Nature conservation

Threatened species

Priority actions by type of threatened species

The Department of Environment and Conservation has prepared a Priorities Action Statement (PAS) to promote the recovery of threatened species and the abatement of key threatening processes in New South Wales.

The Priorities Action Statement identifies a number of broad strategies to help threatened plants and animals recover in New South Wales. Each of these strategies have more specific priority actions within them.

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There are 2 threatened species in New South Wales matching the above criteria which have current Priority action plans. A total of 164 current Priority actions have been identified to help recover these species.
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Action title Scientific
Type of
Implement the program to eradicate rodents from Lord Howe Island. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Southern Gecko Animal > Reptiles High
Ensure that key areas of habitat are protected from development, trampling or other disturbances. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Southern Gecko Animal > Reptiles High
Maintain Lord Howe Island biosecurity program to ensure that exotic species do not establish. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Southern Gecko Animal > Reptiles High
Ensure appropriate environmental assessment is undertaken when assessing development proposals. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Liaise with leaseholders and visitors regarding protection and management of remnant and significant vegetation in the settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Provide assistance for leaseholders to protect significant remnant vegetation in the settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage invertebrate and vertebrate habitat protection in the settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Minimise impacts of Kentia palm seed collecting. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Educate residents and visitors on the potential impacts of collection on the biodiversity value of fauna of the LHIG. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Conduct a review of legislation to ensure there is adequate legislative power, particularly in regard to invertebrates to prevent illegal collection. Lobby for changes to legislation. Amend Regulations where appropriate and possible. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Ensure that appropriate LHIB staff have statutory authority and training to undertake law enforcement activities. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
LHIB to enhance relationships with regulatory authorities concerned with the trade of biological materials. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Ensure appropriate licences are issued for persons undertaking collections for research purposes. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Establish a list of terrestrial invertebrates of the LHIG that may have commercial value. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate the feasibility of commercial captive breeding of terrestrial invertebrates in terms of a biodiversity benefit. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Restrict access to offshore islands that are significant for invertebrate species, particularly Balls Pyramid, Blackburn and Roach Islands. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Establish protocols to keep significant invertebrate localities secure. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Promote visitor awareness of the importance to stay on walking tracks. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Establish an appropriate hygiene protocols for access to Mount Gower. This would include options such as cleaning of footwear. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Investigate options for placement of composting toilet at the entrance to the Mount Gower walking track. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Ensure researchers are aware of sensitive areas prior to field work commencing. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage tourists, residents, researchers and management staff to adopt minimal impact bushwalking practices. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Protect threatened plant habitats from adverse impacts of visitation. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Monitor areas identified at risk from climate change. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Establish monitoring sites in as many "at risk" areas as possible, including Mangroves, Sallywood Swamp Forest, cloud forest, high parts of the northern hills. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Establish long-term monitoring sites of terrestrial invertebrates and selected flora (including non-vascular flora) along an altitudinal gradient in the southern mountains. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Develop and implement a monitoring program to assess the impacts of climate change on invertebrate lifecycles and ‘at risk’ flora e.g. Knicker Nut, Chamaesyce psammogeton, Geniostoma huttonii, Polystichum moorei, and Xylosma parvifolium. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Establish a climate monitoring station at higher altitudes. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate options for securing species identified as most at risk from climate change. Investigate propagation and ex-situ storage techniques for species restricted to cloud forests, including both seed banking and living collections. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Prepare nominations for species, populations, ecological communities or critical habitat as required. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Assess the appropriateness of nominating vegetation communities identified as being of conservation concern. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Assess the appropriateness of nominating identified invertebrates as threatened. This includes seven endemic ant species, 38 endemic beetles, and nine endemic spiders. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Habitat of Knicker Nut, Calystegia affinis, Chamaesyce psammogeton and Polystichum moorei in settlement area must be protected from clearing and fenced where possible to protect from trampling or grazing. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Grass invasion, specifically Kikuyu, is impacting the viability of the Calystegia affinis population at Old Settlement. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Control the introduced Buffalo and Kikuyu grasses threatening the Caesalpinia bonduc population at Neds Beach. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Cherry Guava, Crofton Weed and Tiger Lily to be controlled in Carmichaelia exsul sites. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Weed control in Chamaesyce psammogeton sites will need to be opportunistically undertaken to new weed species incursion. