Nature conservation

Threatened species

Gibber Chenopod Shrublands

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Description under review merge Gibber Chenopod Shrublands Structure Open chenopod shrubland with groundcover of grasses Trees None Shrubs and vines Atriplex vesicaria, Maireana pyramidata, with scattered emergent Acacia aneura and Casuarina pauper Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes Astrebla lappacea, Enneapogon spp., Triraphis mollis, Sporobolus actinocladus, Dichanthium sericeum, Eragrostis setifolia, Sarcostemma australe, Sclerostegia spp., Sclerolaena brachyptera, S. eriantha, S. ventricosa Habitat Extensive on undulating glibber plains and stony ranges with skeletal brown clay-loam lithosols in areas receiving less than 250 mm annual rainfall Distribution Far mid-western NSW, White Cliffs-Broken Hill districts, extending into SA. Notes An extensive but poorly known group of assemblages sharing floristic affinities with Aeolian chenopod shrublands. Sources Pickard & Norris (1994) with 96. Arid downs grasslands Structure Open tussock grassland with occasionally emergent chenopods Trees None Shrubs and vines Sporadic occurrences of Maireana aphylla, M. pyramidata, Atriplex vesicaria, A. leptocarpa, Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes Astrebla pectinata with A. lappulacea, A. elymoides, A. squarrosa, Sclerolaena spp., Atriplex angulata, A. conduplicata, A. lindleyi, Osteocarpum spp. Habitat Extensive stony downs with red sandy loams or sometimes brown self-mulching clays of alluvial plains receiving less than 200 mm annual rainfall Distribution Far north-west NSW, north from Mt Arrowsmith and Milparinka beyond Tibooburra into south-west Qld and north-east SA. Notes An extensive but very poorly known group of assemblages sharing floristic affinities with Stony desert mulga and Gibber chenopod shrublands. Sources Pickard & Norris (1994) 96. Arid downs grasslands Structure Open tussock grassland with occasionally emergent chenopods Trees None Shrubs and vines Sporadic occurrences of Maireana aphylla, M. pyramidata, Atriplex vesicaria, A. leptocarpa, Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes Astrebla pectinata with A. lappulacea, A. elymoides, A. squarrosa, Sclerolaena spp., Atriplex angulata, A. conduplicata, A. lindleyi, Osteocarpum spp. Habitat Extensive stony downs with red sandy loams or sometimes brown self-mulching clays of alluvial plains receiving less than 200 mm annual rainfall Distribution Far north-west NSW, north from Mt Arrowsmith and Milparinka beyond Tibooburra into south-west Qld and north-east SA. Notes An extensive but very poorly known group of assemblages sharing floristic affinities with Stony desert mulga and Gibber chenopod shrublands. Sources Pickard & Norris (1994)

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See a list of species, populations and ecological communities associated with the Gibber Chenopod Shrublands vegetation class.