Nature conservation

Threatened species

Riverine Sandhill Woodlands

Vegetation class map

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Estimated percentage landcover for vegetation class


Open woodland dominated by cypress pines with scattered eucalypts and an open shrub stratum


Callitris glaucophylla, C. gracilis ssp. murrayensis (near Murray River), Brachychiton populneus, occasionally with Eucalyptus melliodora, E. intertexta or E. populnea ssp. bimbil in the north

Shrubs and vines

Hakea leucoptera, H. tephrosperma, Alectryon oleifolius ssp. canescens, Acacia melvillei, Geijera parviflora, Allocasuarina luehmannii, Acacia oswaldii, A. homalophylla, Pittosporum phylliraeoides, Casuarina pauper, Eremophila longifolia, Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima, Senna artemisioides ssp. petiolaris, Rhagodia spinescens.

Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes

Austrostipa scabra ssp. scabra, Aristida behriana, Enneapogon nigricans, Wahlenbergia stricta ssp. stricta, with A. jerichoensis ssp. subspinulifera, Eragrostis lacunaria, Digitaria brownii, Enteropogon acicularis, Sclerolaena diacantha, Calotis cuneifolia and Sida cunninghamii in the north


Sandy areas raised above floodplains and peneplains, sandy toeslopes of ranges, sandy beds and banks of prior streams and source-bordering dunes


Scattered around the Hay Plain and south of Nymagee and west of Cobar. Restricted stands also likely to occur on the riverine floodplain of northern Vic.


Locally restricted vegetation with distinctive shrub-dominated understorey that contrasts with adjoining vegetation. Found on the Murray riverine plain in analogous habitats to those occupied by Northwest alluvial sands woodlands on the Darling riverine plain. Depleted by agricultural clearing, with many remaining examples degraded by overgrazing.


Porteners (1993); Pickard & Norris (1994)

See all threatened species associated with this vegetation class

See a list of species, populations and ecological communities associated with the Riverine Sandhill Woodlands vegetation class.