Vegetation class map
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Estimated percentage landcover for vegetation class
Open chenopod shrubland with groundcover of forbs and grasses
Shrubs and vines
Atriplex vesicaria, Sclerostegia tenuis, Malacocera tricornis, Maireana aphylla, Atriplex nummularia, Rhagodia spinescens, Enchylaena tomentosa, Nitraria billardieri
Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes
Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum, Minuria cunninghamii, Sclerolaena tricuspis, S. muricata, S. brachyptera, S. bicornis var. bicornis, S. intricata, S. stelligera, Ixiolaena tomentosa, Leptorhynchos panaetioides, Calocephalus sonderi, Frankenia connata, Dissocarpus biflorus var. biflorus, Atriplex lindleyi, A. pseudocampanulata, Osteocarpum acropterum var. deminuta, Daucus glochidiatus, Rhodanthe corymbiflora, Plantago cunninghamii, Podolepis muelleri, Sida trichopoda, Vittadinia cuneata var. cuneata, Brachyscome lineariloba, Chloris truncata, Sporobolus caroli, Agrostis avenacea, Austrodanthonia caespitosa
Extensive level or depressed alluvial plains and dry lake beds, often semi-saline, with deep grey-brown clays on semi-arid floodplains
Seldom flooded parts of the lower Murray-Murrumbidge-Lachlan floodplains, and on the upper Darling and Paroo floodplains, principally in NSW, but likely to occur on restricted areas of Murray floodplains in Vic and SA.
Extensive group of assemblages on the southern floodplains, sharing floristic affinites with Riverine plains woodlands and grasslands, and Aeolian chenopod shrublands. Extensively degraded by overgrazing, which has lead to declining populations of certain Atriplex species.
Scott (1992); Porteners (1993)
See all threatened species associated with this vegetation class
See a
list of species, populations and ecological communities
associated with the Riverine Chenopod Shrublands vegetation class.