Nature conservation

Threatened species

Clarence Dry Sclerophyll Forests

Vegetation class map

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Estimated percentage landcover for vegetation class


Dry open eucalypt forest up to 30 m tall, with a diverse array of eucalypts and an open subcanopy of casuarinas and Alphitonia. The understorey has a shrub stratum of variable density and a continuous species-rich grassy groundcover.


Corymbia henryi (large-leaved spotted gum), C. intermedia (pink bloodwood), Eucalyptus carnea (thick-leaved mahogany), E. moluccana (grey box), E. propinqua (grey gum), E. siderophloia (grey ironbark), E. variegata (spotted gum), Syncarpia glomulifera (turpentine).


Allocasuarina torulosa (forest oak), Alphitonia excelsa (red ash), Breynia oblongifolia (coffee bush), Jacksonia scoparia (dogwood)..


Allocasuarina torulosa (forest oak), Alphitonia excelsa (red ash), Breynia oblongifolia (coffee bush), Jacksonia scoparia (dogwood).


Dianella caerulea (blue flax lily), Glycine clandestina, Pratia purpurascens (white root), Cymbopogon refractus (barbed wire grass), Entolasia stricta (wiry panic), Imperata cylindrica var. major (blady grass), Themeda australis (kangaroo grass).


Hills and undulating lowlands within the Clarence and Richmond valley rain shadows below 600 m elevation. Soils are moderately fertile loams derived from siltstones and mudstones. Subtropical climatic zone with seasonal summer-maximum rainfall.


Restricted to the Clarence river valley and western Richmond valley and adjacent foothills. Possibly unique to New South Wales, although similar vegetation occurs in the Moreton district of south-east Queensland.


Shares a number of species with Northern Gorges Dry Sclerophyll Forests and Coastal Rainshadow Grassy Woodlands, and has a superficial resemblance to Tropical Savannas. Fragmented by clearing, cattle grazing and burning over most of its range.


NPWS (1999)

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See a list of species, populations and ecological communities associated with the Clarence Dry Sclerophyll Forests vegetation class.