Myrtle sheltered gully dry rainforest in gullies of the Sydney Basin
      • 3074 Hunter Coast Lowland Grey Myrtle Wet Forest
      • 3075 Hunter Valley Rusty Fig Dry Rainforest
      • 3077 Illawarra Complex Dry Rainforest
      • 4110 Lower North Estuarine Sand Dry Rainforest
      • 3086 Lower North Hinterland Riparian Dry Rainforest
      • 3089 Lower North Waterhousea Riparian Rainforest
      • 2068 Moreton Bay Fig - Myrtle Ebony dry vine rainforest on sandstone at Pillar Rock, east of Grafton, South Eastern Queensland Bioregion
      • 3101 Northern Hinterland Shatterwood Dry Rainforest
      • 3151 Northwest Sydney Sandstone Grey Myrtle Dry Rainforest
      • 1543 Rusty Fig - Native Quince - Native Olive dry rainforest of the Central Hunter Valley
      • 3111 Sydney Hinterland Grey Myrtle Riparian Forest
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    • Littoral Rainforests
      • 3122 Far North Littoral Rainforest
      • 3123 Far North Sands Coastal Cypress Littoral Rainforest
      • 3124 Far North Sands Tuckeroo-Banksia Littoral Rainforest
      • 3127 Mid North Headland Brush Box Littoral Rainforest
      • 3129 Mid North Sands Littoral Rainforest
      • 3130 Mid North Tuckeroo-Paperbark Littoral Wet Forest
      • 3131 Myall-Wallis Lakes Littoral Rainforest
      • 3132 Northern Sands Tuckeroo-Banksia Forest
      • 3133 Sydney Coast Tuckeroo Littoral Rainforest
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    • Northern Warm Temperate Rainforests
      • 2101 Black Wattle - Hill Kanuka - Coachwood - Mountain Banksia - Soft Corkwood low closed forest on shallow soils of the Dorrigo Escarpment, NSW North Coast Bioregion
      • 3025 Central Coast Gallery Rainforest
      • 1529 Lilly Pilly - Coachwood gully warm temperate rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
      • 3029 Lower North Wet Gully Palm Rainforest
      • 4107 Mid North Escarpment Coachwood Warm Temperate Rainforest
      • 3031 Northern Escarpment Coachwood-Beech Rainforest
      • 3032 Northern Escarpment Sassafras-Booyong-Corkwood Rainforest
      • 3033 Northern Escarpment Sassafras-Prickly Ash Rainforest
      • 3035 Northern Ranges Coachwood Warm Temperate Rainforest
      • 1531 Sassafras - Grey Possumwood warm temperate rainforest of the New England escarpment
      • 1523 Sassafras - Prickly Ash - Lilly Pilly warm temperate rainforest on ranges of the Barrington Tops and lower North Coast
      • 3040 Sydney Coastal Foreshores Gully Rainforest
      • 3039 Sydney Coastal Lilly Pilly-Palm Gallery Rainforest
      • 3041 Sydney Sandstone Coachwood-Grey Myrtle Rainforest
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    • Subtropical Rainforests
      • 3003 Border Ranges Black Booyong Subtropical Rainforest
      • 4105 Border Ranges Red Carabeen Rainforest
      • 3121 Broken Head Lowland Rainforest
      • 3004 Far North Bangalow Palm Swamp Forest
      • 3005 Far North Floodplain Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3009 Far North Lowland Palm Gully Rainforest
      • 3011 Far North Lowland Subtropical Rainforest
      • 845 Giant Stinging Tree - Fig dry subtropical rainforest of the NSW North Coast Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 3001 Lismore Basalt Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3002 Lower Richmond Hills Dry-Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3017 Mid North Lowland Floodplain Rainforest
      • 3019 Northern Hinterland Baloghia-Booyong Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3100 Northern Hinterland Baloghia-Dendrocnide Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3021 Northern Lowland Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3022 Port Macquarie Coastal Subtropical Rainforest
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  • Saline wetlands
    • Mangrove Swamps
      • 4090 Far North Estuarine Mangrove-Swamp Oak Forest
      • 4140 Far North Mangrove Forest
      • 4091 Grey Mangrove-River Mangrove Forest
    • Saltmarshes
      • 4097 Samphire Saltmarsh
      • 4103 Sporobolus virginicus Saltmarsh
  • Wet sclerophyll forests (grassy sub-formation)
    • Northern Hinterland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3230 Central Coast Escarpment Moist Forest
      • 3144 Craven Grey Box Grassy Forest
      • 3232 Far North Coastal Hills Blackbutt-Ironbark Forest
      • 3069 Far North Hinterland Grey Box-Grey Gum Wet Forest
      • 3233 Far North Hinterland Grey Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3234 Hunter Coast Lowland Spotted Gum Moist Forest
