Nature conservation

Threatened species

Sloane's Froglet - Murray Darling Depression: Distribution and vegetation associations

Scientific name: Crinia sloanei
Conservation status in NSW: Endangered
Commonwealth status: Endangered
Last updated: 14 Oct 2024

Distribution of the species within this region

The Sloane's Froglet is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the Murray Darling Depression Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

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IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Darling Depression Predicted None
South Olary Plain Predicted None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the Sloane's Froglet - Murray Darling Depression is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Forested wetlands
    • Inland Riverine Forests
      • 356 Blakely's Red Gum x Dirty Gum - White Cypress Pine tall riparian woodland, NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 5 River Red Gum herbaceous-grassy very tall open forest wetland on inner floodplains in the lower slopes sub-region of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and the eastern Riverina Bioregion.
      • 249 River Red Gum swampy woodland wetland on cowals (lakes) and associated flood channels in central NSW
  • Freshwater wetlands
    • Inland Floodplain Swamps
      • 360 Gilgai wetland mosaic in the southern NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
      • 238 Permanent and semi-permanent freshwater lakes wetland of the inland slopes and plains
      • 465 Reedland - tussock grass - segeland fen swampy wetland of impeded creeks in southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 400 Riparian sedgeland rushland wetland of the Pilliga to Goonoo sandstone forests, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 361 Sedgeland fen wetland of spring-fed or runoff-fed creeks in the southern Pilliga - Warrumbungle Range region, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 3982 Southwest Floodplain Wetland Meadow
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    • Montane Bogs and Fens
      • 3930 Bondo Montane Flats Swamp Woodland
  • Grassy woodlands
    • Floodplain Transition Woodlands
      • 628 Carbeen +/- Coolabah grassy woodland on floodplain clay loam soil on north-western NSW floodplains, mainly Darling Riverine Plain Bioregion
      • 56 Poplar Box - Belah woodland on clay-loam soils on alluvial plains of north-central NSW
      • 237 Riverine Western Grey Box grassy woodland of the semi-arid (warm) climate zone
      • 81 Western Grey Box - cypress pine shrub grass shrub tall woodland in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 82 Western Grey Box - Poplar Box - White Cypress Pine tall woodland on red loams mainly of the eastern Cobar Peneplain Bioregion
      • 80 Western Grey Box - White Cypress Pine tall woodland on loam soil on alluvial plains of NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and Riverina Bioregion
      • 76 Western Grey Box tall grassy woodland on alluvial loam and clay soils in the NSW South Western Slopes and Riverina Bioregions
      • 74 Yellow Box - River Red Gum tall grassy riverine woodland of NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and Riverina Bioregion
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    • Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands
      • 3399 Southwest Hills White Box-Blakelys Red Gum Forest
      • 3400 Southwest Slopes Box-Blakelys Red Gum Grassy Woodland
      • 434 White Box grass shrub hill woodland on clay to loam soils on volcanic and sedimentary hills in the southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 276 Yellow Box grassy tall woodland on alluvium or parna loams and clays on flats in NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion