Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
click here to see geographic restrictions).
The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Leipoa ocellata
Profile last updated:
28 Nov 2023
The Malleefowl is a large (60 centimetres long, 43 centimetres high and weighing between 1.5 and 2.5 kilograms), distinctive, ground-dwelling bird. It possesses robust, powerful legs, a short bill and a flattish head while the wings are short, broad and rounded at the tip. The head and neck is greyish above, topped with black, the chin is chestnut and the throat and chest are white with a central black stripe. A crest extends from the front of the crown to the nape, and is raised when the bird is alarmed. The upper body is boldly barred and is fringed and streaked grey, white, black and rufous. The lower breast and belly are cream. Although strikingly marked, Malleefowl are particularly well camouflaged in the dappled light of their mallee habitat. Most easily seen at their nest mound, this species usually quietly walks away from observers and rarely flies. The most frequently heard call is loud booming made by the male, usually from on or near its mound.
The stronghold for this species in NSW is the mallee in the south west centred on Mallee Cliffs NP and extending east to near Balranald and scattered records as far north as Mungo NP. West of the Darling River a population also occurs in the Scotia mallee including Tarawi NR and Scotia Sanctuary, and is part of a larger population north of the Murray River in South Australia. The population in central NSW has been significantly reduced through land clearance and fox predation and now occurs chiefly in Yathong, Nombinnie and Round Hill NRs and surrounding areas, though birds continue to survive in Loughnan NR. To the south of this area the species is probably locally extinct in such reserves as Pulletop NR (last recorded 1989), Ingalba NR (1982) and Buddigower NR (1990) and the intensely studied population at Yalgogrin was still known to have at lest one active mound in 2017. Further east, a population continues to persist in the Goonoo forest near Dubbo, though the size of this population is unknown. Outside these areas, occasional records have been made in the Pilliga forests (most recently 1999), around Cobar (1991) and Goulburn River NP (1989) though the extent and status of populations in these areas are unknown.
Habitat and ecology
- Predominantly inhabit mallee communities, preferring the tall, dense and floristically-rich mallee found in higher rainfall (300 - 450 mm mean annual rainfall) areas. Utilises mallee with a spinifex understorey, but usually at lower densities than in areas with a shrub understorey. Less frequently found in other eucalypt woodlands, such as Inland Grey Box, Ironbark or Bimble Box Woodlands with thick understorey, or in other woodlands such dominated by Mulga or native Cypress Pine species.
- Prefers areas of light sandy to sandy loam soils and habitats with a dense but discontinuous canopy and dense and diverse shrub and herb layers.
- Malleefowl will occupy areas within 5 years of fire, however higher breeding densities are recorded from older age classes.
- A pair may occupy a range of between 50 and 500 ha, overlapping with those of their neighbours. Mainly forage in open areas on seeds of Acacias and other native shrubs (Cassia, Beyeria, Bossiaea), buds, flowers and fruits of herbs and various shrubs, insects (cockroaches, ants, soil invertebrates), and cereals if available.
- Incubate eggs in large mounds that contain considerable volumes of sandy soil. The litter within the mounds must be dampened for it to decompose and provide heat for incubation of eggs. Up to 34 eggs may be laid in a single season, though usually between 15 and 24 (and clutches smaller in dry years). The male monitors the temperature within the egg chamber using its bill, and regularly works the mound during the breeding season to maintain a constant temperature around 34 degrees. The chicks hatch after between 49 and 96 days (average around 60) and can walk as soon as they emerge from the mound, can run quickly within 2 hours and can fly within 24 hours.
- Recently burnt areas are used for foraging, with malleefowl taking advantage of increased herbage, while adjacent unburnt habitats are used for roosting, nesting, and daytime shelter.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- Loss of habitat due to clearing has led to a decline in distribution and abundance.
- Fragmentation, resulting from clearing or degradation of habitat, may reduce the size of populations and increase the extent to which they are isolated. Small, isolated populations have a greater risk of extinction due to genetic effects and chance events (e.g., drought and fire).
- Degradation of the habitat, a result of inappropriate grazing or fire regimes, may result in changes to the physical and biological nature of the habitat (e.g., changes in the structure and floristics of vegetation, diversity and abundance of invertebrates). These changes may render habitat unsuitable or increase the risk posed by other threatening processes (e.g., predation).
- Fire removes litter for mound construction, shelter from predators, and food sources, especially seeds. Mounds are not usually constructed in an area within 15-20 years after a fire and it may be 40 years or more before maximum densities are attained.
- Predation by foxes has a significant impact on populations, particularly on juveniles, chicks and eggs.
- Predation by cats can have a significant impact on populations, particularly on young birds.
- Disturbance to active nest mounds by feral goats.
- Anthropogenic climate change is a long term threat as it may alter habitat characteristics (e.g., change in physical structure or productivity) such that its capacity to support viable populations is reduced.
- Uncertainty with respect to the species' reproductive ecology and the effects of different predators on breeding success.
- Competition for food from feral goats may have a significant impact on food resources available to the species.
- Uncertainty with respect to the species' population size, and ecological factors that influence population size and breeding success.
- Disturbance to nesting mounds by feral pigs.
- Accidental death of a small number of birds occurs each year. For small isolated populations these losses can be significant. Birds crossing roads or feeding on spilt grain beside roads are particularly vulnerable.
Recovery strategies
A targeted strategy for managing this species has been developed under the Saving Our Species program; click
here for details. For more information on the Saving Our Species program click
Activities to assist this species
- Control vertebrate pest populations (e.g., foxes, cats and rabbits) which prey on the species, degrade habitat, or compete for resources.
- Implement appropriate fire regime so as to not burn all habitat and food resources within a locality at one time and to promote natural succession.
- Reduce stocking intensity or exclude grazing in some areas to allow regeneration of vegetation and improve habitat quality (e.g. shelter, food and nest resources).
- Retention of stick and leaf litter.
- Retain understorey shrubs and allow them to complete their life cycle (i.e., seed set, germination, establishment, growth to maturity).
- Retain fallen logs and ground debris.
Information sources
- Ayers, D., Nash, S. and Baggett, K. (1996) Threatened Species of Western New South Wales. (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney)
- Marchant, S. and Higgins, P.J. (Eds) (1993) Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Volume 2: Raptors to Lapwings. (Oxford University Press, Melbourne)
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
Geographic restrictions region