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Coprosma inopinata habitat should be monitored for any weed incursions, and any weeds treated as a priority. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control Crofton weed and Tiger Lily in Polystichum moorei habitat in the southern mountains where sites are accessible. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Undertake monitoring of threatened flora populations. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Establish ex-situ populations of threatened flora. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control introduced invertebrates that are impacting upon threatened flora in settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Adverse impacts from tourism at the Calystegia affinis site to be minimised, and the boardwalk in the area to be maintained. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Impacts of visitation at Caesalpinia bonduc sites needs to be monitored and any adverse impacts need to be minimised, by either signage or fencing. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Access to the southern population of Coprosma inopinata should be restricted to essential research and management only and access permitted only with information on how to minimise adverse impacts on site. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Conduct priority fauna species research. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Conduct research on the ecology of the LHI Currawong. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Design and implement monitoring programs to evaluate effectiveness of recovery actions on listed threatened fauna. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Zone all mapped Flesh-footed Shearwater nesting habitat as Environmental Protection or significant vegetation. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Rehabilitate areas within grazing leases where Flesh-footed Shearwaters are continuing to nest as well as additional areas where possible that are within the 1978 mapped distribution. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Protect and enhance habitat for the Lord Howe Island Silvereye. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Enhance and protect habitat for the LHI Wood-eating Cockroach. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Protect and enhance Lord Howe Island Earthworm habitat through minimising access to stream edges by visitors to Mount Gower. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Protect habitat of the White-bellied Storm-petrel and Kermadec Petrel breeding populations on Balls Pyramid through restricting access. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Protect and enhance Red-tailed Tropicbird habitat. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Protect and enhance Little Shearwater habitat. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Maintain existing rodent baiting program and review with regard to expanding the program to seasonally cover seasonal breeding areas for affected sea birds. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Ensure strict quarantine protocols are implemented for access to all offshore islands to prevent rodents from establishing on these islands. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Promote the re-establishment of White-bellied Storm-petrel and Kermadec Petrel breeding populations on the main Island through rodent eradication or control on Mount Gower. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Assess the impact of the introduced Masked Owl predation on threatened fauna. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Reduce the amount of plastic bags in use on LHIG and encourage their responsible disposal. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Provide support to efforts to reduce bycatch of sea birds by long-line fishing operations. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement the Lord Howe Island Phasmid Interim Recovery Actions. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Implement the Lord Howe Placostylus recovery actions. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Protect habitat of the Lord Howe Island Gecko and Lord Howe Island Skink. Developments that would remove habitat for these two species would require assessment under the EP&A Act 1979 and the Commonwealth EPBC Act 1999. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Determine the distribution and status of the Lord Howe Island Gecko and Lord Howe Island Skink where the two species are likely but not known to occur (Admiralty Group, Gower Island and Muttonbird Island). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Design and enforce quarantine protocols for residents and visitors travelling to offshore islands to minimise the risk that rodents, the introduced skink and frog, diseases and pathogens are not introduced to offshore islands. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
The biology and ecology of at least one population for the LHI Gecko and LHI skink should be studied. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate the impact of the Grass Skink and the Bleating Tree Frog on the main island on the Lord Howe Island Skink and Lord Howe Island Gecko. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement the Lord Howe Island Woodhen Recovery Plan. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Implement the high priority components of the LHIB Quarantine Strategy on the Lord Howe Island Group and mainland departure points (managing threats and habitats). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Implement the remaining components of the LHIB Quarantine Strategy (managing threats and habitats). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement the LHIB Plant Importation Policy (managing threats and habitat). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Increase production of local native plants for use in the settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Develop a rapid response and detection protocol for new introductions of weeds and exotic fauna (managing threats and habitat). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Regularly update mapping to reflect outcomes from implementation programs and review effectiveness of implementation programs on annual basis. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Complete Lord Howe Island Multi species management plan by 2006. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Develop and implement measures to minimise the impacts of introduced flora and fauna pathogens (managing threats and habitat). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Develop and implement a set of phytosanitary guidelines for walkers to minimise the risk of introducing pests, weeds and disease to the LHIG. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Develop and implement a strategy to control the spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the settlement area (managing threats and habitat). Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Conduct a detailed survey for the presence of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Test LHIG native species potential to be susceptible to Phytophthora cinnamomi. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement the high priority tasks in the LHIB Strategic Plan for Weed Management. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Implement other tasks of the LHI Strategic Plan for Weed Management. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Continue weed mapping programs to include problem species that have not been mapped, e.g. distribution of exotic grasses on offshore islands. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Continue inventory and monitoring of weed distribution and spread. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Develop a weed monitoring program. This program would identify key points to be monitored and include feedback loops. Monitoring outcomes should be mapped to provide data for future analyses. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate and implement funding incentive schemes for weed management on leases in settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Identify and implement safe techniques and training in remote and dangerous terrain. Target weed species include Bitou Bush, Crofton Weed and Tiger Lily. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Monitor weed spread and distribution. Weed spread and distribution to be monitored on a regular basis to provide information on weed status in remote areas. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Establish a rapid response protocol to control any outbreaks of significant weeds such as Cherry Guava in the southern mountains. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Prepare promotional material and activity program to increase weed awareness for both islanders and visitors. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Run tours visiting weed management sites. Any profits made should be used for further weed management. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Continue regular weed inspections of leases in settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Ensure careful use of herbicide in invertebrate hotspot areas and threatened flora and fauna habitat. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Use a gradual approach to weed control in invertebrate hotspot areas so that invertebrates have an opportunity to move or recover in untreated or previously treated areas. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Ensure staff and volunteers are adequately trained in herbicide use and are using the most effective and target-specific chemical and application methods. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Support research into the control and biology of major weed species of Lord Howe Island, including research into weed control techniques. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate current research into the biological control of weed species, particularly Crofton Weed and Tiger Lily, which are problems in inaccessible areas. Initiate and support any funding proposals for research in this area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
LHIB staff to work with leaseholders to undertake weed control, in conjunction with revegetation in degraded Sallywood Swamp Forest sites 1, 2, 4 and 5 as identified in plan. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Conduct bush regeneration sweeps, and control key weed species at Transit Hill. Key weeds to target include Cherry Guava, Cotoneaster, Pittosporum, Ground Asparagus and Climbing Asparagus. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Monitor for incursions by new weed species on Transit Hill. Any new outbreaks to be treated as a priority. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control Bitou Bush on the cliff lines of the northern hills of Malabar due to its predicted impact on sea birds. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Control Bridal Creeper on Malabar, particularly Malabar Ridge. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Conduct a Kikuyu control program on Dawson's Point, undertaken in conjunction with replacement by the native grass species Poa poiformis. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Conduct a broad weed control program on Malabar, focus on Ground Asparagus and Climbing Asparagus, and also monitor and control any escaping weeds e.g. Privet ligustrum sinense, Cotoneaster, Grevillea robusta. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control exotic grasses on coastal dunes at Blinky Beach and Lagoon Foreshores particularly in the habitat of the endangered plant Chamaesyce psammogeton. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control exotic species e.g. Ipomea cairica and Euphorbia paralias where necessary, particularly in the habitat of the endangered plant Chamaesyce psammogeton. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Monitor for any new weed species on coastal dunes and remove as appropriate. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Exotic grass invasion to be controlled on offshore islands. Target weed species include Kikuyu and Rhodes Grass. Exotic species to be replaced with appropriate native species. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Monitor for any new weed species on offshore islands, particularly of exotic grasses. Any new weed species to be treated as a priority. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control weeds in remnant vegetation, and particularly significant vegetation communities in settlement area including Mangrove, Lowland Mixed Forest, Poa poiformis and Greybark-Blackbutt on calcarenite/coral sand. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Control weeds in significant watercourses. Significant watercourses include those at Old Settlement, Cobby's Creek, the Soldiers Creek basin of the southern settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Control weeds in selected priority sites in settlement area including from Neds Beach to Middle Beach and Blinky Beach,. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control exotic grasses at Lagoon foreshores, Lovers Bay, Old Settlement and Ned's Beach. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Continue the current procedure by the LHIB to remove Norfolk Island Pines that are less than 6m. Encourage the removal of larger Norfolk Island Pines outside of areas that have been identified as culturally significant for the Norfolk Island Pine. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Bush regeneration sweeps to be undertaken in the southern mountains chiefly to control Cherry Guava, Cotoneaster, Ochna and Ground Asparagus and to monitor and treat incursions of any new weed species. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control exotic grasses and replace with native grass at Muttonbird Point. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control Crofton Weed and Tiger Lily in the habitat of the endangered plant Carmichaelia exsul at Eddies Cave, Mt Gower. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control of Crofton Weed on southern mountains, where accessible, and in priority communities including Waterfall Cliff, Upland Freshwater Stream, Dracophyllum-Metrosideros and Mixed Fern and Herb communities. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control of other key weed species (Tiger Lily, Cherry Guava, Cotoneaster, Ochna, Ground Asparagus and Bitou Bush) in southern mountains where accessible. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
