Nature conservation

Threatened species

Priority actions by type of threatened species

The Department of Environment and Conservation has prepared a Priorities Action Statement (PAS) to promote the recovery of threatened species and the abatement of key threatening processes in New South Wales.

The Priorities Action Statement identifies a number of broad strategies to help threatened plants and animals recover in New South Wales. Each of these strategies have more specific priority actions within them.

Select an item from the list below to see priority actions for all species of that type.

Type of species

What type of species or threatening process do the priority actions apply to?

Name of species

Name of species or threatening process that the priority actions apply to.

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There are 3 threatened species in New South Wales matching the above criteria which have current Priority action plans. A total of 24 current Priority actions have been identified to help recover these species.
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Action title Scientific
Type of
Eliminate or suppress rabbit populations at key populations. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Negotiate with landholders to prevent development of watering points near key populations. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Establish and maintain herbivore-proof fencing at sites with significant populations. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Conduct surveys to locate further populations. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Use management agreements and incentives on private and leasehold land to manage total grazing pressure through such actions as fencing of populations, removal of artificial water points and feral and native herbivore control. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Clarify taxonomy in collaboration with BGT. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Conduct weed control at key populations and monitor outcomes. Austrostipa metatoris A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Use management agreements and incentives on private and leasehold land to manage total grazing pressure through such actions as fencing of populations, removal of artificial water points and feral and native herbivore control. Austrostipa nullanulla A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Establish and maintain herbivore-proof fencing at sites with significant populations (may have added benefit of preventing accidental damage through other means such as road-maintenance). Austrostipa nullanulla A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Using current records and literature on habitat requirements determine the current distribution and identify areas of potential habitat to undertake survey and management actions. Austrostipa nullanulla A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Undertake an annual monitoring program at both fenced and unfenced locations, to determine the condition of plants and fencing and the effects of management actions. Austrostipa nullanulla A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Undertake studies on the biology, habitat requirements and potential threats on the species, and incorporate results into future management actions. Austrostipa nullanulla A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Eliminate or suppress rabbit populations on selected sites where benefit is assessed as likely . Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Negotiate with landholders to prevent development of watering points near populations. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Fence sites where feasible or discourage access of herbivores. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Monitor mining proposals in the vicinity and ameliorate potential damage. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Collect seed for NSW Seedbank. Develop collection program in collaboration with BGT - multiple provenances. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Investigate seed viability, germination, dormancy and longevity (in natural environment and in storage). Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Verify old records and conduct surveys in region to detect further populations. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Resolve taxonomic confusion at western sites where there are past and recent records. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Monitor fenced areas to determine differential impact of herbivore species and relative benefits of fence designs. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Clarify taxonomy in collaboration with BGT. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High
Conduct weed control at 5 selected sites and monitor benefit. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs Medium
Identify two targeted populations (per year over initial three years) and focus recovery actions there, applying adaptive management strategies to determine and ameliorate threats. Austrostipa wakoolica A spear-grass Plant > Herbs and Forbs High