Nature conservation

Threatened species

Myall Woodland in the Darling Riverine Plains, Brigalow Belt South, Cobar Peneplain, Murray-Darling Depression, Riverina and NSW South Western Slopes bioregions - Cobar Peneplain: Distribution and vegetation associations

Conservation status in NSW: Endangered Ecological Community
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Last updated: 01 Aug 2024

Distribution of the species within this region

The Myall Woodland in the Darling Riverine Plains, Brigalow Belt South, Cobar Peneplain, Murray-Darling Depression, Riverina and NSW South Western Slopes bioregions is known or predicted to occur in the following sub-regions of the Cobar Peneplain Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Region.

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IBRA sub-region  Known or predictedGeographic restrictions within region
Canbelego Downs Known None
Lachlan Plains Known None
Nymagee Known None

Vegetation formations, classes and types

In this region the Myall Woodland in the Darling Riverine Plains, Brigalow Belt South, Cobar Peneplain, Murray-Darling Depression, Riverina and NSW South Western Slopes bioregions - Cobar Peneplain is known to be associated with the following vegetation formations and classes. Click on a name to get background information about it.

  • Grasslands
    • Semi-arid Floodplain Grasslands
      • 43 Mitchell Grass grassland - chenopod low open shrubland on floodplains in the semi-arid (hot) and arid zones
      • 49 Partly derived Windmill Grass - copperburr alluvial plains shrubby grassland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
  • Semi-arid woodlands (grassy sub-formation)
    • North-west Floodplain Woodlands
      • 55 Belah woodland on alluvial plains and low rises in the central NSW wheatbelt to Pilliga and Liverpool Plains regions.
      • 37 Black Box woodland wetland on NSW central and northern floodplains including the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion.
    • Riverine Plain Woodlands
      • 1766 Weeping Myall - Plains Grass grassy woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South
      • 27 Weeping Myall open woodland of the Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion and Brigalow Belt South Bioregion
      • 26 Weeping Myall open woodland of the Riverina Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion