Nature conservation

Threatened species

North-west Plain Shrublands

Vegetation class map

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Estimated percentage landcover for vegetation class


Shrubland or low woodland up to 10 m tall with an open to semi-continuous groundcover dominated by perennial tussock grasses


Callitris glaucophylla

Shrubs and vines

Acacia excelsa, A. homalophylla, A. aneura, Eremophila mitchellii, E. sturtii, Grevillea striata, Atalaya hemiglauca, Hakea tephrosperma, H. leucoptera, Lysiana exocarpi ssp. exocarpi, Pittosporum phylliraeoides, Apophyllum anomalum, Senna artemisioides, Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima, Olearia pimelioides, Flindersia maculosa, Myoporum platycarpum, Atriplex stipitata

Forbs, graminoids and pteridophytes

Eragrostis eriopoda, E. leptocarpa, E. dielsii, Aristida jerichoensis ssp. subspinulifera, Dichanthium sericeum, Aristida contorta, Digitaria brownii, Sclerolaena diacantha, S. uniflora, Calotis lappulacea


Well-drained red-brown sandy loams on flat to undulating plains receiving 280-350 mm annual rainfall


Western parts of the Cobar peneplain, and north-western plains from Enngonia to Wanaaring, extending into southern Qld.


A widespread group of assemblages sharing floristic affinities with Gibber transition shrublands and grading into Stony desert mulga in drier regions, and Western peneplain woodlands in higher-rainfall regions.


Beadle (1948); Pickard & Norris (1994)

See all threatened species associated with this vegetation class

See a list of species, populations and ecological communities associated with the North-west Plain Shrublands vegetation class.