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Pink Robin - Australian Alps: Distribution and vegetation associations
Scientific name:
Petroica rodinogaster
Conservation status in NSW:
Commonwealth status:
Not listed
Last updated:
06 Nov 2023
Distribution of the species within this region
The Pink Robin is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the Australian Alps Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.
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Snowy Mountains
Vegetation formations, classes and types
In this region the Pink Robin - Australian Alps is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.
Alpine complex
Alpine Bogs and Fens
3890 Kosciuszko Alpine Wet Heath
Dry sclerophyll forests (shrub/grass sub-formation)
Southern Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
3450 Far South Hinterland Dry Grassy Forest
3451 Far South Sheltered Monkey Gum Forest
3452 Southeast Hinterland Dry Grassy Forest
Upper Riverina Dry Sclerophyll Forests
3538 Snowy Gorge White Box-Pine Woodland
Dry sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
South Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests
3181 Bega Wet Shrub Forest
3182 Far South Coastal Apple Gully Forest
3185 Far South Riverflat Wet Forest
3189 South Coast Gully Shrub Forest
3197 Southeast Hinterland Monkey Gum Moist Shrub Forest
South East Dry Sclerophyll Forests
3657 South Coast Foothills Monkey Gum Sheltered Forest
Southern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
307 Eurabbie - Robertsons Peppermint very tall, fern open forest of gullies and sheltered hillslopes in the southern most part of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
3739 Monaro Hills Brittle Gum Exposed Forest
3742 Monaro Mountains Snow Gum Shrub Forest
299 Riparian Ribbon Gum - Robertsons Peppermint - Apple Box riverine very tall open forest of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
3745 Snowy Gorge Grassy Box Woodland
Forested wetlands
Coastal Floodplain Wetlands
4024 Cumberland Blue Box Riverflat Forest
4025 Cumberland Red Gum Riverflat Forest
Eastern Riverine Forests
4083 Southeast Tableland Rocky Riparian Scrub
4085 Southwest Tableland Gorges Riparian Shrubland
Grassy woodlands
Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands
3321 Cumberland Shale-Sandstone Ironbark Forest
Subalpine Woodlands
3380 Jounama Snow Gum Shrub Woodland
3381 Kosciuszko Alpine Sally Woodland
3382 Kosciuszko Eastern Slopes Mountain Gum Forest
3383 Kosciuszko Subalpine Hollows Black Sally Woodland
1191 Snow Gum - Candle Bark woodland on broad valley flats of the tablelands and slopes, South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
1196 Snow Gum - Mountain Gum shrubby open forest of montane areas, South Eastern Highlands Bioregion and Australian Alps Bioregion
3385 Southern Tableland Creekflat Swamp Woodland
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Tableland Clay Grassy Woodlands
3347 Southern Tableland Creekflat Ribbon Gum Forest
South Coast Heaths
3816 Far Southeast Coastal Lowland Heath
Cool Temperate Rainforests
3049 Kosciuszko Cool Temperate Rainforest
3054 Southeast Cool Temperate Rainforest
Dry Rainforests
3111 Sydney Hinterland Grey Myrtle Riparian Forest
Northern Warm Temperate Rainforests
3028 Illawarra Escarpment Warm Temperate Rainforest
Wet sclerophyll forests (grassy sub-formation)
Montane Wet Sclerophyll Forests
3310 Gulaga Silvertop Ash Moist Forest
3306 Kosciuszko Alpine Ash High Wet Forest
3307 Kosciuszko-Namadgi Alpine Ash Moist Grassy Forest
3311 Southeast Escarpment Ash Forest
Southern Tableland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
3291 Bondo Montane Valley Flats Forest
3293 Bondo Slopes Peppermint Sheltered Fern Forest
3296 Kosciuszko Flanks Moist Gully Forest
3297 Kosciuszko Snow Gum-Mountain Gum Moist Forest
3298 Monaro Ranges Montane Gully Forest
300 Ribbon Gum - Narrow-leaved (Robertsons) Peppermint montane fern - grass tall open forest on deep clay loam soils in the upper NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and western Kosciuszko escarpment
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Wet sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
North Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests
3153 Illawarra Escarpment Bangalay x Blue Gum Wet Forest
Southern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests
3218 Southeast High Mountain Wet Layered Forest
3219 Southeast Mountain Wet Fern Forest
3220 Southeast Tableland Ranges Brown Barrel Fern Forest
3221 Southern Escarpment Messmate Forest
Recording © David Stewart
Nature Sound by David Stewart
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Pink Robin male,
JJ Harrison
Image 1 of 3.
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