Last updated:
01 Dec 2017
Distribution of the species within this region
The Corben's Long-eared Bat is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the
Darling Riverine Plains Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.
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Vegetation formations, classes and types
In this region the Corben's Long-eared Bat - Darling Riverine Plains is known to
be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information
about it.
- Arid shrublands (Acacia sub-formation)
- Sand Plain Mulga Shrublands
- 199 Hooked Needlewood - Needlewood - Mulga - Turpentine Bush open shrubland of the semi-arid and arid plains
- 128 Nelia tall open shrubland of semi-arid sandplains
- 139 Prickly Wattle tall open shrubland of dunes and sandplains of semi-arid and arid regions
- 69 White Cypress Pine - Mulga shrubland on plains and sandplains in the arid and semi-arid (hot summer) climate zones.
- Dry sclerophyll forests (shrub/grass sub-formation)
- Central Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3489 Hunter Escarpment Grey Box Forest
- 3490 Hunter Valley Footslopes Slaty Gum Forest
- 3496 Western Hunter Colluvial Grey Gum Forest
- 3497 Western Hunter Escarpment Slaty Gum-Pine Forest
- Hunter-Macleay Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 3433 Hunter Coast Foothills Spotted Gum-Ironbark Grassy Forest
- 3438 Hunter Escarpment Footslopes Ironbark Forest
- 4157 Hunter Escarpment Footslopes Singleton Mallee
- 4158 Hunter Escarpment Pokolbin Ironbark Woodland
- 3442 Lower Hunter Lowland Ironbark-Paperbark Forest
- New England Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 1553 Narrow-leaved Peppermint - Forest Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the New England Tablelands
- 965 Narrow-leaved Peppermint - Mountain Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the eastern New England Tableland Bioregion
- 970 Narrow-leaved Peppermint - Wattle-leaved Peppermint shrubby open forest of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- Northern Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 983 New England Blackbutt - stringybark grassy forest the eastern New England Tableland Bioregion and NSW North Coast Bioregion
- North-west Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Woodlands
- 506 Black Cypress Pine - White Box - Tumbledown Gum shrubby open forest / woodland mainly in the Mt Kaputar region, Nandewar Bioregion
- 432 Dwyer's Red Gum - Dirty (Baradine) Gum - cypress pine shrubby woodland of the Narrabri region of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 856 Grey Box - Rough-barked Apple shrub/grass open forest of northern parts of the Nandewar Bioregion and New England Tableland Bioregion
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- Pilliga Outwash Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 702 Blakely's Red Gum riparian woodland of the Pilliga Outwash, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 411 Buloke - White Cypress Pine woodland on outwash plains in the Pilliga Scrub and Narrabri regions, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 148 Dirty Gum - Buloke - White Cypress Pine - ironbark shrubby woodland on deep sandy soils in the Liverpool Plains region of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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- Dry sclerophyll forests (shrubby sub-formation)
- Northern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 502 Black Cypress Pine - Orange Gum - Tumbledown Red Gum shrubby woodland on granites of the Nandewar Bioregion and New England Tableland Bioregion
- 503 Black Cypress Pine - Orange Gum heath shrubland or woodland on granite outcrops of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- 504 Black Cypress Pine - Rough-barked Apple - stringybark shrubby open forest of the Nandewar Bioregion and western New England Tableland Bioregion
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- South Coast Sands Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 1675 Scribbly Gum - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Bossiaea rhombifolia heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
- Southern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 1177 Slaty Gum woodland of the slopes of the southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- Sydney Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 1666 Narrow-leaved Stringybark - Fringe Myrtle - Scaly Phebalium heathy woodland on exposed sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
- Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 671 Black Cypress Pine - Acacia - Red Ash shrubby woodland of the far northern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 610 Black Cypress Pine - Dwyer's Gum low woodland / open forest on rocky ridges mainly of the Nandewar Range
- 417 Black Cypress Pine - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - red gum +/- White Bloodwood shrubby open forest on hills of the southern Pilliga, Coonabarabran and Garawilla regions, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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- Yetman Dry Sclerophyll Forests
- 370 Black Cypress Pine - Dirty Gum - bloodwood - She Oak open forest on siliceous hills in the northern NSW Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 672 Black Cypress Pine - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Dirty Gum grassy open forest of north western Nandewar Bioregion
- 369 Blakely's Red Gum - Smooth-barked Apple shrub swamp woodland on siliceous white sands in the Yetman region
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- Forested wetlands
- Coastal Floodplain Wetlands
- 4039 Hunter Range Creekflat Apple-Red Gum Forest
- Eastern Riverine Forests
- 4064 Central Eastern Ranges River Oak Forest
- 84 River Oak - Rough-barked Apple - red gum - box riparian tall woodland (wetland) of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Nandewar Bioregion
- 1270 Tea-tree shrubland of drainage areas of the slopes and tablelands
- Inland Riverine Forests
- 112 Black Tea-tree - River Oak - Wilga riparian low forest/shrubland wetland of rich soil depressions in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 356 Blakely's Red Gum x Dirty Gum - White Cypress Pine tall riparian woodland, NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- 10 River Red Gum - Black Box woodland wetland of the semi-arid (warm) climatic zone (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
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- Freshwater wetlands
- Inland Floodplain Shrublands
- 375 Budda Pea - Channel Millet ephemeral reedland wetland on floodplains in north-western NSW
- 247 Lignum shrubland wetland on regularly flooded alluvial depressions in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion
- 241 River Coobah swamp wetland on the floodplains of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- Grassy woodlands
- Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands
- 3315 Central Hunter Ironbark-Spotted Gum Forest
- 3334 Western Hunter Flats Red Gum Sedge Forest
- Floodplain Transition Woodlands
- 248 Mixed box eucalypt woodland on low sandy-loam rises on alluvial plains in central western NSW
- 56 Poplar Box - Belah woodland on clay-loam soils on alluvial plains of north-central NSW
- 101 Poplar Box - Yellow Box - Western Grey Box grassy woodland on cracking clay soils mainly in the Liverpool Plains, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
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- New England Grassy Woodlands
- 510 Blakely's Red Gum - Yellow Box grassy woodland of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- 567 Broad-leaved Stringybark - Yellow Box shrub/grass open forest of the New England Tableland Bioregion
- 853 Grey Box - Narrow-leaved Ironbark open forest of the Ashford area of the Nandewar Bioregion
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- Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands
- 282 Blakely's Red Gum - White Box - Yellow Box - Black Cypress Pine box grass/shrub woodland on clay loam soils on undulating hills of central NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- 509 Blakely's Red Gum - White Cypress Pine - Rough-barked Apple grassy open forest of drainage lines of the northern Nandewar Bioregion and New England Tableland Bioregion
- 599 Blakely's Red Gum - Yellow Box grassy tall woodland on flats and hills in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion and Nandewar Bioregion
- Show 30 more vegetation type(s)
- Rainforests
- Dry Rainforests
- 1540 Grey Myrtle - Grey Gum gully dry rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
- 1539 Grey Myrtle sheltered gully dry rainforest in gullies of the Sydney Basin
- 1543 Rusty Fig - Native Quince - Native Olive dry rainforest of the Central Hunter Valley
- 1124 Rusty Fig - Wild Quince - Native Olive dry rainforest of rocky areas of the Nandewar Bioregion
- Western Vine Thickets
- 378 Belah - Wilga +/- White Box dry viney scrub woodland the NSW Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 442 Carbeen tall open woodland - Mock Olive tall closed vine thicket on basalt hills in the Northern Basalt sub-region, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 147 Mock Olive - Wilga - Peach Bush - Carissa semi-evergreen vine thicket (dry rainforest) mainly on basalt soils in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 113 Ooline closed forest (dry rainforest) on sandstone and conglomerate rises and hills in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- Semi-arid woodlands (grassy sub-formation)
- Brigalow Clay Plain Woodlands
- 35 Brigalow - Belah open forest / woodland on alluvial often gilgaied clay from Pilliga Scrub to Goondiwindi, Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 29 Brigalow open woodland on clay soils in the Nyngan-Bourke-Enngonia regions of the NSW north-western plains
- Inland Floodplain Woodlands
- 454 River Red Gum grassy chenopod open tall woodland (wetland) on floodplain clay soil of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and western Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 208 River Red Gum low woodland of rocky gorges and creeks in the Cobar Peneplain
- North-west Floodplain Woodlands
- 55 Belah woodland on alluvial plains and low rises in the central NSW wheatbelt to Pilliga and Liverpool Plains regions.
- 38 Black Box low woodland wetland lining ephemeral watercourses or fringing lakes and clay pans of semi-arid (hot) and arid zones
- 37 Black Box woodland wetland on NSW central and northern floodplains including the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion.
- Show 8 more vegetation type(s)
- Riverine Plain Woodlands
- 27 Weeping Myall open woodland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- Semi-arid woodlands (shrubby sub-formation)
- Dune Mallee Woodlands
- 172 Deep sand mallee of irregular dunefields of the semi-arid (warm) zone
- 191 Snap and Rattle Mallee - Moonah open mallee shrubland in the Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
- 171 Spinifex linear dune mallee mainly of the Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
- Inland Rocky Hill Woodlands
- 177 Blue Mallee - Bull Mallee - Green Mallee very tall mallee shrubland of the West Wyalong region, NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- 178 Broombush - Green Mallee - Blue Mallee very tall shrubland on stony rises in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
- 186 Dwyer's Red Gum - Black Cypress Pine - Currawang shrubby low woodland on rocky hills mainly in the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
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- North-west Alluvial Sand Woodlands
- 428 Carbeen - White Cypress Pine - Curracabah - White Box tall woodland on sand in the Narrabri - Warialda region of the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
- 227 Silver-leaved Ironbark - White Cypress Pine - Rough-barked Apple woodland on alluvial terraces in central-north NSW
- Riverine Sandhill Woodlands
- 20 Buloke - Moonah - Black Box open woodland on sandy rises of semi arid (warm) climate zone (mainly Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion)
- 22 Semi-arid shrubby Buloke - Slender Cypress Pine woodland, far south-western NSW
- 21 Slender Cypress Pine - Sugarwood - Western Rosewood open woodland on sandy rises mainly in the Riverina Bioregion and Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
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- Sand Plain Mallee Woodlands
- 142 Broombush shrubland in the mallee landscapes of the temperate and semi-arid (warm) climate zones
- 355 Bull Mallee - White Mallee tall mallee woodland on red sandy loam soils in the central western slopes of NSW
- 170 Chenopod sandplain mallee woodland/shrubland of the arid and semi-arid (warm) zones
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- Semi-arid Sand Plain Woodlands
- 59 Belah/Black Oak - Western Rosewood - Leopardwood low open woodland on sandplain and sandy flats in semi arid (hot) and arid climate zones
- 57 Belah/Black Oak - Western Rosewood - Wilga woodland of central NSW including the Cobar Peneplain Bioregion
- 221 Black Oak - Pearl Bluebush open woodland of the sandplains of the semi-arid warm and arid climate zones
- 58 Black Oak - Western Rosewood open woodland on deep sandy loams mainly in the Murray Darling Depression Bioregion
- Subtropical Semi-arid Woodlands
- 192 Silver-leaved Ironbark - Poplar Box +/- Ironwood shrub - grass woodland on rises in the north-western plains of NSW
- Western Peneplain Woodlands
- 135 Coobah - Western Rosewood low open tall shrubland or woodland mainly on outwash areas in the Brigalow Belt South Bioregion.
- 108 Gum Coolabah - Mulga open woodland on gravel ridges of the Cobar Peneplain Bioregion
- 134 Ironwood woodland of the semi-arid plains
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- Wet sclerophyll forests (grassy sub-formation)
- Northern Tableland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
- 1551 Forest Ribbon Gum - Snow Gum - Snow Grass grassy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges and New England Tableland
- 3282 Liverpool Range Apple Gully Forest
- 1555 Mountain Gum - Messmate - Snow Gum grassy open forest of the New England Tablelands
- 1552 Silvertop Stringybark - Forest Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges
- 1559 Snow Gum - Mountain Gum grassy open forest on the Barrington plateau