Vegetation class map
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Estimated percentage landcover for vegetation class
Eucalypt woodland up to 25 m tall, with a variable shrub stratum of saltbushes and semi-continuous herbaceous groundcover
Eucalyptus largiflorens, occasionally with E. microcarpa, or rarely E. melliodora in the south-eastern part of the range of this unit
Shrubs and vines
Chenopodium nitrariaceum, Rhagodia spinescens, Enchylaena tomentosa, Atriplex nummularia, A. semibaccata, A. leptocarpa, Muehlenbeckia florulenta, with occasionally emergent Acacia salicina and A. stenophylla
Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes
Chamaesyce drummondii, Oxalis perennans, Boerhavia coccinea, Einadia nutans, Centipeda cunninghamii, Alternanthera denticulata, Carex inversa, Agrostis avenacea, Sclerolaena tricuspis, Calotis scapigera
Heavy alluvial clays on upper levels of active floodplains, intermittant creeklines and lake margins
Widespread on the floodplains of the mid and lower Murray-Darling system, extending to the Macquarie floodplain in the north-east and intermittent watercourses of the far north-west. Less extensive distribution in riverine Vic and SA.
An extensive group of assemblages grading into Inlands riverine forests in more frequently flooded areas and Riverine/lacustrine chenopod shrublands in less frequently flooded areas. Also grades into Northwest floodplain woodlands north of the Lachlan floodplain, where chenopods become less prominent in the understorey.
Porteners (1993); Scott (1992); Sivertsen & Metcalfe (1995 & unpubl.)
See all threatened species associated with this vegetation class
See a
list of species, populations and ecological communities
associated with the Inland Floodplain Woodlands vegetation class.