Nature conservation

Threatened species

Maroota Sands Swamp Forest - profile

Indicative distribution

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The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas. ( click here to see geographic restrictions). The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Maroota Sands Swamp Forest
Conservation status in NSW: Endangered Ecological Community
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Gazetted date: 17 Oct 1997
Profile last updated: 14 Oct 2022


A Forest to open-Forest with a canopy dominated by Swamp Mahogany Eucalyptus robusta. The community is found on the Maroota Sandmass along a drainage line.


The community occupies an area of about two hectares within Crown Water Reserve 35733 and the adjoining Portion 198 in the Parish of Cornelia at Maroota.

Habitat and ecology

  • The community is distinctive in that Eucalyptus robusta is normally a dominant in river flat and coastal forests on Quaternary alluvium. The Maroota Sands Swamp Forest occurs on sand at approximately 160 metres above sea level.
  • Maroota Sands Swamp Forest occupies undulating country including low rises and slopes, occurring on all aspects. It may also occur on alluvial and colluvial soils in valleys.
  • Melaleuca linearifolia dominated sub-canopy, also with tall shrubs such as Glochidion fernandi, Callistemon citrinus, Leptospermum juniperinum and Acacia rubida.
  • Thick ferny understorey, including Gleichenia dicarpa, Calochlaena dubia, Hypolepsis muelleri, sedges such as Gahnia clarkei, G. sieberiana, Hypolaena fastigata and Schoenus melanostachys, and ferns such as Todea barbara and Cyathea australis.

Regional distribution and habitat

Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.


Recovery strategies

Activities to assist this species

Information sources

IBRA Bioregion IBRA Subregion Known or predicted Geographic restrictions region
Sydney BasinYengo Known Baulkham Hills LGA