Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
click here to see geographic restrictions).
The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Bossiaea oligosperma
Profile last updated:
14 Apr 2022
The Few-seeded Bossiaea is an erect shrub to 2 metres high. The small, almost circular, bright-green leaves are between 2.5 - 5 mm long. The 8 - 11 mm long pea flowers appear in late spring. The wings (upper, larger petal) are bright yellow with some red markings, the keel (lower, fused, smaller petals) is dark red. The pod is elliptical and up to 17mm long. The bark of mature plants is distinctively flaky. Few-seeded Bossiaea may be confused with Bossiaea obcordata, a common pea in eastern NSW, but B. obcordata has spiny branches and is generally a smaller plant.
The Few-seeded Bossiaea is known from two disjunct areas - the lower Blue Mountains in the Warragamba area (Wollondilly, Allum, Tonalli River catchments) and the Windellama area in Goulburn Mulwaree Shire, where it is locally abundant. A 1960s record for the Araluen valley south of Braidwood is credible but has not been relocated.
Habitat and ecology
- Occurs on stony slopes or ridges on sandstone in the Yerranderie area.
- Occurs in low woodland on loamy soil in the Windellama area.
- Nothing is known about its ecology but it probably has hard-coated seeds that respond well to fire and soil disturbance.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- This species evolved to cope with infrequent fires. Frequent fire may threaten the species’ survival in the northern part of its range.
- Clearing associated with rural residential developments in the southern part of its range.
- Habitat loss associated with roadworks.
- Competition from post-fire weeds
Recovery strategies
Priority actions are the specific, practical things that must be done to recover a threatened species, population or ecological
community. The Office of Environment and Heritage has identified
8 priority actions
to help recover the Few-seeded Bossiaea in New South Wales.
Activities to assist this species
- Ensure personnel planning and undertaking hazard reduction burns are able to identify the species and are aware of its habitat.
- Apply mosaic pattern hazard reduction techniques to ensure the same areas are not burned before adequate seed production has re-occurred.
- Searches should be conducted in suitable habitat in proposed development areas.
- Develop local management agreement for Goulburn-Mulwaree populations that identifies acceptable clearance and protection areas.
- Mark sites and potential habitat onto maps used for planning hazard reduction works.
- Mark sites and potential habitat onto maps used for planning future road works.
Information sources
- Armstrong, R. (2017) Roadside threatened and significant flora of the Windellama district
- Auld, T.D. (1996) Ecology of the Fabaceae in the Sydney region: fire, ants and the soil seedbank. Cunninghamia 4(4): 531-552
- Fairley, A. (2004) Seldom seen: rare plants of greater Sydney. (Reed New Holland, Sydney)
- James, T.A. and Harden, G.J. (2002) Bossiaea. Pp. 510-6 in Harden, G.J. (ed.) Flora of New South Wales. Revised Edition Volume 2. (University of New South Wales Press Ltd, Sydney)
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
Geographic restrictions region