Nature conservation

Threatened species

White-fronted Chat - Ocean - Other State: Distribution and vegetation associations

Scientific name: Epthianura albifrons
Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Last updated: 13 Dec 2021

Distribution of the species within this region

The White-fronted Chat is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the Ocean - Other State Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

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IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Southern Australian Coastal Waters Known None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the White-fronted Chat - Ocean - Other State is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Arid shrublands (Chenopod sub-formation)
    • Aeolian Chenopod Shrublands
      • 153 Black Bluebush low open shrubland of the alluvial plains and sandplains of the arid and semi-arid zones
      • 225 Bladder Saltbush low open chenopod shrubland of the Strzelecki dunefields of the arid climate zone
      • 222 Low Bluebush - Bladder Saltbush open shrubland of the arid zone
      • 152 Lunette chenopod shrubland mainly of the Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
      • 154 Pearl Bluebush low open shrubland of the arid and semi-arid plains
      • 151 Sandhill Cane Grass hummock grassland on siliceous sands on dune crests of the arid zone
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    • Gibber Chenopod Shrublands
      • 156 Bladder Saltbush shrubland on stony plains and downs of the arid zone
      • 155 Bluebush shrubland on stony rises and downs in the arid and semi-arid zones
      • 150 Bottlewasher - Copperburr grassland of the arid zone
      • 224 Cotton Bush - copperburr open shrubland of the arid climate zone
      • 167 Kerosene Grass - Mulka grass - short grassland/forbland of the arid zone
      • 61 Mitchell Grass - saltbush grassland/shrubland of the gibber downs of the arid climate zone
      • 210 Shrubby Twinleaf - saltbush open shrubland on silcrete scarps of the arid zone
      • 183 Windmill Grass - love grass - daisy derived grassland/forbland of arid climate zone
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    • Riverine Chenopod Shrublands
      • 196 Australian Boxthorn open shrubland in the semi-arid or arid climate zones
      • 216 Black Roly Poly low open shrubland of the Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
      • 195 Bladder Saltbush chenopod shrubland on alluvial plains mainly in the Darling Riverine Plain Bioregion
      • 157 Bladder Saltbush shrubland on alluvial plains in the semi-arid (warm) zone including Riverina Bioregion
      • 212 Chenopod low open shrubland - ephemeral partly derived forbland saline wetland on occasionally flooded pale clay scalds in the NSW North Western Plains
      • 377 Copperburr low open shrubland on loam - clay flats and playas, western Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and northern Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 164 Cotton Bush open shrubland of the semi-arid (warm) zone
      • 168 Derived Copperburr shrubland of the NSW northern inland alluvial floodplains
      • 236 Derived Giant Redburr low shrubland on alluvial plains of the semi-arid (warm) climate zone
      • 163 Dillon Bush (Nitre Bush) shrubland of the semi-arid and arid zones
      • 466 Galvanized Burr derived low shrubland of the Brigalow Belt South and Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 158 Old Man Saltbush - mixed chenopod shrubland of the semi-arid hot (persistently dry) and arid climate zones (north-western NSW)
      • 159 Old Man Saltbush shrubland mainly of the semi-arid (warm) climate zone (south western NSW)
      • 211 Slender Saltbush - samphire - copperburr low open shrubland wetland on irreguarly innundated floodplains mainly in the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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  • Freshwater wetlands
    • Coastal Freshwater Lagoons
      • 3958 Castlereagh Gravel Sedgeland
      • 3960 Coast Sands Cladium Sedgeland
      • 3959 Coast Sands Jointed Twig-rush Sedgeland
      • 3961 Coast Sands Lepironia Sedgeland
      • 3962 Coastal Floodplain Phragmites Reedland
      • 3963 Estuarine Reedland
      • 3967 Northern Lower Floodplain Eleocharis Wetland
      • 4098 South Coast Dune Sea Spray Wetland
      • 3975 Southern Lower Floodplain Freshwater Wetland
      • 3976 Southern Sands Freshwater Lagoon Wetland
      • 1738 Spirodella freshwater wetland
      • 3977 Sydney Coastal Headland Lagoon Sedgeland
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    • Coastal Heath Swamps
      • 3921 Coastal Sydney Sand Saw-sedge Wet Shrubland
      • 3922 Sydney Coastal Sand Swamp Scrub
    • Inland Floodplain Shrublands
      • 375 Budda Pea - Channel Millet ephemeral reedland wetland on floodplains in north-western NSW
      • 24 Canegrass swamp tall grassland wetland of drainage depressions, lakes and pans of the inland plains