      • 3237 Hunter Range Blue Gum Gully Forest
      • 3239 Hunter Range Sheltered Grey Gum Forest
      • 4109 Lower Hunter Screeslope Wet Forest
      • 3285 Lower North Escarpment Blue Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3242 Lower North Ranges Turpentine Moist Forest
      • 3244 Lower North Spotted Gum-Mahogany-Ironbark Sheltered Forest
      • 3241 Lower North White Mahogany-Spotted Gum Moist Forest
      • 3094 Mount Pikapene Steel Box Wet Forest
      • 3248 Northern Blackbutt-Turpentine Shrub Forest
      • 3249 Northern Bloodwood-Ironbark Moist Grassy Forest
      • 3250 Northern Foothills Blackbutt Grassy Forest
      • 3251 Northern Gorges Diverse Grassy Forest
      • 3167 Northern Hinterland Blackbutt-Forest Oak Wet Forest
      • 3252 Northern Hinterland Grey Gum-Mahogany Grassy Forest
      • 3253 Northern Hinterland Grey Gum-Turpentine Mesic Forest
      • 3254 Northern Hinterland Tallowwood-Forest Oak Grassy Forest
      • 3259 Sydney Coastal Shale-Sandstone Forest
      • 3262 Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest
      • 3263 Watagan Range Turpentine-Mahogany Grassy Forest
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    • Northern Tableland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3277 Carrai Moist Grassy Forest
      • 3278 Far North Escarpment Blackbutt Grassy Forest
      • 3279 Far North Escarpment Blackbutt Moist Forest
      • 3286 Northern Escarpment Blackbutt Cool Moist Forest
      • 3287 Northern Escarpment Messmate Cool Wet Forest
      • 3288 Northern Escarpment Messmate Moist Grassy Forest
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  • Wet sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
    • North Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3136 Blue Gum High Forest
      • 3139 Border Ranges Brush Box-Tallowwood Wet Forest
      • 3142 Clarence Lowland Sandstone Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3145 Cumberland Bangalay x Blue Gum Riverflat Forest
      • 3147 Far North Brush Box-Bloodwood Wet Forest
      • 3148 Far North Brush Box-Walnut Wet Forest
      • 3150 Hunter Coast Ranges Turpentine Wet Forest
      • 3153 Illawarra Escarpment Bangalay x Blue Gum Wet Forest
      • 3078 Illawarra Lowland Wet Vine Forest
      • 3125 Illawarra Seacliff Banksia-Bangalay Forest
      • 4115 Koonyum Range Rhyolite Turpentine Wet Forest
      • 3084 Lower North Brown Myrtle Wet Forest
      • 3158 Lower North Foothills Turpentine-Flooded Gum Wet Forest
      • 3087 Lower North Ranges Riparian Turpentine Forest
      • 3160 Lower North Turpentine-Tallowwood-Grey Gum Forest
      • 1575 Messmate - Forest Ribbon Gum - New England Blackbutt shrub - grass tall open forest of Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands escarpment
      • 3161 Mid North Hinterland Wet Forest
      • 3162 Mid North Lowland Flooded Gum-Palm Wet Forest
      • 3165 Northern Brush Box Subtropical Wet Forest
      • 3166 Northern Escarpment Brush Box-Tallowwood-Maple Wet Forest
      • 3168 Northern Hinterland Brush Box-Quince Wet Forest
      • 3169 Northern Hinterland Tallowwood-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3102 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine Wet Forest
      • 3171 Northern Lowland Viney Wet Forest
      • 3172 Northern Ranges Brush Box-Flooded Gum Wet Forest
      • 3173 Northern Ranges Dunns Gum-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3174 Northern Turpentine-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 1563 Sydney Blue Gum – New England Blackbutt - Whitetop Box moist shrub – grass tall open forest of the lower North Coast
      • 3176 Sydney Enriched Sandstone Moist Forest
      • 3180 Yuraygir Range Brush Box-Tallowwood Gully Forest
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    • Northern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 931 Messmate - Mountain Gum tall moist forest of the far southern New England Tableland Bioregion
      • 1574 Messmate grassy tall open forest on Barrington and Northern Tablelands escarpment
      • 3202 Mid North Escarpment Ranges Blackbutt Forest
      • 1577 New England Blackbutt - Forest Ribbon Gum grassy tall open forest of the Northern Tablelands escarpment
      • 3206 Northern Escarpment Corkwood-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3204 Northern Escarpment New England Blackbutt-Maple Wet Forest
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