Nature conservation

Threatened species

Little Bent-winged Bat - NSW North Coast: Distribution and vegetation associations

Scientific name: Miniopterus australis
Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Last updated: 24 Mar 2020

Distribution of the species within this region

The Little Bent-winged Bat is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the NSW North Coast Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

Click on column headers to sort
IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Barrington Known None
Carrai Plateau Known None
Cataract Known None
Chaelundi Known None
Coffs Coast and Escarpment Known None
Comboyne Plateau Known None
Dalmorton Known None
Ellerston Known None
Guy Fawkes Predicted None
Karuah Manning Known None
Macleay Gorges Known None
Macleay Hastings Known None
Mummel Escarpment Known None
Rocky River Gorge Known None
Tomalla Known None
Upper Hunter Known None
Upper Manning Known None
Washpool Known None
Yuraygir Known None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the Little Bent-winged Bat - NSW North Coast is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Dry sclerophyll forests (shrub/grass sub-formation)
    • Central Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3490 Hunter Valley Footslopes Slaty Gum Forest
    • Clarence Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3420 Clarence Lowland Ironbark-Spotted Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3421 Clarence Sandstone Pink Bloodwood Grassy Forest
      • 3422 Clarence Sandstone Rises Spotted Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3424 Drake Hills Spotted Gum Forest
      • 3425 Far North Hinterland Swamp Turpentine-Apple Forest
      • 3427 Northern Hinterland Hills Bloodwood-Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3428 Northern Lowland Red Gum-Swamp Turpentine Grassy Forest
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    • Cumberland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3448 Castlereagh Ironbark Forest
    • Hunter-Macleay Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3431 Central Hunter Ironbark Grassy Woodland
      • 3432 Hunter Coast Foothills Apple-Ironbark Grassy Forest
      • 3433 Hunter Coast Foothills Spotted Gum-Ironbark Grassy Forest
      • 3435 Hunter Coast Lowland Flats Damp Forest
      • 3437 Hunter Coast Lowland Spotted Gum Dry Forest
      • 3436 Hunter Coast Sandy Creekflat Low Paperbark Scrub
      • 3434 Hunter Coast White Mahogany Low Forest
      • 3438 Hunter Escarpment Footslopes Ironbark Forest
      • 4157 Hunter Escarpment Footslopes Singleton Mallee
      • 3439 Hunter Escarpment Grey Gum Sheltered Forest
      • 4158 Hunter Escarpment Pokolbin Ironbark Woodland
      • 3442 Lower Hunter Lowland Ironbark-Paperbark Forest
      • 3443 Lower Hunter Spotted Gum Scrubby Transition Forest
      • 3444 Lower Hunter Spotted Gum-Ironbark Forest
      • 3445 Lower North Coastal Hills Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3446 Lower North Foothills Ironbark-Box-Gum Grassy Forest
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    • New England Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3501 Eastern New England Ranges Blackbutt Forest
      • 3502 Maryland Moist Grassy Forest
    • Northern Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3454 Chandlers Creek Dry Grassy Forest
      • 4120 Macleay Gorges Red Gum-Box Sheltered Forest
      • 983 New England Blackbutt - stringybark grassy forest the eastern New England Tableland Bioregion and NSW North Coast Bioregion
      • 3465 Northern Gorges Red Gum Grassy Forest
    • North-west Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Woodlands
      • 394 Narrow-leaved Ironbark - White Cypress pine woodland on slopes and flats in the Coonabarabran - Pilliga Scrub regions
  • Dry sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
    • Coastal Dune Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3544 Coastal Sands Apple-Blackbutt Forest
      • 3545 Coastal Sands Bloodwood Low Forest
      • 3546 Coastal Sands Littoral Scrub-Forest
      • 3550 Far North Coastal Cypress Grassy Forest
      • 3547 Far North Sands Coastal Cypress Dry Shrub Forest
      • 3548 Far North Sands Scribbly Gum Heathy Forest
      • 3549 Lower North Sandplain Heathy Forest
      • 3551 Northern Sands Blackbutt-Red Mahogany Forest
      • 3552 Northern Sands Blackbutt-Stringybark Forest
      • 3553 Northern Sands Bloodwood-Swamp Turpentine Forest
      • 3556 Umina Coastal Sand Woodland
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    • North Coast Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3561 Clarence Lowland Smudgy Apple-Paperbark Forest
      • 3563 Clarence Sandstone Blackbutt-Bloodwood Forest
      • 3564 Clarence Sandstone Bloodwood-Stringybark Forest
      • 3568 Clarence Sandstone Stringybark Heathy Woodland
      • 3569 Clarence Sandstone Stringybark-Blackbutt Forest
      • 3570 Coorabakh Conglomerate Banksia Forest
      • 3572 Koonyum Range Rhyolite Outcrop Shrub Woodland
      • 4160 Mid North Conglomerate Blackbutt Shrub Forest
      • 4161 Mid North Stringybark-Turpentine Shrub Forest
      • 3571 Mount Warning Caldera Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 3574 Northern Lowland Sandstones Dry Open Forest
      • 3573 Northern Lowland Scribbly Gum-Bloodwood Forest
      • 3577 Yuraygir Range Bloodwood-Stringybark Forest
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    • South East Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3664 Southeast Foothills Woollybutt Dry Shrub Forest
    • Southern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3731 Capertee Conglomerate Grey Gum-Stringybark Forest
    • Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3581 Hunter Coast Foothills Apple Forest
      • 3582 Hunter Coast Lowland Apple-Bloodwood Forest
      • 3583 Hunter Coast Lowland Scribbly Gum Forest
      • 3586 Northern Sydney Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 3587 Pearl Beach Sand Forest
      • 3590 Southern Sydney Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 3591 Southern Sydney Sheltered Forest
      • 3592 Sydney Coastal Enriched Sandstone Forest
      • 3593 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Bloodwood Shrub Forest
      • 3594 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Foreshores Forest
      • 3595 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Gully Forest
      • 3596 Sydney Coastal Sandstone Riparian Forest
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    • Sydney Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3610 Lower Hunter Yellow Bloodwood Forest
      • 3611 Nattai Plateau Bloodwood-Peppermint Forest
      • 3619 Sydney Hinterland Enriched Sandstone Bloodwood Forest
      • 3616 Sydney Hinterland Grey Gum Transition Forest
      • 3617 Sydney Hinterland Peppermint-Apple Forest
      • 3620 Sydney Hinterland Turpentine Sheltered Forest
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    • Sydney Sand Flats Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3629 Castlereagh Scribbly Gum Woodland
      • 4122 Cockle Creek Sandflat Scribbly Gum Forest
      • 4162 Elderslie Banksia Scrub
      • 3630 Kurri Sand Heathy Woodland
      • 3631 Kurri Sand-Clay Woodland
      • 3634 Quorrobolong Sand Flats Forest
      • 3636 Warkworth Sands Woodland
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    • Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests
      • 1176 Slaty Box - Grey Gum shrubby woodland on footslopes of the upper Hunter Valley, Sydney Basin Bioregion
      • 3768 Upper Hunter Ranges Enriched Ironbark Forest
  • Forested wetlands
    • Coastal Floodplain Wetlands
