Last updated:
29 Jun 2022
Distribution of the species within this region
The Turquoise Parrot is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the
Other State Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.
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Vegetation formations, classes and types
In this region the Turquoise Parrot - Other State is known to
be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information
about it.
- Dry sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
- Coastal Dune Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3544 Coastal Sands Apple-Blackbutt Forest
- 3545 Coastal Sands Bloodwood Low Forest
- 3546 Coastal Sands Littoral Scrub-Forest
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- North Coast Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3573 Northern Lowland Scribbly Gum-Bloodwood Forest
- 481 Rough-barked Apple - Blakely's Red Gum - Narrow-leaved Stringybark +/- Grey Gum sandstone riparian grass fern open forest on in the southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Upper Hunter region
- Northern Escarpment Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3674 Clarence Escarpment Blackbutt Moist Fern Forest
- 3679 Northeast New England Ranges Blackbutt Dry Forest
- Northern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 609 Black Cypress Pine - Caley's Ironbark - Tumbledown Red Gum shrubby woodland on Mole Granite of the Torrington area of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- 502 Black Cypress Pine - Orange Gum - Tumbledown Red Gum shrubby woodland on granites of the Nandewar Bioregion and New England Tableland Bioregion
- 503 Black Cypress Pine - Orange Gum heath shrubland or woodland on granite outcrops of the New England Tableland Bioregion
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- South Coast Sands Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 1675 Scribbly Gum - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Bossiaea rhombifolia heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
- 3638 South Coast Sands Bangalay Forest
- 3639 South Coast Sands Bangalay Littoral Forest
- 3640 South Coast Sands Littoral Scrub
- 3641 Wonboyn Sand Forest
- South East Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3665 Southeast Hinterland Silvertop Ash-Stringybark Forest
- 3492 Wollondilly-Shoalhaven Quartz Hills Forest
- Southern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 700 Blakely's Red Gum - Black Cypress Pine dry shrub forest of the Lower Abercrombie area of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- 701 Blakely's Red Gum - Red Stringybark open forest on slopes and hills of the western slopes
- 351 Brittle Gum - Broad-leaved Peppermint - Red Stringybark open forest in the north-western part (Yass to Orange) of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
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- Southern Wattle Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3797 Southeast Scarp Wattle Scrub
- Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- Sydney Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 621 Grey Gum - Rough-barked Apple alluvial flat woodland in the upper Hunter Valley, mainly Sydney Basin Bioregion
- 3605 Hunter Range Ironbark Forest
- 624 Large-fruited Grey Gum - Narrow-leaved Stringybark open forest on sheltered sandstone hillslopes in the Scone region of the upper Hunter Valley
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- Sydney Montane Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3689 Shoalhaven Escarpment Peppermint-Silvertop Ash Forest
- 1630 Sydney Peppermint - Grey Gum heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
- Sydney Sand Flats Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3629 Castlereagh Scribbly Gum Woodland
- 4162 Elderslie Banksia Scrub
- 3633 Mellong Sand Swamp Woodland
- Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 610 Black Cypress Pine - Dwyer's Gum low woodland / open forest on rocky ridges mainly of the Nandewar Range
- 480 Black Cypress Pine - ironbark +/- Narrow-leaved Wattle low open forest mainly on Narrabeen Sandstone in the Upper Hunter region of the Sydney Basin Bioregion
- 417 Black Cypress Pine - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - red gum +/- White Bloodwood shrubby open forest on hills of the southern Pilliga, Coonabarabran and Garawilla regions, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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- Yetman Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 370 Black Cypress Pine - Dirty Gum - bloodwood - She Oak open forest on siliceous hills in the northern NSW Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 672 Black Cypress Pine - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Dirty Gum grassy open forest of north western Nandewar Bioregion
- 369 Blakely's Red Gum - Smooth-barked Apple shrub swamp woodland on siliceous white sands in the Yetman region
- Show 15 more vegetation type(s)
- Grasslands
- Maritime Grasslands
- 3408 Northern Headland Grassland
- 3409 Southern Headland Grassland
- 3410 Spinifex Strandline Grassland
- 3411 Tollgate Island Littoral Scrub
- Western Slopes Grasslands
- 1698 Plains grass; Purple wiregrass; Wallaby Grass grassland on basalt soils of the Merriwa plateau
- Grassy woodlands
- Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands
- 1696 Blakely's Red Gum - Rough-barked Apple shrubby woodland of central and upper Hunter
- 1692 Bull Oak grassy woodland of the central Hunter Valley
- 3320 Cumberland Shale Plains Woodland
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- Floodplain Transition Woodlands
- 628 Carbeen +/- Coolabah grassy woodland on floodplain clay loam soil on north-western NSW floodplains, mainly Darling Riverine Plain Bioregion
- 248 Mixed box eucalypt woodland on low sandy-loam rises on alluvial plains in central western NSW
- 101 Poplar Box - Yellow Box - Western Grey Box grassy woodland on cracking clay soils mainly in the Liverpool Plains, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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- New England Grassy Woodlands
- 501 Bendemeer White Gum - Silvertop Stringybark - Rough-barked Apple +/- Moonbi Apple Box grassy open forest of the southern New England Tableland Bioregion
- 498 Black Sallee plateau low woodland in the southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 704 Blakely's Red Gum - Yellow Box grassy open forest or woodland of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- Show 16 more vegetation type(s)
- Southern Tableland Grassy Woodlands
- 654 Apple Box - Yellow Box dry grassy woodland of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
- 703 Blakely's Red Gum - Yellow Box - Rough-barked Apple grassy woodland of the Capertee Valley, Sydney Basin Bioregion
- 705 Blakely's Red Gum moist sedgey woodland on flats and drainage lines of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
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- Subalpine Woodlands
- 3379 Barrington-Point Lookout Montane Grassy Forest
- 1191 Snow Gum - Candle Bark woodland on broad valley flats of the tablelands and slopes, South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
- Tableland Clay Grassy Woodlands
- 513 Candlebark - Ribbon Gum grassy woodland of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- 534 New England Peppermint grassy woodland on sedimentary or basaltic substrates of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- 1099 Ribbon Gum - Rough-barked Apple - Yellow Box grassy woodland/open forest of the New England Tableland Bioregion and NSW North Coast Bioregion
- Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands
- 283 Apple Box - Blakely's Red Gum moist valley and footslopes grass-forb open forest of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- 383 Apple Box - Rough-barked Apple terrace flats woodland of the southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 337 Apple Box - Silver Banksia - Drooping Sheoak open woodland - tall shrubland in protected gullies of the Coolac - Tumut serpentinite belt, NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion.
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- Semi-arid woodlands (shrubby sub-formation)
- Inland Rocky Hill Woodlands
- 257 Dwyer's Red Gum - Currawang grassy low woodland of the central western plains of NSW
- 184 Dwyer's Red Gum - White Cypress Pine - Currawang low shrub-grass woodland of the Cobar Peneplain Bioregion
- 185 Dwyer's Red Gum - White Cypress Pine - Currawang shrubby woodland mainly in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
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- North-west Alluvial Sand Woodlands
- 428 Carbeen - White Cypress Pine - Curracabah - White Box tall woodland on sand in the Narrabri - Warialda region of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 206 Dirty Gum - White Cypress Pine tall woodland of alluvial sand (sand monkeys) in the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 227 Silver-leaved Ironbark - White Cypress Pine - Rough-barked Apple woodland on alluvial terraces in central-north NSW
- Riverine Sandhill Woodlands
- 75 Yellow Box - White Cypress Pine grassy woodland on deep sandy-loam alluvial soils of the eastern Riverina Bioregion and western NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- Sand Plain Mallee Woodlands
- 474 Dwyer's Red Gum - she oak mallee shrubland on eolian sand in the Gilgandra region, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 174 Mallee - Gum Coolabah woodland on red earth flats of the eastern Cobar Peneplain Bioregion
- 193 Red Mallee - White Mallee extremely tall tree mallee on silty-loam-clay soils of central south-western NSW
- 173 Sandplain mallee of central NSW
- Western Peneplain Woodlands
- 105 Poplar Box grassy woodland on flats mainly in the Cobar Peneplain Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
- 72 White Cypress Pine - Poplar Box woodland on footslopes and peneplains mainly in the Cobar Peneplain Bioregion