Nature conservation

Threatened species

Floyd's Grass - profile

Indicative distribution

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The areas shown in pink and/purple are the sub-regions where the species or community is known or predicted to occur. They may not occur thoughout the sub-region but may be restricted to certain areas. ( click here to see geographic restrictions). The information presented in this map is only indicative and may contain errors and omissions.
Scientific name: Alexfloydia repens
Conservation status in NSW: Endangered
Commonwealth status: Not listed
Gazetted date: 13 Jul 2001
Profile last updated: 20 Aug 2018


Floyd’s Grass is a spreading stoloniferous perennial that typically forms a dense groundcover (to about 50cm) beneath low-lying swamp sclerophyll forest. The solitary flower heads are small (3-4mm long) and arranged in a panicle. Flowering usually occurs during spring, although it has also been observed at other times of year. The leaves are linear, 1-2mm wide and shiny in appearance.


Floyd's Grass occurs only on the NSW mid north coast from Coffs Harbour to Scotts Head. It is currently known from two disjunct areas: a northern population centred around Sawtell and a southern population along Warrell Creek. Most Floyd's Grass is found on floodplain alluvial deposits between 1m and 2m above the mean tide level, although there are two atypical headland occurences (at Coffs Harbour and Sawtell). 

Habitat and ecology

  • Floyd's Grass occurs predominantly in swamp sclerophyll forest where Swamp Oak Casuarina glauca and/or Broad-leaved Paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia are usually the dominant canopy species. The plant favours the moderate to high sunlight levels in this habitat.
  • Floyd’s Grass is the sole food plant for the caterpillar of the Endangered Black Grass-dart Butterfly Ocybadistes knightorum.
  • High salinity levels are not tolerated by Floyd's Grass. The majority of its distribution is between 1m and 2m above the mean tide level, i.e. immediatley above the zone of king tide inundation.
  • The most vigorous and extensive examples of Floyd's Grass are found on rich alluvial floodplain terraces. However, the grass will grow on a wide variety of substrates, e.g. it is found on two coastal headlands.
  • The majority of Floyd's Grass is found in riparian zones within 5km of the coast. However, it reaches inland along Warrell Ck as far as Macksville (over 7km from the coast).

Regional distribution and habitat

Click on a region below to view detailed distribution, habitat and vegetation information.


Recovery strategies

Activities to assist this species

Information sources

IBRA Bioregion IBRA Subregion Known or predicted Geographic restrictions region
NSW North CoastCoffs Coast and Escarpment Known Within 5 km of coast in the Coffs Harbour and Bellingen LGAs
NSW North CoastMacleay Hastings Known Lower Warrell Creek