      • 4019 Coastal Alluvial Bangalay Forest
      • 4020 Coastal Creekflat Layered Grass-Sedge Swamp Forest
      • 4021 Coastal Creekline Dry Shrubby Swamp Forest
      • 4023 Coastal Valleys Riparian Forest
      • 4024 Cumberland Blue Box Riverflat Forest
      • 4025 Cumberland Red Gum Riverflat Forest
      • 4026 Estuarine Sea Rush Swamp Oak Forest
      • 4028 Estuarine Swamp Oak Twig-rush Forest
      • 4027 Estuarine Swamp Oak-Mangrove Forest
      • 4030 Far North Estuarine Swamp Oak Forest
      • 4034 Far North Swamp Oak-Tuckeroo Swamp Fringe Forest
      • 4036 Hunter Coast Lake Flats Apple Forest
      • 4038 Hunter Estuarine Melaleuca nodosa Scrub
      • 4039 Hunter Range Creekflat Apple-Red Gum Forest
      • 4042 Lower North Riverflat Eucalypt-Paperbark Forest
      • 4044 Northern Creekflat Eucalypt-Paperbark Mesic Swamp Forest
      • 4045 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine-Paperbark Forest
      • 4046 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine-Red Gum Forest
      • 4047 Northern Swamp Mahogany-Bottlebrush Swamp Forest
      • 4048 Northern Swamp Oak-Paperbark Forest
      • 4056 Southern Estuarine Swamp Paperbark Creekflat Scrub
      • 4059 Sydney Hinterland Sandy Creekflat Shrub Forest
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    • Coastal Swamp Forests
      • 3983 Central Coast Flats Mesic Swamp Forest
      • 3984 Clarence Lowland Paperbark Sedge Swamp Woodland
      • 3985 Coastal Floodplain Swamp Paperbark Scrub
      • 3996 Coastal Sand Swamp Mahogany Dry Forest
      • 3986 Coastal Sands Swamp Mahogany Rush Forest
      • 3987 Far North Floodplain Paperbark-Swamp Oak Forest
      • 3988 Far North Mesophyll Paperbark Swamp Forest
      • 3989 Far North Paperbark Fern Swamp Forest
      • 3990 Far North Paperbark Gahnia Swamp Forest
      • 3991 Far North Sands Swamp Turpentine-Paperbark Forest
      • 3993 Far North Swamp Oak-Paperbark Tidal Forest
      • 3995 Hunter Coast Paperbark-Swamp Mahogany Forest
      • 3998 Lower North Creekflat Mahogany Swamp Forest
      • 4156 Maroota Sands Swamp Forest
      • 4000 Northern Estuarine Paperbark Sedge Forest
      • 4001 Northern Floodplain Paperbark Fern Swamp Forest
      • 4002 Northern Lowland Orange Gum Dry Swamp Forest
      • 4003 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine-Mahogany Forest
      • 4004 Northern Melaleuca quinquenervia Swamp Forest
      • 4005 Northern Paperbark Banksia Littoral Forest
      • 4006 Northern Paperbark-Swamp Mahogany Saw-sedge Forest
      • 4007 Northern Sands Paperbark Sedge Low Forest
      • 4008 Northern Sands Swamp Mahogany Shrubby Rush Forest
      • 4009 Shoalhaven Lowland Flats Wet Swamp Forest
      • 4012 Tomago Drooping Red Gum Swamp Woodland
      • 4013 Wyong Paperbark-Woollybutt Swamp Forest
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    • Eastern Riverine Forests
      • 4066 Clarence Valley River Oak Wet Forest
      • 4078 Northern Gorges River Oak Forest
      • 42 River Red Gum / River Oak riparian woodland wetland in the Hunter Valley
      • 1127 Sandstone cliff-face soak
  • Freshwater wetlands
    • Coastal Freshwater Lagoons
      • 3959 Coast Sands Jointed Twig-rush Sedgeland
      • 3961 Coast Sands Lepironia Sedgeland
      • 3962 Coastal Floodplain Phragmites Reedland
      • 3963 Estuarine Reedland
      • 3967 Northern Lower Floodplain Eleocharis Wetland
      • 3968 Northern Sands Baloskion-Machaerina Wetland
      • 3969 Northern Sands Machaerina-Eleocharis Sedgeland
      • 3975 Southern Lower Floodplain Freshwater Wetland
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    • Coastal Heath Swamps
      • 3898 Clarence Lowland Smudgy Apple Banksia Forest
      • 3904 Hunter Coast Grasstree Graminoid Swamp Scrub
      • 3907 Lower North Sands Swamp Scrub
      • 3906 Northern Lowland Clay Wet Heath