      • 161 Golden Goosefoot shrubland wetland in swamps of the arid and semi-arid (hot summer) zones
      • 17 Lignum shrubland wetland of the semi-arid (warm) plains (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
      • 25 Lignum shrubland wetland on floodplains and depressions of the Mulga Lands Bioregion, Channel Country Bioregion in the arid and semi-arid (hot) climate zones
      • 247 Lignum shrubland wetland on regularly flooded alluvial depressions in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 160 Nitre Goosefoot shrubland wetland on clays of the inland floodplains
      • 241 River Coobah swamp wetland on the floodplains of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 240 River Coobah tall shrubland wetland of the floodplains in the Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
      • 271 Spotted Fuchsia shrubland wetland in drainage depressions on inland plains
      • 261 Swamp Paper-bark shrubland wetland ringing depressions in the Mulga Lands Bioregion
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    • Inland Floodplain Swamps
      • 66 Artesian Mound Spring sedgeland wetland mainly of the Mulga Lands Bioregion
      • 181 Common Reed - Bushy Groundsel aquatic tall reedland grassland wetland of inland river systems
      • 182 Cumbungi rushland wetland of shallow semi-permanent water bodies and inland watercourses
      • 226 Cyperus - Typha sedgeland wetland of the arid zone climate zone
      • 360 Gilgai wetland mosaic in the southern NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 205 Marsh Club-rush wetland very tall sedgeland of inland watercourses, mainly Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 238 Permanent and semi-permanent freshwater lakes wetland of the inland slopes and plains
      • 416 Pilliga tank gilgai wetland sedgeland rushland, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 465 Reedland - tussock grass - segeland fen swampy wetland of impeded creeks in southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 400 Riparian sedgeland rushland wetland of the Pilliga to Goonoo sandstone forests, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 336 Rush - Sedge - Common Reed mainly lentic channel wetland of the Upper Murray and mid-Murrumbidgee River floodplains in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 447 Sedgeland - forbland wetland in depressions on valley flats of the NSW North-western Slopes
      • 361 Sedgeland fen wetland of spring-fed or runoff-fed creeks in the southern Pilliga - Warrumbungle Range region, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 53 Shallow freshwater wetland sedgeland in depressions on floodplains on inland alluivial plains and floodplains
      • 12 Shallow marsh wetland of regularly flooded depressions on floodplains mainly in the semi-arid (warm) climatic zone (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
      • 3982 Southwest Floodplain Wetland Meadow
      • 47 Swamp grassland wetland of the Riverine Plain
      • 410 Swamp Paper-bark very tall shrubland wetland on sodic soils in the Pilliga Scrub region
      • 204 Water Couch marsh grassland wetland of frequently flooded inland watercourses
      • 364 Wetland on sodic soils in the Yetman-Yelarbon region, mainly Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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    • Montane Bogs and Fens
      • 766 Carex sedgeland of the slopes and tablelands
      • 3932 Central and Southern Tableland Swamp Meadow Complex
      • 3942 Monaro Creekflat Peat Swamp
      • 4164 New England Peppermint Swamp Margin Woodland
      • 3944 New England Tableland Carex Fens
      • 582 Sedgeland fens wetland of impeded drainage of the Nandewar Bioregion and New England Tableland Bioregion
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    • Montane Lakes
      • 3980 Southern Lacustrine Herbfield
      • 3981 Tableland Semi-permanent Shallow Wetlands
  • Grasslands
    • Maritime Grasslands
      • 3407 Central Headland Grassland
      • 3409 Southern Headland Grassland
      • 3410 Spinifex Strandline Grassland
    • Riverine Plain Grasslands
      • 46 Curly Windmill Grass - speargrass - wallaby grass grassland on alluvial clay and loam on the Hay Plain, Riverina Bioregion
      • 165 Derived corkscrew grass grassland/forbland on sandplains and plains in the semi-arid (warm) climate zone
      • 44 Forb-rich Speargrass - Windmill Grass - White Top grassland of the Riverina Bioregion
      • 45 Plains Grass grassland on alluvial mainly clay soils in the Riverina Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 1203 Speargrass natural grassland of the sandplains of the Murray Darling Bioregion
    • Semi-arid Floodplain Grasslands
      • 50 Couch Grass grassland wetland on river banks and floodplains of inland river systems
      • 43 Mitchell Grass grassland - chenopod low open shrubland on floodplains in the semi-arid (hot) and arid zones
