Action title
Scientific name
Common name
Type of species
Priority |
Coordinate and support implementation of recovery plan actions. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Integrate actions for this species with those from Threat Abatement Plans and other Recovery Plans occurring in the same locations. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Incorporate recovery actions into DEC reserve Plans of Management, Fire Management Plans and Rehabilitation and Restoration Plans. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Identify areas of potential habitat for the species; ground check these areas for species' potential and prioritise for surveys. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Coordinate and undertake surveys for the species in priority areas identified as potential habitat. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Record habitat details of any newly discovered species' locations; provide this information to owners of land on which these occurences are located. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Undertake research into the genetics and reproductive biology of the species. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
(Germplasm collection and storage) Collect flowering, fruiting and vegetative material of the species from all sub-units of the species and lodge them with the NSW Herbarium. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Undertake trials to determine reproductive techniques for the ex situ propagation and cultivation of the species, and to gather information on the population dynamics of these ex-situ plantings. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Undertake research into the causes of weed invasion and disturbance regimes which favour weed establishment in the species' habitats; identify options to minimise the impacts of these processes, and develop strategies to address these impacts. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Undertake ex-situ trials to determine the impacts on the species of herbicides likely to be used in weed control programs in the species' habitat. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Monitor implementation of recovery actions to ensure that relevant information that may assist in the conservation or management of the species will be utilised in further actions. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Undertake monitoring of sub-units of the species to identify changes in size, distribution and age structure; and to determine whether any identified changes are related to threatening processes and/or to management actions such as weed removal. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Ensure that the species' sub-units and their habitats are considered in land acquisition identification and assessment studies and in determining priorities for acquisition. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
DEC and the Booyong Flora and Fauna Reserve Trust undertake weed control programs targeting the species' habitats in the Andrew Johnston Big Scrub NR and Booyong Flora and Fauna Reserve, and implement strategies to minimise the causes of weed invasion. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Monitor the species' locations at Inner Pocket NR, Mt Warning NP and other DEC estate and, if weed infestations are located, undertake weed control programs targeting the species' habitat and implement strategies to minimise causes of weed invasion. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Exclude domestic stock from Andrew Johnston Big Scrub NR. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Liaise with the owner of Morton's Scrub to identify and, with the consent of the owner, implement options for fencing or otherwise excluding domestic stock from the part of the species' habitat outside the present fence round the remnant. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
DEC and the Booyong Flora and Fauna Reserve Trust will not construct walking tracks within 50m of known locations. They will determine the impacts of human visitation and existing walking tracks on species' locations and minimise these impacts. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Government agencies and other statutory agencies will take into account the habitat requirements of the species and the relevant recovery actions, when planning and implementing weed control and other relevant management programs. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Liaise with owners and managers of locations of the species to discuss and implement, with their agreement, formal voluntary management mechanisms that can implement relevant recovery actions. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Encourage and assist the development and implementation of management plans for the implementation of relevant recovery actions, for locations of the species not part of the DEC estate. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Councils record locations of the species on EP&A Act s.149 Certificates for the relevant properties. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Ensure that relevant recovery actions are considered during any proposed changes to land use planning documents and instruments such as Local Environmental Plans and zonings. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Negotiate with relevant Councils and landowners, and assess whether changes to the zonings of these properties might improve the conservation security of the species on these properties. Support appropriate changes to zonings as supported by landowners. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Liaise with relevant Council Bushfire Risk Management Committees to ensure that relevant Bush Fire Risk Management Plans and associated Plans of Operation take into account relevant recovery actions. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Liaise with the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority to ensure that relevant recovery actions are taken into account in the preparation and implementation of the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority projects. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Finalise and distribute the draft threatened species profile and environmental impact assessment guidelines to relevant consent and determining authorities and to other interested persons and organisations. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Liaise with stakeholders, including relevant gorvernment agencies and landowners of species' locations, to ensure that they are aware of the relevant recovery actions, support them, and implement them where appropriate. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Incorporate information on the species' ecology, conservation and management requirements in relevant educational and publicity material and disseminate. This material includes brochures and advisory/interpretative signage. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Establish live ex-situ collection in collaboration with BGT - all known provenances (conservation collection). |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
Collect and store representative reproductive genetic material from each sub-unit of the species at an appropriately qualified institution. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
If a genetically distinct grouping of the species is threatened with extinction or its habitat is destroyed, consider implementation of a re-introduction or translocation program from appropriate wild or ex-situ sourced genetic material. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |
As the species can be confused with two non-threatened species, prior to the implementation of any management action, plants of the species at that locality examined by an appropriately experienced person to confirm their identity. |
Isoglossa eranthemoides |
Isoglossa |
Plant >
Herbs and Forbs |