Nature conservation

Threatened species

South East Dry Sclerophyll Forests

Vegetation class map

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Estimated percentage landcover for vegetation class


Open forest 15-25 m tall, dominated by stringybark and ash eucalypts, often with an open subcanopy of sheoaks or wattles. The understorey includes an open cover of sclerophyllous shrubs and a sparse groundcover of sedges and grasses.


Eucalyptus agglomerata (blue-leaved stringybark), E. globoidea (white stringybark), E. sieberi (silvertop ash), and, less commonly, Angophora floribunda (rough-barked apple) occur throughout. At low altitudes Corymbia gummifera (red bloodwood) and Eucalyptus consideniana (yertchuk) are common, while E. blaxlandii (brown stringybark), E. dives (broad-leaved peppermint) and E. smithii (ironbark peppermint) are restricted to higher elevations. A subcanopy of varying density is formed by Allocasuarina littoralis (black sheoak).


Acacia falciformis (broad-leaved hickory), A. obtusifolia, A. terminalis (sunshine wattle), Amperea xiphoclada var. xiphoclada (broome spurge), Banksia serrata (old man banksia), B. spinulosa var. spinulosa (hairpin banksia), Bossiaea obcordata, Correa reflexa (native fuchsia), Epacris impressa (pink heath), Hibbertia empetrifolia (trailing guinea flower), Leptospermum trinervium (flaky-barked teatree), Leucopogon lanceolata, Lomatia ilicifolia (holly-leaved lomatia), Monotoca scoparia (prickly broom-heath), Persoonia linearis (narrow-leaved geebung), Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (slender rice flower), Platysace lanceolata, Podolobium ilicifolium (prickly shaggy pea), Tetratheca thymifolia (black-eyed Susan), Xanthosia pilosa.


tetragynus, G. teucrioides (raspwort), Lomandra confertifolia subsp. rubiginosa, L. confertifolia subsp. similis, L. longifolia (spiny-headed mat-rush), L. multiflora (many-flowered mat-rush), Patersonia glabrata (leafy purple-flag), Stylidium graminifolium (grass triggerplant), Viola hederacea (ivy-leaved violet), Pteridium esculentum (bracken), Caustis flexuosa (curly wig), Entolasia stricta (wiry panic), Gahnia radula, Joycea pallida (silvertop wallaby grass), Lepidosperma laterale, Poa meionectes.


Ridges and exposed slopes on lowlands, coastal ranges and escarpment from sea level to 1300 m elevation where the average annual rainfall varies from 850 to 1100 mm. The soils are shallow, infertile sandy loams derived from sedimentary or granitic substrates with a high content of quartz.


Extensive tracts extend from the Shoalhaven River on the coast, and from just east of Oberon on the escarpment, southwards into Victoria through the Gippsland region. The largest areas are found south of Batemans Bay in the rugged areas of the Deua, Wadbilliga and South East Forest national parks.


Relatively species-poor compared to other dry sclerophyll forests of the coast and tablelands. Composition varies across the broad altitudinal range, with species richness declining with elevation.


Keith & Bedward (1999); Thomas et al. (2000)

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See a list of species, populations and ecological communities associated with the South East Dry Sclerophyll Forests vegetation class.