Nature conservation

Threatened species

Priority actions by type of threatened species

The Department of Environment and Conservation has prepared a Priorities Action Statement (PAS) to promote the recovery of threatened species and the abatement of key threatening processes in New South Wales.

The Priorities Action Statement identifies a number of broad strategies to help threatened plants and animals recover in New South Wales. Each of these strategies have more specific priority actions within them.

Select an item from the list below to see priority actions for all species of that type.

Type of species

What type of species or threatening process do the priority actions apply to?

Name of species

Name of species or threatening process that the priority actions apply to.

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There are 1 threatened species in New South Wales matching the above criteria which have current Priority action plans. A total of 16 current Priority actions have been identified to help recover these species.
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Action title Scientific
Type of
Complete priority State/National recovery plan in accordance with contractual obligation between DEC and DEH by June 2007. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Undertake targeted bush regeneration works, where required. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Fence sites and exclude livestock and/or feral animals, where required. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Public authorities and landowners undertaking road, trail, or easement maintenance activities in potential habitat are to ensure that planning and maintenance staff are aware of the species and that processes are in place to avoid impacting upon it. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Restrict vehicular and pedestrian access to sites, where necessary. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Undertake management focused ecological studies (including investigation of the reported low levels of seed production and the threat posed by hybridisation). Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Undertake surveys to locate sites that are recorded from Morton NP and Colymea SCA. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Provide map of known occurrences to Rural Fire Service and seek inclusion of mitigative measures on Bush Fire Risk Management Plan(s), risk register and/or operation map(s). Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
[Threat management] Assess the relative conservation significance of sites to determine recovery priorities. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs High
[guidelines] Prepare species profile and EIA guidelines. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Seek to increase the level of legislative protection for sites through land-use planning mechanisms and conservation agreements. Retain or, where lost, re-establish vegetative linkages between sites where possible. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs High
Ensure that sites on crown land are appropriately classified and managed. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Incorporate site specific threat abatement measures for the species into Plans of Management for on-park sites. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Prepare and implement management plans for sites that are located on public land outside the NPWS estate. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Liaise with private and public land managers to facilitate the preparation and implementation of management plans that address threatening processes. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium
Incorporate appropriate fire regime into land management practices. Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark Plant > Shrubs Medium