Indicative distribution
The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas.
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The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Dodonaea stenozyga
Gazetted date:
11 Dec 2009
Profile last updated:
18 Oct 2022
Desert Hopbush is a rounded shrub to 2 metres high, with sticky leaflets and 4-angled branchlets. Leaves are 1 to 3.8 centimetres long including the stalk, and are composed of 2 to 6 linear leaflets, each 8 to 13.5 millimetres long and 0.5 to 2 millimetres wide. The unisexual flowers are hairless and inconspicuous. Fruit is a 4-winged capsule, 8.5 to 14.5 millimetres long and 10 to 17 millimetres wide, with the wings 3 to 6.5 millimetres wide and leathery.
Presumed extinct in NSW (with the only record from the Darling River prior to 1859) until recorded in 1998 from Nanya Station, north west of Wentworth in far south-western NSW. A recent record of two plants from a property to the west of Lake Victoria have yet to be confirmed. Widespread in southern Australia, from southern Western Australia, through South Australia to western Victoria.
Habitat and ecology
- A shrub of semi-arid mallee scrub or open eucalypt woodland, usually on sandy soil.
- At its NSW locality, a single shrub was recorded growing in Eucalyptus oleosa shrubland on a sandy swale, with Acacia colletioides, Eremophila glabra, E. scoparia, Maireana pentatropis, M. pyramidata, Olearia muelleri, O. pimeleoides, Grevillea huegelii and Senna spp.
- Grows on a variety of soil types over its range and with a number of different dominant species. In eastern areas it occurs with Alectryon oleifolius, Senna sturtii, S. artemisioides, Scaevola spinescens, Olearia magniflora and mallee eucalypts.
- Flowers in spring to early summer (September to December) and mature capsules are usually present at the same time.
- Studies into the influence of fire and edaphic factors on the germination of Dodonaea viscosa revealed that seeds were killed by hot, slow-burning litter fires but germination was somewhat enhanced following cooler fire treatments. The fire response of Dodonaea stenozyga may be similar but has not been investigated.
- Recorded in populations as occasional small shrubs, dense undershrubs, locally abundant and frequent. A single plant two metres high was recorded at the NSW site.
Regional distribution and habitat
Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.
- Localised extinction (susceptible to catastrophic events due to the small population size and extent).
- Clearing (as a woody species with a superficial resemblance to Turpentine and Narrow-Leaf Hopbush, the plant may be mistaken for a woody weed).
- Grazing by goats.
- Potential changes in fire regimes.
- Lack of information on the species in NSW to inform a conservation management strategy.
Recovery strategies
A Saving Our Species conservation project is currently being developed for this species and will be available soon. For information on how you can contribute to this species' recovery, see the Activities to assist this species section below.
Activities to assist this species
- Protection from wildfire and investigation into the effects of fire.
- Protection of sites from goat grazing.
- Baseline surveys are required to confirm known and locate new populations.
Information sources
- Briggs, J.D. and Leigh, J.H. (1996) Rare or Threatened Australian Plants. Revised Edition. (CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne)
- Hodgkinson, K.C. and Oxley, R.E. (1990) Influence of fire and edaphic factors on germination of the arid zone shrubs Acacia aneura, Cassia nemophila and Dodonaea viscosa. Australian Journal of Botany 38(3): 269-279.
- Jessop, J.P. and Toelken, H.R. (eds.) (1986) Flora of South Australia. Part ll. (South Australian Government Printing Division, Adelaide)
- Mueller, F.J.H. von (1859) Dodonaea stenozyga F. Muell. Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 1: 98.
- NSW Scientific Committee (2001) Dodonaea stenozyga subsp. acrodentata (an erect rounded shrub) - Endangered species determination - final. DEC (NSW), Sydney.
- Pressey, R.L., Cohn, J.S. and Porter, J.L. (1990) Vascular plants with restricted distributions in the Western Division of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 112: 213-227
- Walsh, N.G. and Entwisle, T.J. (1999) Flora of Victoria; Volume 4, Dicotyledons Cornaceae to Asteraceae. (Inkata Press, Melbourne)
- West, J.G. (1984) A revision of Dodonaea Miller (Sapindaceae) in Australia. Brunonia 7(1): 1-194.
- West, J.G. (1985) Sapindaceae. 29. Dodonaea. Flora of Australia 25: 114-153,
- Westbrooke, M.E., Miller, J.D. and Kerr, M.K.C. (1998) The vegetation of the Scotia 1:100 000 map sheet, western New South Wales. Cunninghamia 5(3): 665-684
- Wilson, P.G. and Scott, J.A. (2002) Dodonaea. In Harden, G.J. (ed.) Flora of New South Wales. Volume 2. Revised Edition. New South Wales University Press: Sydney.
IBRA Bioregion
IBRA Subregion
Known or predicted
Geographic restrictions region