At Little Island undertake control of Tiger Lily, Castor Oil, Crofton Weed, Cherry Guava and Paspalum. Encourage regeneration of native species. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement the high priority actions from the Lord Howe Island Vegetation Rehabilitation Plan. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Undertake remaining components from the Lord Howe Island Vegetation Rehabilitation Plan. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Revegetate selected degraded high conservation priority sites in Settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage revegetation of selected Sallywood Swamp Forest Sites. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage revegetation of Mangrove communities. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage revegetation of selected watercourse areas. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage revegetation of cleared areas where appropriate. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Use best-practice regeneration principles. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Establish a monitoring program for revegetation projects. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Establish monitoring programs measure the success of programs. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Establish a set of marked photo points in a range of sites to assist with the monitoring of revegetation projects. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Undertake quadrat or transect sampling to measure changes to vegetation including species composition, height and canopy cover. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control the impacts of trampling, browsing and grazing by domestic stock by fencing selected Sallywood Swamp Forest, Mangrove and watercourse communities in settlement area. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Encourage fencing of other patches of remnant vegetation from domestic stock. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement erosion control measures in fenced areas wherever necessary. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Plant a buffer of hardy species on the edges of significant remnant vegetation patches, particularly those suffering from dieback. Natural regeneration of native species should also be encouraged on the edges of remnant vegetation patches. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Control introduced rodents. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Continue introduced rodent current baiting program. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Review existing baiting program to include additional baiting sites for biodiversity based outcomes. Consider inclusion of additional areas identified above. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Design and implement a monitoring program to evaluate the effectiveness of the program on reducing the threat of rodent predation on target species and locations. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Eradicate introduced rodents. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Continue studies where necessary to investigate rodent eradication. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Prepare a Species Impact Statement (under the TSC Act) for the proposal to eradicate introduced rodents. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Continue to evaluate opportunities to use rodent specific toxins. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Conduct research into the impacts of introduced vertebrate fauna on the biodiversity of the LHIG and investigate techniques for control or eradication. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate degree of threat through competition and predation posed by: the Australian Kestrel, Backbird, Bleating Tree-frog, Buff-Banded Rail, Feral Pigeon, Grass Skink, Mask Owl and Song thrush. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate techniques and feasibility of control or eradication for each species, based on the level of threat each species poses to native species of the LHIG. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement control or eradication techniques where available, feasible and effective. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Conduct research into the impacts of introduced invertebrate fauna on the biodiversity of the LHIG and, investigate techniques for control or eradication. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate the threat posed by introduced invertebrates through targeted monitoring sites and research. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate techniques and feasibility for control or eradication based on the level of threat each species poses to the native species of the LHIG. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Implement control or eradication techniques where available, feasible and effective. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Investigate control methods for the Arsipoda beetle on Calystegia affinis site on Max Nicholls track. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
If control methods for the Arsipoda beetle are found that are effective and that do not pose a risk to Calystegia affinis, undertake a control program. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Monitor water quality in identified creek lines. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Monitor waste pollution including from the waste generation plant, runoff or aerial dispersal of chemicals/fertilisers used on Golf Course and other grassed areas. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Conduct checks to ensure that septic systems are functioning appropriately. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Investigate options for relocating septic systems away from creek lines. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Investigate options for alternative sewerage management e.g. composting toilets or clean technologies for onsite water treatment. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple High
Enhance positive interaction and reduce negative interactions between humans and the LHI Woodhen. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Low
Promote awareness to residents of Lord Howe Island of the threat to native species posed by Feral Pigeons. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium
Control or eradicate the Feral Pigeon population. Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island Gecko Multiple Medium