Nature conservation

Threatened species

White-fronted Chat - Cobar Peneplain: Distribution and vegetation associations

Scientific name: Epthianura albifrons
Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Last updated: 13 Dec 2021

Distribution of the species within this region

The White-fronted Chat is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the Cobar Peneplain Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

Click on column headers to sort
IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Barnato Downs Known None
Boorindal Plains Predicted None
Canbelego Downs Known None
Lachlan Plains Known None
Nymagee Known None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the White-fronted Chat - Cobar Peneplain is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Arid shrublands (Chenopod sub-formation)
    • Aeolian Chenopod Shrublands
      • 153 Black Bluebush low open shrubland of the alluvial plains and sandplains of the arid and semi-arid zones
      • 225 Bladder Saltbush low open chenopod shrubland of the Strzelecki dunefields of the arid climate zone
      • 222 Low Bluebush - Bladder Saltbush open shrubland of the arid zone
      • 152 Lunette chenopod shrubland mainly of the Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
      • 154 Pearl Bluebush low open shrubland of the arid and semi-arid plains
      • 151 Sandhill Cane Grass hummock grassland on siliceous sands on dune crests of the arid zone
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    • Gibber Chenopod Shrublands
      • 156 Bladder Saltbush shrubland on stony plains and downs of the arid zone
      • 155 Bluebush shrubland on stony rises and downs in the arid and semi-arid zones
      • 150 Bottlewasher - Copperburr grassland of the arid zone
      • 224 Cotton Bush - copperburr open shrubland of the arid climate zone
      • 167 Kerosene Grass - Mulka grass - short grassland/forbland of the arid zone
      • 61 Mitchell Grass - saltbush grassland/shrubland of the gibber downs of the arid climate zone
      • 210 Shrubby Twinleaf - saltbush open shrubland on silcrete scarps of the arid zone
      • 183 Windmill Grass - love grass - daisy derived grassland/forbland of arid climate zone
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    • Riverine Chenopod Shrublands
      • 196 Australian Boxthorn open shrubland in the semi-arid or arid climate zones
      • 216 Black Roly Poly low open shrubland of the Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
      • 195 Bladder Saltbush chenopod shrubland on alluvial plains mainly in the Darling Riverine Plain Bioregion
      • 157 Bladder Saltbush shrubland on alluvial plains in the semi-arid (warm) zone including Riverina Bioregion
      • 212 Chenopod low open shrubland - ephemeral partly derived forbland saline wetland on occasionally flooded pale clay scalds in the NSW North Western Plains
      • 377 Copperburr low open shrubland on loam - clay flats and playas, western Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and northern Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 164 Cotton Bush open shrubland of the semi-arid (warm) zone
      • 168 Derived Copperburr shrubland of the NSW northern inland alluvial floodplains
      • 236 Derived Giant Redburr low shrubland on alluvial plains of the semi-arid (warm) climate zone
      • 163 Dillon Bush (Nitre Bush) shrubland of the semi-arid and arid zones
      • 466 Galvanized Burr derived low shrubland of the Brigalow Belt South and Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 158 Old Man Saltbush - mixed chenopod shrubland of the semi-arid hot (persistently dry) and arid climate zones (north-western NSW)
      • 159 Old Man Saltbush shrubland mainly of the semi-arid (warm) climate zone (south western NSW)
      • 211 Slender Saltbush - samphire - copperburr low open shrubland wetland on irreguarly innundated floodplains mainly in the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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  • Freshwater wetlands
    • Coastal Freshwater Lagoons
      • 3958 Castlereagh Gravel Sedgeland
      • 3960 Coast Sands Cladium Sedgeland
      • 3959 Coast Sands Jointed Twig-rush Sedgeland
      • 3961 Coast Sands Lepironia Sedgeland
      • 3962 Coastal Floodplain Phragmites Reedland
      • 3963 Estuarine Reedland
      • 3967 Northern Lower Floodplain Eleocharis Wetland
      • 4098 South Coast Dune Sea Spray Wetland
      • 3975 Southern Lower Floodplain Freshwater Wetland
      • 3976 Southern Sands Freshwater Lagoon Wetland
      • 1738 Spirodella freshwater wetland
      • 3977 Sydney Coastal Headland Lagoon Sedgeland
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    • Coastal Heath Swamps
      • 3921 Coastal Sydney Sand Saw-sedge Wet Shrubland
      • 3922 Sydney Coastal Sand Swamp Scrub
    • Inland Floodplain Shrublands
      • 375 Budda Pea - Channel Millet ephemeral reedland wetland on floodplains in north-western NSW