      • 3912 Northern Sand Swale Paperbark Sedge Shrubland
      • 3900 Northern Sandplain Saw-sedge-Fern Swamp Heath
      • 3913 Northern Sandplain Wet Heath
      • 3915 Northern Sands Prickly Tea-tree Wet Shrubland
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  • Grasslands
    • Temperate Montane Grasslands
      • 896 Kangaroo Grass - Wallaby Grass - Snow Grass moist tussock grassland in the Monaro and the Southern Tablelands regions of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 1289 Wallaby Grass - Red-grass - Tall Speargrass - Kangaroo Grass dry tussock grassland of the North-western and Eastern Southern Tablelands in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
  • Grassy woodlands
    • Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands
      • 3315 Central Hunter Ironbark-Spotted Gum Forest
      • 3314 Central Hunter Slopes Grey Box Forest
      • 3319 Cumberland Shale Hills Woodland
      • 3320 Cumberland Shale Plains Woodland
      • 3321 Cumberland Shale-Sandstone Ironbark Forest
      • 3323 Far North Lowland Basalt Grassy Forest
      • 3322 Far North Ranges Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3327 Illawarra Lowland Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 1604 Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Grey Box - Spotted Gum shrub - grass woodland of the central and lower Hunter
      • 3329 Northern Hinterland Valleys Red Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3269 Shoalhaven Lowland Spotted Gum-Paperbark Forest
      • 3330 South Coast Lowland Woollybutt Grassy Forest
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    • Subalpine Woodlands
      • 3379 Barrington-Point Lookout Montane Grassy Forest
    • Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands
      • 851 Grey Box - grass tree - spinifex woodland on limestone hills of the western Hunter and Capertee Valleys, Sydney Basin Bioregion
  • Rainforests
    • Cool Temperate Rainforests
      • 3048 Border Ranges Antarctic Beech Rainforest
      • 3052 Northern Escarpment Antarctic Beech Rainforest
    • Dry Rainforests
      • 2079 Blakes Wattle - Wilga - Wild Quince - Kurrajong thickets, NSW North Coast Bioregion and New England Tablelands Bioregion
      • 3065 Far North Basalt Gully Dry Rainforest
      • 3066 Far North Floodplain Dry Rainforest
      • 3070 Far North Hinterland Kamala-Coogera Dry Rainforest
      • 3064 Far North Hoop Pine Dry Rainforest
      • 3110 Greater Sydney Enriched Grey Myrtle Dry Rainforest
      • 1540 Grey Myrtle - Grey Gum gully dry rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
      • 1539 Grey Myrtle sheltered gully dry rainforest in gullies of the Sydney Basin
      • 3074 Hunter Coast Lowland Grey Myrtle Wet Forest
      • 3075 Hunter Valley Rusty Fig Dry Rainforest
      • 3077 Illawarra Complex Dry Rainforest
      • 4110 Lower North Estuarine Sand Dry Rainforest
      • 3086 Lower North Hinterland Riparian Dry Rainforest
      • 3089 Lower North Waterhousea Riparian Rainforest
      • 2068 Moreton Bay Fig - Myrtle Ebony dry vine rainforest on sandstone at Pillar Rock, east of Grafton, South Eastern Queensland Bioregion
      • 3101 Northern Hinterland Shatterwood Dry Rainforest
      • 3151 Northwest Sydney Sandstone Grey Myrtle Dry Rainforest
      • 1543 Rusty Fig - Native Quince - Native Olive dry rainforest of the Central Hunter Valley
      • 3111 Sydney Hinterland Grey Myrtle Riparian Forest
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    • Littoral Rainforests
      • 3122 Far North Littoral Rainforest
      • 3123 Far North Sands Coastal Cypress Littoral Rainforest
      • 3124 Far North Sands Tuckeroo-Banksia Littoral Rainforest
      • 3127 Mid North Headland Brush Box Littoral Rainforest
      • 3129 Mid North Sands Littoral Rainforest
      • 3130 Mid North Tuckeroo-Paperbark Littoral Wet Forest
      • 3131 Myall-Wallis Lakes Littoral Rainforest
      • 3132 Northern Sands Tuckeroo-Banksia Forest
      • 3133 Sydney Coast Tuckeroo Littoral Rainforest
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    • Northern Warm Temperate Rainforests
      • 2101 Black Wattle - Hill Kanuka - Coachwood - Mountain Banksia - Soft Corkwood low closed forest on shallow soils of the Dorrigo Escarpment, NSW North Coast Bioregion
      • 3025 Central Coast Gallery Rainforest
      • 1529 Lilly Pilly - Coachwood gully warm temperate rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
      • 3029 Lower North Wet Gully Palm Rainforest
      • 4107 Mid North Escarpment Coachwood Warm Temperate Rainforest
      • 3031 Northern Escarpment Coachwood-Beech Rainforest
      • 3032 Northern Escarpment Sassafras-Booyong-Corkwood Rainforest
      • 3033 Northern Escarpment Sassafras-Prickly Ash Rainforest
      • 3035 Northern Ranges Coachwood Warm Temperate Rainforest
      • 1531 Sassafras - Grey Possumwood warm temperate rainforest of the New England escarpment
      • 1523 Sassafras - Prickly Ash - Lilly Pilly warm temperate rainforest on ranges of the Barrington Tops and lower North Coast
      • 3040 Sydney Coastal Foreshores Gully Rainforest
      • 3039 Sydney Coastal Lilly Pilly-Palm Gallery Rainforest
      • 3041 Sydney Sandstone Coachwood-Grey Myrtle Rainforest
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    • Subtropical Rainforests
      • 3003 Border Ranges Black Booyong Subtropical Rainforest
      • 4105 Border Ranges Red Carabeen Rainforest
      • 3121 Broken Head Lowland Rainforest
      • 3004 Far North Bangalow Palm Swamp Forest
      • 3005 Far North Floodplain Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3009 Far North Lowland Palm Gully Rainforest
      • 3011 Far North Lowland Subtropical Rainforest
      • 845 Giant Stinging Tree - Fig dry subtropical rainforest of the NSW North Coast Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 3001 Lismore Basalt Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3002 Lower Richmond Hills Dry-Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3017 Mid North Lowland Floodplain Rainforest
      • 3019 Northern Hinterland Baloghia-Booyong Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3100 Northern Hinterland Baloghia-Dendrocnide Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3021 Northern Lowland Subtropical Rainforest
      • 3022 Port Macquarie Coastal Subtropical Rainforest
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  • Saline wetlands
    • Mangrove Swamps
      • 4090 Far North Estuarine Mangrove-Swamp Oak Forest
      • 4140 Far North Mangrove Forest
      • 4091 Grey Mangrove-River Mangrove Forest
    • Saltmarshes
      • 4097 Samphire Saltmarsh
      • 4103 Sporobolus virginicus Saltmarsh
  • Wet sclerophyll forests (grassy sub-formation)
    • Northern Hinterland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3230 Central Coast Escarpment Moist Forest
      • 3144 Craven Grey Box Grassy Forest
      • 3232 Far North Coastal Hills Blackbutt-Ironbark Forest
      • 3069 Far North Hinterland Grey Box-Grey Gum Wet Forest
      • 3233 Far North Hinterland Grey Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3234 Hunter Coast Lowland Spotted Gum Moist Forest
      • 3237 Hunter Range Blue Gum Gully Forest
      • 3239 Hunter Range Sheltered Grey Gum Forest
      • 4109 Lower Hunter Screeslope Wet Forest
      • 3285 Lower North Escarpment Blue Gum Grassy Forest
      • 3242 Lower North Ranges Turpentine Moist Forest
      • 3244 Lower North Spotted Gum-Mahogany-Ironbark Sheltered Forest
      • 3241 Lower North White Mahogany-Spotted Gum Moist Forest
      • 3094 Mount Pikapene Steel Box Wet Forest
      • 3248 Northern Blackbutt-Turpentine Shrub Forest
      • 3249 Northern Bloodwood-Ironbark Moist Grassy Forest
