Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
click here to see geographic restrictions).
The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Kurri Sand Swamp Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion
Gazetted date:
01 Jun 2001
Profile last updated:
30 Jun 2023
Kurri Sand Swamp Woodland is a low woodland or heathland, generally with a low open canopy rarely exceeding 15 m in height and a shrubby understorey. The overstorey is usually dominated by Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens (Parramatta Red Gum) and Angophora bakeri (Narrow-leaved Apple) while other tree species that occur less frequently include E. racemosa (Narrow-leaved Scribbly Gum), E. fibrosa (Red Ironbark), E. sp. aff. agglomerata and Corymbia gummifera (Red Bloodwood). The shrub layer is typified by Banksia spinulosa (Hairpin Banksia), Dillwynia retorta, Jacksonia scoparia (Dogwood), Hakea dactyloides (Finger Hakea), Acacia ulicifolia (Prickly Moses), Grevillea parviflora subsp. parviflora, Melaleuca nodosa (Prickly-leaved Paperbark), A. elongata (Swamp Wattle) and Lambertia formosa (Mountain Devil). The common ground species include Entolasia stricta (Wiry Panic), Ptilothris deusta, Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower), Aristida warburgii, Lomandra cylindrica (Needle Mat-rush), Lomandra glauca (Pale Mat-rush) and Anisopogon avenaceus (Oat Speargrass).
Known to occur in the Kurri Kurri–Cessnock area of the Cessnock LGA in the lower Hunter Valley, but it may occur elsewhere.
Habitat and ecology
- Occurs on soils developed on poorly-drained Tertiary sand deposits that blanket Permian sediments.
- The community is floristically similar to the Tomago Sand Swamp Woodland as defined by NSW NPWS (2000).
- Plant species of conservation significance that are listed under the TSC Act occurring in the community are Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens, Acacia bynoeana and Grevillea parviflora subsp. parviflora.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- Inappropriate fires regime (too frequent and intense fires particularly from arson) leading to change in TEC structure and composition.
- Dumping of rubbish, plants, and cars in areas of the TEC leading to disturbance of the site, weed invasion, and deliberately lit fires.
- Encroachment of weeds, particularly around dumping sites where garden plants are deliberately discarded.
- Disturbance and degradation caused by recreational users such as trail bike riders and 4WD vehicles leading to erosion and introduction and spread of weeds.
- Fragmentation, degradation, and loss of TEC affecting ecosystem function.
- Lack of long term protection for remaining TEC remnants and potential for change of land use causing further negative impacts.
- Potential for noisy miner to encroach and impact the TEC by displacing threatened and regionally significant bird species.
- Potential impacts from deer from rutting and wallowing.
- Disturbance and damage caused by the removal of timber for firewood collection.
- Lack of involvement of local land owners and the wider community in the protection and management of the TEC.
- Impacts associated with climate change such as an increase in the frequency of fires, or a change in species structure and composition.
- Threats including weeds, disturbance by vehicles, firewood collection and road maintenance activities.
- Limited access to properties under mining lease to assess the TEC and monitor it.
- Pollution of creek lines and adjacent areas from mining activities.
- Habitat loss from clearing for mining, industrial, urban and agricultural development.
- Fragmentation.
- Invasion and establishment of weed species changing community structure and floristic composition, particularly along drainage lines, easements, and roadsides.
- Dumping of rubbish and arson resulting in habitat degradation.
- Frequent fire caused by arson.
- Disturbance and damage caused by recreational users such as motorbikes and 4WDs.
- Disturbance and damage caused by the removal of timber for firewood collection.
- Over-grazing by livestock and trampling which destroys florisitic structure and diversity.
- Lack of hollow bearing trees to provide habitat for fauna in the TEC.
- Loss of woody debris.
- Modifications of drainage regimes in deep, low nutrient sands through draining or filling.
Recovery strategies
A targeted strategy for managing this species has been developed under the Saving Our Species program; click
here for details. For more information on the Saving Our Species program click
Activities to assist this species
- Weed control.
- Protect known habitat from clearing, fragmentation, disturbance and modifications to drainage patterns.
- Habitat rehabilitation and revegetation to connect existing remnants.
- Research into, and maintenance of, appropriate fire regime. A minimum fire interval of at least ten years is suggested, but this may be modified in light of further research. Site-specific management plans should be developed to prevent more frequent fires from impacting on the populations.
Information sources
- Bell, S. and Driscoll, C. (2007) Vegetation of the Cessnock-Kurri region, Cessnock LGA, New South Wales: Survey, Classification & Mapping. Report to Department of Environment & Climate Change, Newcastle.
- Biosis Research (2001) Kurri Sand Swamp Woodland Recovery Assessment. Report for NPWS and RTA.
- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (2000) Vegetation survey, classification and mapping, Lower Hunter and Central Coast Region. Report prepared for the Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environment Management Strategy. (NSW NPWS, Sydney)
- NSW Scientific Committee (2001) Kurri sand swamp woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion- Endangered ecological community determination - final. DEC (NSW), Sydney.
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
Geographic restrictions region