      • 24 Canegrass swamp tall grassland wetland of drainage depressions, lakes and pans of the inland plains
      • 161 Golden Goosefoot shrubland wetland in swamps of the arid and semi-arid (hot summer) zones
      • 17 Lignum shrubland wetland of the semi-arid (warm) plains (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
      • 25 Lignum shrubland wetland on floodplains and depressions of the Mulga Lands Bioregion, Channel Country Bioregion in the arid and semi-arid (hot) climate zones
      • 247 Lignum shrubland wetland on regularly flooded alluvial depressions in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 160 Nitre Goosefoot shrubland wetland on clays of the inland floodplains
      • 241 River Coobah swamp wetland on the floodplains of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 240 River Coobah tall shrubland wetland of the floodplains in the Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
      • 271 Spotted Fuchsia shrubland wetland in drainage depressions on inland plains
      • 261 Swamp Paper-bark shrubland wetland ringing depressions in the Mulga Lands Bioregion
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    • Inland Floodplain Swamps
      • 66 Artesian Mound Spring sedgeland wetland mainly of the Mulga Lands Bioregion
      • 181 Common Reed - Bushy Groundsel aquatic tall reedland grassland wetland of inland river systems
      • 182 Cumbungi rushland wetland of shallow semi-permanent water bodies and inland watercourses
      • 226 Cyperus - Typha sedgeland wetland of the arid zone climate zone
      • 360 Gilgai wetland mosaic in the southern NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 205 Marsh Club-rush wetland very tall sedgeland of inland watercourses, mainly Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 238 Permanent and semi-permanent freshwater lakes wetland of the inland slopes and plains
      • 416 Pilliga tank gilgai wetland sedgeland rushland, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 465 Reedland - tussock grass - segeland fen swampy wetland of impeded creeks in southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 400 Riparian sedgeland rushland wetland of the Pilliga to Goonoo sandstone forests, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 336 Rush - Sedge - Common Reed mainly lentic channel wetland of the Upper Murray and mid-Murrumbidgee River floodplains in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 447 Sedgeland - forbland wetland in depressions on valley flats of the NSW North-western Slopes
      • 361 Sedgeland fen wetland of spring-fed or runoff-fed creeks in the southern Pilliga - Warrumbungle Range region, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 53 Shallow freshwater wetland sedgeland in depressions on floodplains on inland alluivial plains and floodplains
      • 12 Shallow marsh wetland of regularly flooded depressions on floodplains mainly in the semi-arid (warm) climatic zone (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
      • 3982 Southwest Floodplain Wetland Meadow
      • 47 Swamp grassland wetland of the Riverine Plain
      • 410 Swamp Paper-bark very tall shrubland wetland on sodic soils in the Pilliga Scrub region
      • 204 Water Couch marsh grassland wetland of frequently flooded inland watercourses
      • 364 Wetland on sodic soils in the Yetman-Yelarbon region, mainly Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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    • Montane Bogs and Fens
      • 766 Carex sedgeland of the slopes and tablelands
      • 3932 Central and Southern Tableland Swamp Meadow Complex
      • 3942 Monaro Creekflat Peat Swamp
      • 4164 New England Peppermint Swamp Margin Woodland
      • 3944 New England Tableland Carex Fens
      • 582 Sedgeland fens wetland of impeded drainage of the Nandewar Bioregion and New England Tableland Bioregion
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    • Montane Lakes
      • 3980 Southern Lacustrine Herbfield
      • 3981 Tableland Semi-permanent Shallow Wetlands
  • Grasslands
    • Maritime Grasslands
      • 3407 Central Headland Grassland
      • 3409 Southern Headland Grassland
      • 3410 Spinifex Strandline Grassland
    • Riverine Plain Grasslands
      • 46 Curly Windmill Grass - speargrass - wallaby grass grassland on alluvial clay and loam on the Hay Plain, Riverina Bioregion
      • 165 Derived corkscrew grass grassland/forbland on sandplains and plains in the semi-arid (warm) climate zone
      • 44 Forb-rich Speargrass - Windmill Grass - White Top grassland of the Riverina Bioregion
      • 45 Plains Grass grassland on alluvial mainly clay soils in the Riverina Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 1203 Speargrass natural grassland of the sandplains of the Murray Darling Bioregion
    • Semi-arid Floodplain Grasslands
      • 50 Couch Grass grassland wetland on river banks and floodplains of inland river systems
      • 43 Mitchell Grass grassland - chenopod low open shrubland on floodplains in the semi-arid (hot) and arid zones
      • 214 Native Millet - Cup Grass grassland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 49 Partly derived Windmill Grass - copperburr alluvial plains shrubby grassland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 52 Queensland Bluegrass +/- Mitchell Grass grassland on cracking clay floodplains and alluvial plains mainly the northern-eastern Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
      • 242 Rats Tail Couch sod grassland wetland of inland floodplains
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    • Temperate Montane Grasslands
      • 797 Derived grassland of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion and South East Corner Bioregion
      • 894 Kangaroo Grass - Purple Wire-grass - Mat-rush - Wallaby Grass - Common Buttons dry tussock grassland in the north-western and Eastern parts of the Southern Tablelands of the South Eastern Highlands Bi
      • 895 Kangaroo Grass - Purple Wire-grass - Mat-rush - Wallaby Grass - Common Buttons dry tussock grassland on steep sites in the north-western and Eastern parts of the Southern Tablelands of the South Easte
      • 3413 Monaro Kangaroo Grass Woodland-Grassland Complex
      • 3414 Monaro Snowgrass-Kangaroo Grass Grassland
      • 1110 River Tussock - Tall Sedge - Kangaroo Grass moist grasslands of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 3415 Southern Tableland Red Grass-Spear Grass Grassland
      • 3416 Southern Tableland Valley Flats Damp Grassland
      • 1202 Speargrass grassland of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 1288 Wallaby Grass - Kangaroo Grass - Rush - Blown Grass Wet Tussock Grassland Moist Grasslands of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
      • 1289 Wallaby Grass - Red-grass - Tall Speargrass - Kangaroo Grass dry tussock grassland of the North-western and Eastern Southern Tablelands in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
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    • Western Slopes Grasslands
      • 796 Derived grassland of the NSW South Western Slopes
      • 484 Derived tall spear grass grassland on mainly basalt hills of the Liverpool Plains, Liverpool Range and in the upper Hunter Valley (Merriwa district), south-eastern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 250 Derived tussock grassland of the central western plains and lower slopes of NSW
      • 619 Derived Wire Grass grassland of the NSW Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Nandewar Bioregion
      • 320 Kangaroo Grass - Redleg Grass forb-rich temperate tussock grassland of the northern Monaro, ACT and upper Lachlan River regions of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and South Eastern Highlands Bi
      • 1179 Slender Bamboo Grass - Spiny Saltbush grassland of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 633 Speargrass - Redleg Grass derived grassland on hills in the Jindera to Holbrook region, southern NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 460 Tumbledown Gum - ironbark - Porcupine Grass hummock grassland / low woodland of the Mount Kaputar to Bingara region, Nandewar Bioregion
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  • Saline wetlands
    • Inland Saline lakes
      • 166 Disturbed annual saltbush forbland on clay plains and inundation zones mainly of south-western NSW
      • 189 Ephemeral forbland wetland of low-saline lake-beds of the arid and semi-arid (warm) climate zones
      • 253 Gypseous shrubland on rises in the semi-arid and arid plains
      • 65 Halosarcia lylei low, open shrubland saline wetland of arid and semi-arid regions
      • 149 Neverfail Grass - ephemeral herbaceous grassland forbland of interdune claypans mainly in the arid climate zone
      • 64 Samphire - Water Weed - Sea-Heath shrubland saline wetland of depressions of the arid and semi-arid (warm) zones
      • 62 Samphire saline shrubland/forbland wetland of lake beds and lake margins in the arid and semi-arid (hot) zones
      • 18 Slender Glasswort low shrubland in saline wetland depressions in the semi-arid and arid climate zones, far western NSW
      • 198 Sparse saltbush forbland wetland of the irregularly inundated lakes of the arid and semi-arid (persistently hot) climate zones
      • 63 Spiny Lignum - Slender Glasswort open forbland sailine wetland on lake edges in the semi-arid and arid climate zones
      • 162 Sturts Pigface sparse forbland of saline soils of the arid zone
      • 263 Submerged flora of saline permanent wetland of the arid zone
      • 262 Submerged flora of saline temporary wetland of the arid zone
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    • Mangrove Swamps
      • 4091 Grey Mangrove-River Mangrove Forest
    • Saltmarshes
      • 4094 Estuarine Club Rush-Arrowgrass Wetland
      • 4095 Paspalum vaginatum-Samphire Saltmarsh
      • 4096 Prickly Couch-Sea Rush Saltmarsh
      • 4097 Samphire Saltmarsh
      • 4103 Sporobolus virginicus Saltmarsh