Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
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The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Pezoporus wallicus wallicus
Profile last updated:
05 Jan 2018
The Ground Parrot is a stunningly beautiful bird. It is a distinctive, bright grass-green, long-tailed, ground-dwelling parrot of the coastal and sub-coastal heaths, reaching 30 cm long. The green upperparts are heavily mottled with yellow and black, and the greenish-yellow underparts are barred brown. Sexes are alike. The forehead of individuals older than three or four months is orange-red. This species has a distinctive call, given at dawn and dusk, that consists of a series of piercing, resonating whistles, rising in steps, with each note flowing on almost unbroken, but abruptly higher than the preceding note. The species is rarely seen unless flushed, although birds can be seen fluttering low over heath at dusk.
There are three recognised subspecies of the Ground Parrot in Australia, though the subspecies in Tasmania (leachii) is not always recognised. Recently, the possibility that the western subspecies (flaviventris) may be a separate species has been raised. The eastern subspecies (wallicus) inhabits south-eastern Australia from southern Queensland through NSW to western Victoria. It formerly occurred in South Australia, but was last recorded in 1945. In NSW populations have declined and contracted to islands of coastal or subcoastal heathland and sedgeland habitats. The species is found in relatively large numbers on the north coast (Broadwater, Bundjalung, Yuraygir and Limeburners Creek NPs) and in smaller numbers at Myall Lakes on the central coast. There are also large populations on the NSW south coast, particularly Barren Grounds NR, Budderoo NP, the Jervis Bay area and Nadgee NR. Small numbers are recorded at Morton and Ben Boyd NP and other areas on the south coast. Estimated population size is about 2000 birds.
Habitat and ecology
- The Ground Parrot occurs in high rainfall coastal and near coastal low heathlands and sedgelands, generally below one metre in height and very dense (up to 90% projected foliage cover). These habitats provide a high abundance and diversity of food, adequate cover and suitable roosting and nesting opportunities for the Ground Parrot, which spends most of its time on or near the ground. When flushed, birds fly strongly and rapidly for up to several hundred metres, at a metre or less above the ground.
- The coastal and subcoastal heathland and sedgeland habitats of the Ground Parrot are particularly fire-prone. Ground Parrots can re-colonise burnt habitat after 1-2 years and reach maximum densities after 15-20 years without fire. Therefore, it is recommended that habitat be protected from extensive and intense fires.
- Home ranges of adult birds is typically 10 ha and overlapping with other birds, while juveniles have a significantly larger home range. There is no evidence of regular long-distance dispersal or migration events.
- Ground Parrots feed mostly on seeds from a large range of plant species, which varies seasonally. An individual bird may consume in the order of 8000 seeds per day from as many as 60 plant species. Other plant material and invertebrates may be ingested.
- Ground Parrots breed from September to December. Breeding is thought to be triggered by increasing seed availability in spring. 2-7 eggs are laid in a shallow bowl of fine sticks and grass, well hidden under overhanging tall, coarse grass, sedge or low, heathy shrubs. The nest is usually screened from above and sides, often with a tunnel in the surrounding dense plants. The female incubates the eggs for 21-24 days and on average a pair successfully fledges 2 young per season.
- Whilst the dense structure of Ground Parrot habitat makes it difficult for predators to hunt, birds are taken frequently in open habitats such as tracks, roads and fire breaks.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- Historical loss and fragmentation of habitat through clearing for agriculture and residential developments.
- Extensive and intense fires which temporarily remove habitat.
- There is some evidence that too-frequent fire (less than every 2 years) may be a threat to the species and long fire intervals (greater than 30 years) can make habitat unsuitable.
- Psittacine Circoviral Disease (PCD) may be a potential threat.
- Dieback of heathland habitats from Phytophthora fungus may be a potential threat.
- Post-fire predation by foxes and cats may be a threat.
Recovery strategies
A targeted strategy for managing this species has been developed under the Saving Our Species program; click
here for details. For more information on the Saving Our Species program click
Activities to assist this species
- Keep domestic cats and dogs indoors at night. Desex domestic cats and dogs. Assess the appropriateness of cat and dog ownership in new coastal subdivisions.
- Undertake fox and feral cat control programs, particularly after fire events.
- Protect habitat from intense and extensive fire events.
- Undertake research on whether PCD is present in wild populations of the Ground Parrot.
- Continue long-term monitoring of populations of Ground Parrots to determine fire ecology of the species for fire management strategies.
- Mapping of known and potential habitats in NSW.
- Conduct surveys to determine the distribution and abundance of the Ground Parrot in NSW.
- Ensure that full consideration is given in the assessment and mitigation of potential impacts to the Ground Parrot from coastal developments in or near known or potential habitat.
Information sources
- Baker, J. (1996) Strategy for conservation and management of the Ground Parrot and Eastern Bristlebird populations at Nadgee Nature Reserve, NSW Jervis Bay National Park and Beecroft Peninsula. Consultant's report to NSW NPWS & ANCA.
- Baker, J. and Whelan, R.J. (1994) Ground Parrots and fire at Barren Grounds, New South Wales. A long-term study and an assessment of management implications. Emu 94, 300-4.
- Baker, J. and Whelan, R.J. (1996) The Ground Parrot and Eastern Bristlebird at Jervis Bay National Park - Survey and management recommendations. Report to Australian Nature Conservation Agency, University of Wollongong.
- Forshaw, J.M. (2003) Australian Parrots. (CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood)
- Gosper, D.G. (1995) Notes on the activities of Ground Parrots in northern NSW. Australian Birds 28, 57-64.
- Higgins, P.J. (ed.) (1999) Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Volume 4: Parrots to Dollarbird.
- McFarland, D.C. (1988) Geographical variation in the clutch size & breeding season of the Ground Parrot, Pezoporus wallicus. Australian Bird Watcher 12, 247-50.
- McFarland, D.C. (1991) Flush behaviour, catchability and morphometrics of the Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus in south-eastern Queensland. Corella 15, 143-9.
- McFarland, D.C. (1991) The Biology of the Ground Parrot, Pezoporus wallicus, in Queensland. I. Microhabitat use, activity cycle and diet. Aust. Wildl. Res. 18, 169-84.
- McFarland, D.C. (1991) The Biology of the Ground Parrot, Pezoporus wallicus, in Queensland. II. Spacing, calling and breeding behaviour. Aust. Wildl. Res. 18, 185-97.
- Meredith, C.W., Gilmore, A.M. and Isles, A.C. (1984) The Ground Parrot in south-eastern Australia: a fire-adapted species? Aust. J. Ecol. 9, 367-80.
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
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