      • 214 Native Millet - Cup Grass grassland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 49 Partly derived Windmill Grass - copperburr alluvial plains shrubby grassland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 52 Queensland Bluegrass +/- Mitchell Grass grassland on cracking clay floodplains and alluvial plains mainly the northern-eastern Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 242 Rats Tail Couch sod grassland wetland of inland floodplains
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    • Temperate Montane Grasslands
      • 797 Derived grassland of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion and South East Corner Bioregion
      • 894 Kangaroo Grass - Purple Wire-grass - Mat-rush - Wallaby Grass - Common Buttons dry tussock grassland in the north-western and Eastern parts of the Southern Tablelands of the South Eastern Highlands Bi
      • 895 Kangaroo Grass - Purple Wire-grass - Mat-rush - Wallaby Grass - Common Buttons dry tussock grassland on steep sites in the north-western and Eastern parts of the Southern Tablelands of the South Easte
      • 3413 Monaro Kangaroo Grass Woodland-Grassland Complex
      • 3414 Monaro Snowgrass-Kangaroo Grass Grassland
      • 1110 River Tussock - Tall Sedge - Kangaroo Grass moist grasslands of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 3415 Southern Tableland Red Grass-Spear Grass Grassland
      • 3416 Southern Tableland Valley Flats Damp Grassland
      • 1202 Speargrass grassland of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 1288 Wallaby Grass - Kangaroo Grass - Rush - Blown Grass Wet Tussock Grassland Moist Grasslands of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 1289 Wallaby Grass - Red-grass - Tall Speargrass - Kangaroo Grass dry tussock grassland of the North-western and Eastern Southern Tablelands in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
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    • Western Slopes Grasslands
      • 796 Derived grassland of the NSW South Western Slopes
      • 484 Derived tall spear grass grassland on mainly basalt hills of the Liverpool Plains, Liverpool Range and in the upper Hunter Valley (Merriwa district), south-eastern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 250 Derived tussock grassland of the central western plains and lower slopes of NSW
      • 619 Derived Wire Grass grassland of the NSW Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Nandewar Bioregion
      • 320 Kangaroo Grass - Redleg Grass forb-rich temperate tussock grassland of the northern Monaro, ACT and upper Lachlan River regions of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and South Eastern Highlands Bi
      • 1179 Slender Bamboo Grass - Spiny Saltbush grassland of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 633 Speargrass - Redleg Grass derived grassland on hills in the Jindera to Holbrook region, southern NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 460 Tumbledown Gum - ironbark - Porcupine Grass hummock grassland / low woodland of the Mount Kaputar to Bingara region, Nandewar Bioregion
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  • Saline wetlands
    • Inland Saline lakes
      • 166 Disturbed annual saltbush forbland on clay plains and inundation zones mainly of south-western NSW
      • 189 Ephemeral forbland wetland of low-saline lake-beds of the arid and semi-arid (warm) climate zones
      • 253 Gypseous shrubland on rises in the semi-arid and arid plains
      • 65 Halosarcia lylei low, open shrubland saline wetland of arid and semi-arid regions
      • 149 Neverfail Grass - ephemeral herbaceous grassland forbland of interdune claypans mainly in the arid climate zone
      • 64 Samphire - Water Weed - Sea-Heath shrubland saline wetland of depressions of the arid and semi-arid (warm) zones
      • 62 Samphire saline shrubland/forbland wetland of lake beds and lake margins in the arid and semi-arid (hot) zones
      • 18 Slender Glasswort low shrubland in saline wetland depressions in the semi-arid and arid climate zones, far western NSW
      • 198 Sparse saltbush forbland wetland of the irregularly inundated lakes of the arid and semi-arid (persistently hot) climate zones
      • 63 Spiny Lignum - Slender Glasswort open forbland sailine wetland on lake edges in the semi-arid and arid climate zones
      • 162 Sturts Pigface sparse forbland of saline soils of the arid zone
      • 263 Submerged flora of saline permanent wetland of the arid zone
      • 262 Submerged flora of saline temporary wetland of the arid zone
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    • Mangrove Swamps
      • 4091 Grey Mangrove-River Mangrove Forest
    • Saltmarshes
      • 4094 Estuarine Club Rush-Arrowgrass Wetland
      • 4095 Paspalum vaginatum-Samphire Saltmarsh
      • 4096 Prickly Couch-Sea Rush Saltmarsh
      • 4097 Samphire Saltmarsh
      • 4103 Sporobolus virginicus Saltmarsh