Nature conservation

Threatened species

Priority actions by type of threatened species

The Department of Environment and Conservation has prepared a Priorities Action Statement (PAS) to promote the recovery of threatened species and the abatement of key threatening processes in New South Wales.

The Priorities Action Statement identifies a number of broad strategies to help threatened plants and animals recover in New South Wales. Each of these strategies have more specific priority actions within them.

Select an item from the list below to see priority actions for all species of that type.

Type of species

What type of species or threatening process do the priority actions apply to?

Name of species

Name of species or threatening process that the priority actions apply to.

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There are 1 threatened species in New South Wales matching the above criteria which have current Priority action plans. A total of 12 current Priority actions have been identified to help recover these species.
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Action title Scientific
Type of
Assess implementation and effectiveness of Forest management prescriptions. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Medium
Provide information to the public on Boronia umbellata, particularly landowners adjacent to areas of known occurrence. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Medium
Several records in databases are geographically inaccurate, check and correct records. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs High
Undertake weed control in those populations adversely affected by invasion by lantana and other weeds. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Low
Determine current population size and demography. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs High
Determine fire ecology, juvenile period and seed longevity either by autecological study of Boronia umbellata or literature search for information on similar species. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs High
Maintain populations ex situ at suitable botanic gardens, regional gardens or nurseries. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Low
Map extent of known populations of Boronia umbellata. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Medium
Monitor population, habitat and threats at some of the known populations. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs High
Once autecology is determined ensure that a suitable fire regime is applied to the known populations. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Medium
Monitor representative populations to determine the conditions required for seedling recruitment. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs High
Protect known habitat from clearing, road works and direct impact of timber harvesting. Boronia umbellata Orara Boronia Plant > Shrubs Medium