      • 3250 Northern Foothills Blackbutt Grassy Forest
      • 3251 Northern Gorges Diverse Grassy Forest
      • 3167 Northern Hinterland Blackbutt-Forest Oak Wet Forest
      • 3252 Northern Hinterland Grey Gum-Mahogany Grassy Forest
      • 3253 Northern Hinterland Grey Gum-Turpentine Mesic Forest
      • 3254 Northern Hinterland Tallowwood-Forest Oak Grassy Forest
      • 3259 Sydney Coastal Shale-Sandstone Forest
      • 3262 Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest
      • 3263 Watagan Range Turpentine-Mahogany Grassy Forest
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    • Northern Tableland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3277 Carrai Moist Grassy Forest
      • 3278 Far North Escarpment Blackbutt Grassy Forest
      • 3279 Far North Escarpment Blackbutt Moist Forest
      • 3286 Northern Escarpment Blackbutt Cool Moist Forest
      • 3287 Northern Escarpment Messmate Cool Wet Forest
      • 3288 Northern Escarpment Messmate Moist Grassy Forest
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  • Wet sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
    • North Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 3136 Blue Gum High Forest
      • 3139 Border Ranges Brush Box-Tallowwood Wet Forest
      • 3142 Clarence Lowland Sandstone Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3145 Cumberland Bangalay x Blue Gum Riverflat Forest
      • 3147 Far North Brush Box-Bloodwood Wet Forest
      • 3148 Far North Brush Box-Walnut Wet Forest
      • 3150 Hunter Coast Ranges Turpentine Wet Forest
      • 3153 Illawarra Escarpment Bangalay x Blue Gum Wet Forest
      • 3078 Illawarra Lowland Wet Vine Forest
      • 3125 Illawarra Seacliff Banksia-Bangalay Forest
      • 4115 Koonyum Range Rhyolite Turpentine Wet Forest
      • 3084 Lower North Brown Myrtle Wet Forest
      • 3158 Lower North Foothills Turpentine-Flooded Gum Wet Forest
      • 3087 Lower North Ranges Riparian Turpentine Forest
      • 3160 Lower North Turpentine-Tallowwood-Grey Gum Forest
      • 1575 Messmate - Forest Ribbon Gum - New England Blackbutt shrub - grass tall open forest of Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands escarpment
      • 3161 Mid North Hinterland Wet Forest
      • 3162 Mid North Lowland Flooded Gum-Palm Wet Forest
      • 3165 Northern Brush Box Subtropical Wet Forest
      • 3166 Northern Escarpment Brush Box-Tallowwood-Maple Wet Forest
      • 3168 Northern Hinterland Brush Box-Quince Wet Forest
      • 3169 Northern Hinterland Tallowwood-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3102 Northern Lowland Swamp Turpentine Wet Forest
      • 3171 Northern Lowland Viney Wet Forest
      • 3172 Northern Ranges Brush Box-Flooded Gum Wet Forest
      • 3173 Northern Ranges Dunns Gum-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3174 Northern Turpentine-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 1563 Sydney Blue Gum – New England Blackbutt - Whitetop Box moist shrub – grass tall open forest of the lower North Coast
      • 3176 Sydney Enriched Sandstone Moist Forest
      • 3180 Yuraygir Range Brush Box-Tallowwood Gully Forest
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    • Northern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests
      • 931 Messmate - Mountain Gum tall moist forest of the far southern New England Tableland Bioregion
      • 1574 Messmate grassy tall open forest on Barrington and Northern Tablelands escarpment
      • 3202 Mid North Escarpment Ranges Blackbutt Forest
      • 1577 New England Blackbutt - Forest Ribbon Gum grassy tall open forest of the Northern Tablelands escarpment
      • 3206 Northern Escarpment Corkwood-Brush Box Wet Forest
      • 3204 Northern Escarpment New England Blackbutt-Maple Wet Forest
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