Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
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The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Acacia melvillei Shrubland in the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression bioregions
Gazetted date:
04 Jul 2008
Profile last updated:
05 Oct 2023
Acacia melvillei Shrubland in the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression bioregions is the name given to the ecological community that is dominated by Acacia melvillei (Yarran). Acacia melvillei Shrubland typically has an open canopy of shrubs or small trees, sometimes with scattered mid-stratum shrubs, and with a sometimes sparse, but highly variable ground layer dominated by grasses, chenopods and herbs. The structure and species composition of the community varies depending on disturbance history and temporal variability in rainfall. The open stratum of large shrubs or small trees may be reduced to isolated individuals or may be absent as a result of past clearing. The shrub/tree layer is dominated by Acacia melvillei, either in pure stands or with a range of other less abundant trees or tall shrubs. These may include Nelia (Acacia loderi), Western Rosewood (Alectryon oleifolius subsp. canescens), Belah (Casuarina pauper) and Sugarwood (Myoporum platycarpum).
Acacia melvillei Shrubland shares a number of species with Acacia loderi Shrublands, another endangered ecological community. These two ecological communities inhabit similar soils and landforms and have some overlap in their distributions, but Acacia loderi Shrublands are more common in the northern part of the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression bioregions and extend further north into several other bioregions. They may be distinguished on the basis of the relative abundance of their tree species (with A. melvillei generally uncommon within A. loderi shrublands) and differences in composition of their understories.
Acacia melvillei occurs widely in NSW, including the Cobar Peneplain and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregions. It also intergrades extensively with the very similar Acacia homalophylla (also called Yarran) across its distribution in NSW. Currently, these populations outside the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression Bioregions do not comprise part of the listed Endangered Ecological Community.
Acacia melvillei Shrubland is currently recorded from south-western portion of NSW in the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression bioregions in the local government areas of Balranald, Carrathool, Central Darling, Conargo, Wakool and Wentworth and may occur in other local government areas within these bioregions. This community is not considered to occur outside of NSW, though small stands of Acacia melvillei are known to occur in north western Victoria (such as near Merbein). Acacia melvillei Shrubland is scattered over a relatively large distribution, with an estimated extent of occurrence in the order of 50000 km2. However, throughout this distribution, Acacia melvillei Shrubland occurs in relatively small patches.
This community has been recorded in a number of conservation reserves, with the largest area in Paroo-Darling National Park (565 hectares). Other reserves with smaller areas include Yanga State Conservation Area, Yanga National Park, Mungo National Park, Kajuligah Nature Reserve and Willandra National Park.
Habitat and ecology
- In south western NSW Acacia melvillei typically occurs on sandhills and undulating sand plains.
- The community occurs on red-brown, sandy loam soils as scattered patches grading into surrounding woodlands dominated by Belah and Western Rosewood, White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla) or sandplain mallee.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- Impact of browsing/grazing on seedlings and regrowth by feral goats.
- Impact of browsing/grazing on seedlings and regrowth by rabbits.
- Impact of overgrazing/browsing on seedlings and regrowth by domestic stock.
- Weed invasion, particularly Ward’s Weed (Carrichtera annua), and its competition with species in the community.
- Impact of fire during years with high speargrass (Austrostipa) growth, and subsequent grazing pressure.
- Insect damage to seed, particularly by weevils.
- Lack of seed store.
- Misidentification of plants leading to accidental clearing and inadequate management.
Recovery strategies
A Saving Our Species conservation project is currently being developed for this species and will be available soon. For information on how you can contribute to this species' recovery, see the Activities to assist this species section below.
Activities to assist this species
- Reduce agricultural grazing pressures through the adoption of suitable grazing regimes which allow for regeneration.
- Control feral rabbit and goat populations to reduce erosion and grazing pressure.
- Increase connectivity between remnant vegetation patches were possible to reduce the ecological impact associated with environmental fragmentation.
- Rehabilitate the understorey of remnants via weed control.
- Involve stakeholders in the management of remnants, and distribute information about this EEC to the community.
- Ensure that the fire sensitivity of the community is considered when planning hazard reduction and asset management burning.
- Protect sites from inappropriate burning.
- Map the distribution of this community and from this mapping prioritise sites for ongoing management and monitoring.
Information sources
- Batty, A.L. and Parsons, R.F. (1992) Regeneration of Acacia melvillei in part of semi-arid south-east Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 104:89-97
- Benson, J.S., Allen, C.B., Togher, C. and Lemmon, J. (2006) New South Wales Vegetation Classification and Assessment: Part 1 Plant communities of the NSW Western Plains. Cunninghamia 9(3): 383-450
- Eldridge, D.J. (1998) Trampling of microphytic crusts on calcareous soils and its impact on erosion under rain-impacted flow. Catena 33: 221-239
- Eldridge, D.J. and Greene, R.S.B. (1994) Assessment of sediment yield from a semi-arid red earth with varying cover of cryptogams. Journal of Arid Environments 26: 221-232
- Kodela, P.G. (2001) Identification and review of Acacia melvillei specimens in New South Wales. Report to the NSW Scientific Committee, Sydney.
- Kodela, P.G. and Harden, G.J. (2002) Acacia. Pp 381-476 in Harden, G.J. (ed.) Flora of New South Wales. Volume 2. Revised Edition (New South Wales University Press, Sydney)
- Murray Catchment Management Authority and Office of Environment and Heritage (2012) New South Wales Murray Biodiversity Management Plan: A guide to terrestrial biodiversity investment priorities in the central and eastern NSW Murray catchment. (Murray CMA, Albury)
- NSW Scientific Committee (2008) Acacia melvillei Shrubland in the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression bioregions - endangered ecological community - Final determination.
- Porteners, M.F. (1993) The natural vegetation of the Hay Plain: Booligal-Hay and Deniliquin-Bendigo 1:250 000 maps. Cunninghamia 3(1): 1-122
- Scott, J.A. (1992) The natural vegetation of the Balranald-Swan Hill Area. Cunninghamia 2(4): 597-652
- Westbrooke, M.E. and Miller, J.D. (1995) Vegetation of Mungo National Park, western NSW. Cunninghamia 4(1): 63-80
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
Geographic restrictions region