Nature conservation

Threatened species

Dunn’s white gum (Eucalyptus dunnii) moist forest in north-east New South Wales and south-east Queensland - profile

Indicative distribution

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The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas. ( click here to see geographic restrictions). The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Dunn’s white gum (Eucalyptus dunnii) moist forest in north-east New South Wales and south-east Queensland
Conservation status in NSW: Not listed
Commonwealth status: Endangered
Profile last updated: 13 Mar 2024


This community is an open wetsclerophyll forest with typically a tall canopy of eucalypts, notably Eucalyptus dunnii (Dunn’s white gum),and a structurally complex mesic understorey of rainforest trees, shrubs,palms, vines, ferns, herbs and shade-tolerant graminoids. The canopy, which canvary in cover, consists sometimes of pure stands of Eucalyptus dunnii (Dunn’s white gum), though more commonly othereucalypts are present, such as E. saligna(Sydney blue gum), E. grandis (Floodedgum), E. microcorys (Tallowwood)and/or Lophostemon confertus (Brushbox). The midstratum consists of regenerating eucalypts and rainforest speciessuch as Araucaria cunninghamii (hooppine), Diploglottis australis (largeleaf tamarind), and Toona ciliata var.australis (Australian red cedar). Itmay also include rainforest species in the families Myrtaceae, Euphorbiaceae,Lauraceae, and Meliaceae, as well as tall shrubs including Neolitsea australiensis (green bolly gum), N. dealbata (hairy-leaved bolly gum), Alectryon subcinereus (native quince), Cryptocarya rigida (rose maple), C. glaucescens (forest maple), Diospyrosaustralis (black plum), Polysciaselegans (celery wood), Acaciamaidenii (Maiden’s wattle), Rhodamniarubescens (scrub turpentine), Syzygiumsmithii (common lilly pilly), Crotonverreauxii (native cascarilla), Cordylinepetiolaris (palm lily) and C. stricta(slender palm lily). Vines include Cissushypoglauca (giant water vine), Cissusantarctica (kangaroo vine), Celastrussubspicatus (large-leaved staff vine), Clematisaristata (old man's beard), Dioscoreatransversa (native yam), Marsdenia spp. (milk vines), Palmeria scandens (anchor vine), Pandorea pandorana (wonga wonga vine), Ripogonum spp. (supplejacks)and Tetrastigma nitens (native grapevine). In areas that have not been burnt for over 30 years, the ground layer isdominated by ferns such as Adiantumformosum, Lastreopsis spp., Hypolepis glanduligera, Doodia aspera, and Dennstaedtia davalliodes, vines such as Solori involuta, Palmeriascandens, and Rubus hillii), andforbs including Pollia cristata, Alpinia caerulea, and Alocasia brisbanensis. Graminoidsinclude Imperata cylindrica (speargrass), Entolasia marginata (borderedpanic), Gahnia aspera (roughsaw-sedge), Lomandra spp. (mat-rushes),Oplismenus imbecillis (creeping beardgrass) and Urtica incisa (stingingnettle).


Dunn’s white gum forest occurs in the NSW North Coastbioregion and adjacent bioregions in South Eastern Queensland and New EnglandTablelands, with a scattered distribution north from Dorrigo and Coffs Harbourin New South Wales to Warwick and Canungra in Queensland.

Habitat and ecology

  • typically occurs on deep, fertile soils and is largely confined to fertile basaltic derived soils, or fine-grained sediments of colluvium or alluvium depending on upstream environments.
  • most commonly found at the margins of rainforests in valley bottoms and on lower slopes of hills and escarpments. It may also sometimes occur on upper slopes and basalt ridges however is typically less common on north-western-facing slopes.
  • mostly occurs at elevations between 400–650 m above sea level (ASL), however can also occur between 200–800 m ASL, and in areas that have an average annual rainfall of 1000-1500 mm.

Regional distribution and habitat

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Recovery strategies

IBRA Bioregion IBRA Subregion Known or predicted Geographic restrictions region